PROBLEM: really messing up everything i know


Senior Don Juan
Jun 29, 2007
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here's the quick run down.

been dating a girl who is about 2 inches taller than me so her over all physique is a bit bigger than mine. this has always been a fun way for the both of us to bust on each other (makes good sexual tension)

problem - i have a friend who is really crushing on this girl, tells me they could be ideal partners for their compatibility physically ie height, size, skin complection, they even have vegetarianism as a commonality.

she has met him before through me and i've even suggested them dating as a joke and carried it on many times as a laughing matter to myself, for some odd reason it has begun to bother me.

i now question the possibility of them dating because of the vanity commonalities they possess that she picks on me for lacking. also he hangs around me a lot so he has somewhat developed my way of talking to girls to build attraction, all this makes me almost worried they could hit it off if they start talking.

i need some good solid advice to diffuse my thoughts about this and get me back on the course of action i was on when i got her. please help!


Don Juan
Nov 27, 2007
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help them get together and tell her to help you find somene...unless she's not superficial. many sucessful couples have little in common and having similar interests and whatnot isn't a gurantee of a sucessful relationship, it just means they'd prob make good friends. I, for one, am quite different from my gf but am glad she knows males more like her than myself.


Master Don Juan
Oct 11, 2005
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1. For god's sake man get a better friend's selection process going in your life. I am a loyal friend to every friend I have ever had and would never ever not EVER go after one of my buddies girlfriends even if she displayed interest in me nor would I fvck with my buddies mind making him think I would do such a thing. Get friends like me not a friend like this guy.

2. Talk to this idiot and tell him your concerns, tell him to cut this sh!t out and if he laughs you off laugh that sumb!tch right out of your life. He might tell the girl this and try to turn her against you with it so he can make his move but tell the girl he outright said he was going for her which is the reason you ended your friendship with him. You have to cut this guy off anyway possible and if it has to be with a lie so be it. You wouldn't be in this position had you had a better friend selection process.

3. Don't listen to steve's entire post...part of it is good...the first part isn't...don't help this guy get your girlfriend as that is fvcking nuts...batsh!t insane even...if he's not a loser he can go get his own goddamned don't depend on a friend for a fvcking depend on them for friendship and hope that they'll lift you up when you're down with help but helping them get a girlfriend...your girlfriend just doesn't qualify as help that they need...being a buddy's wingman and helping him get his own girlfriend is fine but giving him yours is just fvcking stupid and shows he can walk all over you and that you don't respect yourself...the second part of what Steve said is fine though as its true that simply having the same interests does not guarantee a relationship's success. There are many factors to having a successful relationship aside from that although that isn't necessary either as the old phrase opposite's attract also rings true.

Anyway yeah to sum up...choose better friends from now on...and for god's sake don't give this idiot your girlfriend...Jesus man what would anyone be thinking who would do that? That is beyond dumb.

Well that is unless a guy didn't really care about his current girlfriend and was looking to get rid of her which you don't seem to be doing.

tryst type

Master Don Juan
Oct 13, 2007
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Thanks kontroller for all that but I'm not nor was thinking about giving her away.

I was lookin for advice on how to stop myself from thinking its going to happen/that they're a better match than her and I.

This is all stemming from the fact that he thinks she's attractive/cool and her jokes about my smaller physique (which is fine I call her a big monster etc to make light of it) compared to hers which in my head he'd be more to her liking.


Master Don Juan
Oct 11, 2005
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Er you have two different sosuave accounts?

LOL, talk about surprises.

Anyway I guess to stop yourself from thinking all this remind yourself of who she is with currently, namely that being you.

If she wanted a guy the size of your friend she would be with a guy the size of your friend and not you.

Follow me?

Its clearly not important to her the size of the package but how you use it lmao and of course I'm referring to your personality, body, voice everything that makes you, you...that is what she's attracted to currently and if she leaves you for your friend it will have nothing to do with physique and everything to do with him getting in her ear and playing on her emotions like any guy who steals a chick from someone else does.


Master Don Juan
Apr 18, 2007
Reaction score
Basicly, to put this short and sweet. Take that idea out of your head. Second, always watch your girls actions. Third, if your really worried about your friend stabbing you in the back talk to him. Or check you girl depending on who your more worried about. Finally, you just gotta be the better Don Juan than, the other guy.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 29, 2007
Reaction score
Thanks guys I feel better about this today.

This almost discourages me towards relationships, knowing any guy could say the right attraction building elements and swoon a girl (how I got this one from her now ex bf ha)

Any tips on preventing that?


Master Don Juan
Apr 18, 2007
Reaction score
cNfny said:
Thanks guys I feel better about this today.

This almost discourages me towards relationships, knowing any guy could say the right attraction building elements and swoon a girl (how I got this one from her now ex bf ha)

Any tips on preventing that?
Preventing what? Another guy swooping your girl? Like I said; YOU need to be the better Don Juan than everyone else. If you would like some tips in keeping her for awhile I made a thread about this. Here is the link if you would like to read...


Senior Don Juan
Jun 2, 2007
Reaction score
Deep South
Your insecure. It sucks, but it happens.

If your friend is really busting on wanting your broad, **** him...he is a snake and not a friend no matter what his qualities are.

One way I combat my insecurities is when I date a woman for a month or so...I wait for the right time of course, but I tell her outright: "If you THINK you can do better than me, don't **** with my head and lie, be honest because I don't have the time or energy to mess with a bunch of a bull**** high school drama." I say it ****y like I'm the catch and I could careless if they left me or not. It gets a weird response, had women grab my hand and squeeze and stare at me with big puppy eyes...then again it has started big arguments. In MY experience the broads that flip out are the ones that you have to keep your eye on and they are offended because they are roped off.
Of course it isn't like I would be care free if a woman left me for someone, but I just set the ground rules early on and if they start getting out of bounds hanging out and partying with other peeps...I have an easy out, "I told you that I..." then I can hang up and feel justified since I set the rules.

Anyhow- I'm not a casual dater, I'm just a guy looking for a LTR and weeding through all the crazy ones. So it works for me :)