Don Juan
Have you ever been curious as to what women find most attractive about a guy? I wanted to hear from the mouths of several beautiful women what their opinions were on what is attractive, so I came up with 9 questions that are the most common for guys to ask.
What are the 3 most attractive qualities you look for in a guy?
What can a guy do that makes a GOOD first impression
How do you define a “confident male?”
What is the most unattractive quality in a guy?
Do you prefer a dominate man or a submissive man when it comes to sex
Is it important that the guy you are with is confidence when it comes to sex? Why
How important is confidence in the guy you are with/like (Scale of 1-10 and why)
How important is their looks (Scale of 1-10)
If you were to offer dating advice to a guy what ONE tip would you give them
The age range of girls that I polled was 19-29 and I sent these questions out to them and asked them to be 100% open and honest.
According to women THE MOST attractive qualities are.
The women that took part in this survey were VERY consistent in their answers. None of the women knew each other but every woman who took this survey listed 1 of the 3 qualities they find attractive as confidence. Guy’s have heard for a long time now that confidence is a very important quality to possess but a lot of them cannot answer why confidence is so attractive. Furthermore they cannot tell you how to bring about confidence. Some guys give the “fake it till you make it” advice when it comes to confidence but women are perceptive and they can spot a fake confidence a mile away.
Other traits that women listed to be amongst the most attractive are: a good sense of humor (ranked very high), honesty and a good personality. These were the traits that women found to be THE MOST attractive qualities a man can possess.
Women think that a good first impression should include.
It’s often said you never get a second chance to make a first impression. I wanted to ask women what makes a good first impression and the results might surprise you. One woman said,
“Don’t be too obvious and invasive, I like to know that a guy is attracted to me via subtle hints or a tasteful compliment, but focused more on getting to know me if there is a spark between us. I like to know that any initial attention I receive from a guy during and after meeting him is based off of my personality and our conversations.”
This is interesting because most guys go into a conversation with a woman from a place of insecurity and fear of rejection. This woman suggestion that subtly and tasteful compliments make a good impression. She also mentions finding out if there is a spark between them. From my perceptive, I believe that this girl is saying be playful (subtle and tasteful compliments), but also see if there is a connection. Guys, generating attraction isn’t something you do…. Attraction is something you are. I believe ultimately this girl is saying the “spark” she is after is an emotional response to something. Let’s face it not all guys give women positive emotional responses. Let’s see what other women had to say about first impressions. Most women polled said they want a guy to make them laugh and be fun. One women said,
“make me laugh, indirectly pay attention to me.”
I have said for a long time that fun is the ultimate attractor for women. Women want to laugh and have fun and when you can do that it leaves a positive first impression. This doesn’t mean you need to be a standup comedian but it does show confidence to display your personality.
How Women Define a “Confident Male”.
Guys struggle to define a confidence male, so for this question I wanted the girls to try and define it. Since they ranked confidence as such an attractive feature let’s see what they had to say about it.
“Confidence is most obvious to me through body language. Especially when a guy is around other guys/in a group is when I can tell if they are confident with themselves or have something to prove”
This woman said that confidence is most obvious through body language. Here she is saying there is a visual component to confidence. She also goes on to say that when a guy is around other guys she can tell if they are confidence or if they have something to prove. This insinuates there is another component to confidence as well. Women are very perceptive and if you are displaying arrogance rather than confidence it obviously hurts you. Another woman said,
“Someone that knows what he wants and knows his self worth”
I often define confidence as the value that you place on yourself. Value broken down is the relative worth or importance you place on something. This woman is 100% correct in her definition of a confident male. These traits that women define as “confident” are right on and guys need to learn how to display them from an authentic place or they will miss out on the most attractive trait a guy can have.
Women Think That The Most Unattractive Trait is.
Without a doubt every woman said the most unattractive trait is… Arrogance. Arrogance is often confused for confidence when it comes to guys and so it is vital that guys understand the difference between the two traits. Arrogance will push women away and confidence will create attraction. Women also mentioned that being over sexual in your comments is unattractive as well. I agree, I think being playful and sexual in your comments while the woman is attracted to you is positive and not what this girl was talking about. Far too often guys will come on strong and turn things sexual before the woman is even attracted to the guy and this will come across as “creepy” and believe me guys, the LAST thing in the world you want to hear is the word “creepy.”
Do Women Prefer A Dominant or Submissive Man In Bed.
Think you know the answer? Out of all the women polled, every woman said both. A lot of times guys get the “idea” that all women want to be dominated. They mistake the word domination for control and they are two very different things. Sex takes on different phases in a relationship and it evolves over time, this is why I believe women said both.
Do women Think Confidence is Important When it Comes to Sex?
