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  1. B

    Life changer

    yes i saw, and she used to be poly till she fell for me.
  2. B

    Life changer

    she was not sleeping with other men lol, that was just background from were we were both coming from. she had no time to be with other men was with me like 24/7 for a while. i saw preg test and i could tell she was we got 5 weekd in until misscarriage. went to doctor too with her
  3. B

    Life changer

    hey thanks all OP, she was not lying to me about severe allergy or tubes tied i have been to doctor several times with her already, went into it know she was poly but at the time she has been seeing me she was not seeing anyone else. Poly to her though means seeing like one other person as a...
  4. B

    Life changer

    she dosent want anymore kids she has 2 already, shes crying about it most of the time shes as upset as me at this point.
  5. B

    Life changer

    I cant take it out on her either by leaving her alone with child?
  6. B

    Life changer

    Hey so basically ive been doing great at the DJ game amazing acually. I met this amazing girl and really hit it off well. But then I find out shes 34years old, I am 20. She looks like shes 25! She is polyamourous but I want to be monogomans now even though I wouldent nornmally commit to one...
  7. B

    how many # closes you did this month?

    donno maybe 6-10? dont really keep track only keep track of stuff that goes anywhere, I dont call all of them either. but on the lay side of things 3 this month, 2 of which ive added to my entourage of girls im seeing
  8. B

    I'm too cute

    i have a similar problem, i do get my fair share but i get the "cute" from girls alot more then anything. just last night a fer older older girls maybe in 30's walked up to me and both kissed me on the cheek saying how adorable i am..... im 5'6" and 20 and i look like im 15 apparently. i can get...
  9. B

    friendzone after f-close

    well went on 2nd date with her went well, k-closed. but now i saw the other guy asked her out i guess, wow did it to music and gave her flowers... she posted it on her facebook how he did it, honesly not what i woulda done bit too AFC for me.. guys pretty loserish too.. i dont "ask girl to...
  10. B

    friendzone after f-close

    well went on 2nd date with her went well, k-closed. but now i saw the other guy asked her out i guess, wow did it to music and gave her flowers... she posted it on her facebook how he did it, honesly not what i woulda done bit too AFC for me.. guys pretty loserish too.. i dont "ask girl to...
  11. B

    do you guys add your gfs to facebook?

    donno if i mentioned but i took almost everything out of my profile, it used to be nerdy, but now i have like 5 good recent pics, took a long time to untag and delete everything. basic basic info not even my relationship status is on their. i did this with alot of things because of a physcology...
  12. B

    do you guys add your gfs to facebook?

    ya i know i used to be like that, its not like we are doing math here, their is no one right way or a specific formula, being dj is more like art
  13. B

    do you guys add your gfs to facebook?

    yes, i have next to nothing on my profile and am friends with tons of girls that allways post on my stuff, so makes em more interested and they cant creep it to get more info on me, im not on their at all to chat with em though.
  14. B

    Does being an Alpha mean you should be less funny??

    i just wrote this as a response here check it out.
  15. B

    DJ humor

    i wrote this in response to a post but i feel its a good tip for everyone. also sorry my spelling sucks.. humor is a major cornerstone of my game. AFC humor otherwise know as low status humor and DJ humor are different. yes you can still be funny and the life of the party and have all your...
  16. B

    What every skinny guy should know...

    what ever happened to pook anyways?
  17. B

    Can being to attractive ruin your chance with girls.

    fuglydude, im not gay and even i wanna do you jeezzz!!!! l i get told alot that im pretty attractive and i noticed once i became more self confident is chicks weren't ignoring like i used to think, they were just shy, i wouldn't say im swimming in pus*y, but i have my share of 6-8's that i...
  18. B

    friendzone after f-close

    hey, so this is something new i encountered a bit recently found it really odd. Well took this girl i met online out on a date f-closed on first date. then i try to ask he out to second date and she is reluctant. she sent me this long message saying how shes really into this other guy but...
  19. B

    Saw this killer article on another website - On a survey of women

    ive run into this alot, ive seen my wingmate (big guy) realize this and become the *******, where as i strive to be a DJ. but being the DJ, is a harder road and takes more skill, more self actualization. Im not just spouting bull****, if getting laid is all u guys care about here is my...
  20. B

    Where did you meet the last five girls you slept with?

    haha i don't take classes anymore ( im too good a dancer), i DJ/set up sound equipment so i get in for free, and its a dance lesson then social dance. mostly its swing dancing, subdivided into, blues ,west and east coast, and lindy hop. i meet lots of girls their that are university aged or...