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  1. C

    ok, here's one for you guys

    i have lunch from work everyday at 12:30 and i always drive home because it's only 5 min from work. i have to drive by a private school to get to my house and since the start of the school year i have been noticing that at that time is when the kids have recess and this amazing looking young...
  2. C

    "not in the mood"

    so im with my gf and we're starting to get pretty sexual in fact we start having sex and she's pretty wet whichs indicates she's having a good time. i start noticing it's harder for me to get her to reach an orgasm than usual, after a switch of positions to her riding me, she stops about 2 mins...
  3. C

    Her ex is doing all the right things

    Good points. I just feel that if he in fact did just move on quickly and his neglegence from it is coming off as the "right things" that she'll act on them in terms of trying to get him or his attention back. What then?
  4. C

    Her ex is doing all the right things

    1. Acting completely indifferent (according to her he is towards everything) 2. Tells me he never says he misses her or tries contact, ignores her attempts or is real brief. 3. Found out he's dating someone already. Number 3 really bothered her she told me that he should be sad because...
  5. C

    PROBLEM: really messing up everything i know

    Thanks guys I feel better about this today. This almost discourages me towards relationships, knowing any guy could say the right attraction building elements and swoon a girl (how I got this one from her now ex bf ha) Any tips on preventing that?
  6. C

    PROBLEM: really messing up everything i know

    here's the quick run down. been dating a girl who is about 2 inches taller than me so her over all physique is a bit bigger than mine. this has always been a fun way for the both of us to bust on each other (makes good sexual tension) problem - i have a friend who is really crushing on this...
  7. C

    When a girl says ''all u want is sex..."

    "OMG you saw my christmas list?? i meant to edit that to say "i only want sex in the morning" so don't pass judgement just yet" wink and change subject.
  8. C

    Simple and effective opener?

    That's not bad. Seems harmless enough, you should after that add something like "well... I immediately regret this (shaking head in downwards position)" Then smile say oh I'm just kidding as you place your hand on her shoulder, let off and say "I don't regret it I actually knew itd be a...
  9. C

    Official MySpace Thread - How to pick up girls

    Everyone take a look at this thread, might be useful.
  10. C

    a sign of DJ growth?

    That's the thing. I get those reactions but then immediately after they totally change and become so much more receptive and easy to talk to. Almost as though they melted in your hand. Which is why I made this thread, to state how by my experience I've noticed how typical most guys are that...
  11. C

    how do you avoid personal questions?

    You tell her that if she stops acting like a little girl, you just might buy her some ice cream... Double scoop if she's lucky.
  12. C

    a sign of DJ growth?

    I'm being ****y/funny, brushing off their tests, saying what they're not expecting me to for example "a lot of guys look at me as a sex object" Me - "really? Me too! Wow what a small world ;)" I guess they're expecting something like "really? Those dirty guys, I can see right through...
  13. C

    ok ok MYSPACE people here's the deal

    Thanks a lot man.
  14. C

    a sign of DJ growth?

    No thoughts?
  15. C

    ok ok MYSPACE people here's the deal

    Sure you could use physique and pics to show it off. But this tip is more universal for not ALL girls are into guys with an impressive build.
  16. C

    ok ok MYSPACE people here's the deal

    don't go spamming, you'll only catch bait that's sub par. the best method i have tried/tested/and am now reporting is this. besides the obvious of having good pics up. AND I DONT MEAN PICS THAT MAKE YOU LOOK "HOT", i'm talking about pictures that add mysterious excitement to your life, makes...
  17. C

    a sign of DJ growth?

    ok so after i started applying the methods of this site and tips of various people it slowly began to click and come together mentally enough that its 85% my natural demeanor now. here's what i've been getting as responses from every single girl that has talked to me upon my new profound...
  18. C

    i've gained a reputation with girls

    Haha I'm not a virgin. I tend to get with girls outside my dating circle and living radius where people aren't so familiar with each other even by faces. This is why I found it peculiar I'd have that rep around here. I also don't know what to think of it pertaining to how girls view guys as...
  19. C

    i've gained a reputation with girls

    i was speaking to a girl and during one of our conversations she said "i've heard about you, that you're a flirt" she wouldnt say anymore about it
  20. C

    i've gained a reputation with girls

    i never ask any girl out from around here, and all the guys they know from the area are losers who sugar coat their feelings.