Answer? A resounding YES. Every woman added that it is important that the guy is open to new things and new experiences. Confidence should not be mistaken for perfection. Guys don’t need to be perfect at something but they should be confidence and open to new things. One woman added,
“If they don't really know what they're doing, they should be confident enough to laugh it off or be honest”
Confidence is not about being god’s gift to women; let’s face it I already have that covered. In all seriousness, confidence is about being able to say I am not perfect but I am going to do my best to make this an experience we both enjoy. It takes a real man to admit their flaws and then improve on them.
How Important is Confidence to Women?
I asked the women polled to rate how important confidence is in the guy they are with from a scale of 1-10. Collecting the data the average of all the women together was 9 out of 10. Women had a lot to say when it came to this question. One woman said,
“confidence is sexy, I don't want to keep having to reassure someone that I like them or that their shirt looks fine.”
Knowing that confidence is that important to women as a trait they need in a guy, it’s something that guys should spend a lot more time on.
How Important is Physical Appearance to Women?
Again, I asked on a scale of 1-10 and averaging up their totals equaled a 6.5. Notice that confidence ranked a 9 and physical appearance a 6.5. One woman said,
“I realized that people I thought were like a 10 on the sexy scale are actually the dumbest men on earth.”
Physical appearance ranked slightly above average and the answers really varied from woman to woman. The important thing to note is that confidence is significantly more attractive than physical appearance when it comes to how women define attraction. This is not to negate physical appearance altogether but it shows that while physical appearance may get you in the door, personality traits keep you there.
Dating Tips From Women.
Finally, I asked women what is one tip they would give a guy when it comes to girls. Here is what they had to say:
“Please don’t act like you are God’s gift to the world. Girls like confidence but they also want someone approachable and fun. ****y is NOT attractive. If you talk too much about yourself you’re overcompensating for something and you’re not really that confident in yourself.”
“Challenge her. If you act like her doormat, you only have yourself to blame when the relationship becomes resentful.”
This is why having self confidence is so important. The guy who respects and values himself will stand up for himself.
Final Thoughts…
As we can see, confidence is very attractive to women, arrogance is the most unattractive trait and physical appearance while important isn’t the thing that sustains or grows attraction. At the end of the day from all the results I got it I sat back with a clear picture of the traits women want. Women want authenticity in the men they are with. Men think they need to be tuff or cool or fit into a stereotype to be accepted by women but the irony is self confidence is a belief in the authentic you and that is the most attractive quality for women. Pick up lines, routines and perfect bodies are not the answers to attracting women.
If you want to attract women, be attractive to yourself.
What are the 3 most attractive qualities you look for in a guy?
What can a guy do that makes a GOOD first impression
How do you define a “confident male?”
What is the most unattractive quality in a guy?
Do you prefer a dominate man or a submissive man when it comes to sex
Is it important that the guy you are with is confidence when it comes to sex? Why
How important is confidence in the guy you are with/like (Scale of 1-10 and why)
How important is their looks (Scale of 1-10)
If you were to offer dating advice to a guy what ONE tip would you give them
The age range of girls that I polled was 19-29 and I sent these questions out to them and asked them to be 100% open and honest.
According to women THE MOST attractive qualities are.
The women that took part in this survey were VERY consistent in their answers. None of the women knew each other but every woman who took this survey listed 1 of the 3 qualities they find attractive as confidence. Guy’s have heard for a long time now that confidence is a very important quality to possess but a lot of them cannot answer why confidence is so attractive. Furthermore they cannot tell you how to bring about confidence. Some guys give the “fake it till you make it” advice when it comes to confidence but women are perceptive and they can spot a fake confidence a mile away.
Other traits that women listed to be amongst the most attractive are: a good sense of humor (ranked very high), honesty and a good personality. These were the traits that women found to be THE MOST attractive qualities a man can possess.
Women think that a good first impression should include.
It’s often said you never get a second chance to make a first impression. I wanted to ask women what makes a good first impression and the results might surprise you. One woman said,
“Don’t be too obvious and invasive, I like to know that a guy is attracted to me via subtle hints or a tasteful compliment, but focused more on getting to know me if there is a spark between us. I like to know that any initial attention I receive from a guy during and after meeting him is based off of my personality and our conversations.”
This is interesting because most guys go into a conversation with a woman from a place of insecurity and fear of rejection. This woman suggestion that subtly and tasteful compliments make a good impression. She also mentions finding out if there is a spark between them. From my perceptive, I believe that this girl is saying be playful (subtle and tasteful compliments), but also see if there is a connection. Guys, generating attraction isn’t something you do…. Attraction is something you are. I believe ultimately this girl is saying the “spark” she is after is an emotional response to something. Let’s face it not all guys give women positive emotional responses. Let’s see what other women had to say about first impressions. Most women polled said they want a guy to make them laugh and be fun. One women said,
“make me laugh, indirectly pay attention to me.”
I have said for a long time that fun is the ultimate attractor for women. Women want to laugh and have fun and when you can do that it leaves a positive first impression. This doesn’t mean you need to be a standup comedian but it does show confidence to display your personality.
How Women Define a “Confident Male”.
Guys struggle to define a confidence male, so for this question I wanted the girls to try and define it. Since they ranked confidence as such an attractive feature let’s see what they had to say about it.
“Confidence is most obvious to me through body language. Especially when a guy is around other guys/in a group is when I can tell if they are confident with themselves or have something to prove”
This woman said that confidence is most obvious through body language. Here she is saying there is a visual component to confidence. She also goes on to say that when a guy is around other guys she can tell if they are confidence or if they have something to prove. This insinuates there is another component to confidence as well. Women are very perceptive and if you are displaying arrogance rather than confidence it obviously hurts you. Another woman said,
“Someone that knows what he wants and knows his self worth”
I often define confidence as the value that you place on yourself. Value broken down is the relative worth or importance you place on something. This woman is 100% correct in her definition of a confident male. These traits that women define as “confident” are right on and guys need to learn how to display them from an authentic place or they will miss out on the most attractive trait a guy can have.
Women Think That The Most Unattractive Trait is.
Without a doubt every woman said the most unattractive trait is… Arrogance. Arrogance is often confused for confidence when it comes to guys and so it is vital that guys understand the difference between the two traits. Arrogance will push women away and confidence will create attraction. Women also mentioned that being over sexual in your comments is unattractive as well. I agree, I think being playful and sexual in your comments while the woman is attracted to you is positive and not what this girl was talking about. Far too often guys will come on strong and turn things sexual before the woman is even attracted to the guy and this will come across as “creepy” and believe me guys, the LAST thing in the world you want to hear is the word “creepy.”
Do Women Prefer A Dominant or Submissive Man In Bed.
Think you know the answer? Out of all the women polled, every woman said both. A lot of times guys get the “idea” that all women want to be dominated. They mistake the word domination for control and they are two very different things. Sex takes on different phases in a relationship and it evolves over time, this is why I believe women said both.
Do women Think Confidence is Important When it Comes to Sex?
Answer? A resounding YES. Every woman added that it is important that the guy is open to new things and new experiences. Confidence should not be mistaken for perfection. Guys don’t need to be perfect at something but they should be confidence and open to new things. One woman added,
“If they don't really know what they're doing, they should be confident enough to laugh it off or be honest”
Confidence is not about being god’s gift to women; let’s face it I already have that covered. In all seriousness, confidence is about being able to say I am not perfect but I am going to do my best to make this an experience we both enjoy. It takes a real man to admit their flaws and then improve on them.
How Important is Confidence to Women?
I asked the women polled to rate how important confidence is in the guy they are with from a scale of 1-10. Collecting the data the average of all the women together was 9 out of 10. Women had a lot to say when it came to this question. One woman said,
“confidence is sexy, I don't want to keep having to reassure someone that I like them or that their shirt looks fine.”
Knowing that confidence is that important to women as a trait they need in a guy, it’s something that guys should spend a lot more time on.
How Important is Physical Appearance to Women?
Again, I asked on a scale of 1-10 and averaging up their totals equaled a 6.5. Notice that confidence ranked a 9 and physical appearance a 6.5. One woman said,
“I realized that people I thought were like a 10 on the sexy scale are actually the dumbest men on earth.”
Physical appearance ranked slightly above average and the answers really varied from woman to woman. The important thing to note is that confidence is significantly more attractive than physical appearance when it comes to how women define attraction. This is not to negate physical appearance altogether but it shows that while physical appearance may get you in the door, personality traits keep you there.
Dating Tips From Women.
Finally, I asked women what is one tip they would give a guy when it comes to girls. Here is what they had to say:
“Please don’t act like you are God’s gift to the world. Girls like confidence but they also want someone approachable and fun. ****y is NOT attractive. If you talk too much about yourself you’re overcompensating for something and you’re not really that confident in yourself.”
“Challenge her. If you act like her doormat, you only have yourself to blame when the relationship becomes resentful.”
This is why having self confidence is so important. The guy who respects and values himself will stand up for himself.
Final Thoughts…
As we can see, confidence is very attractive to women, arrogance is the most unattractive trait and physical appearance while important isn’t the thing that sustains or grows attraction. At the end of the day from all the results I got it I sat back with a clear picture of the traits women want. Women want authenticity in the men they are with. Men think they need to be tuff or cool or fit into a stereotype to be accepted by women but the irony is self confidence is a belief in the authentic you and that is the most attractive quality for women. Pick up lines, routines and perfect bodies are not the answers to attracting women.
If you want to attract women, be attractive to yourself.