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  1. B

    Where did you meet the last five girls you slept with?

    Craigslist? do you like msg girls ads or make you own ad? me : Dance Class Old aquanince said hi to me on facebook ONS met at pub went home with her same night Dance Class Dance Class
  2. B

    Post Your NYE Succes Stories

    well best new years i've ever had! I planned something with this girl 'ive had as a FB recently, (she knows i have other plates diden't tell her its implied). Got tickets for a club and a hotel reservation all walking distance. She paid for everything and my drinks that night, i just had to...
  3. B

    Vancouver, BC

  4. B

    The importance of small details

    were you feeling high when you wrote this??
  5. B

    What are your sexual preferences?

    what is the point of this thread, shouldn't we be learning what the hot girls sexual prefences are not other men??
  6. B

    You guys won't believe what just HAPPEND! Got Slapped.

    sounds like you lost your cool a bit, imo i always try to just play it cool, and never get into a heated argument with a girl or guy for that matter. If its a friend and were discussing or arguing about something that different. Its better i find to either state a point right away calm and...
  7. B

    Vancouver, BC

  8. B

    What was it like?

    I'm here and started clubbing in this era and I'm wishing I was around for the times you guys are talking about, it sounds more fun, now when I go out its not so much fun as It is work, its draining I'm up agaist roid monkey guys and speech dosent even play a part in clubs, my image dose, I feel...
  9. B

    What is your success rate with women?

    1 to every 10s not bad, i feel like mines more like 1 for every 100 girls i meet
  10. B

    How do I create interest/attraction with women I have nothing in common with?

    She was wearing a zelda shirt! Run with that. As a mentor I met once told me, gotta be like a ninja allways aware of your sorroundings generate humor or comments based on what's around you.
  11. B

    confidence, the golden key (and masturbation)

    i find when i dont masturbate im better with girls and more confident. better with all kinds of girls and people in general.
  12. B

    Condoms ruin sex..

    they need top finish devloping that male birth control that drops ur sperm count to zero
  13. B

    3 step ladder to the glory--that you can implement immediately, NOW

    Ima stop wacking it, and to the ubove poster, what?
  14. B

    Feeling gulity or shameful

    hmm dident think about it like that, thanks!
  15. B

    Feeling gulity or shameful

    Now ive really started to approch more and getting rid of anxity. However their was this one girl recently that showed alot of interest in me and was flirting alot with her and being sexual, she was teaseing me about how it was "unfair" and stuff cuz she had a boyfriend. now shes really touchy...
  16. B

    Work/gym game?

    thanks, a few more opinions would be great? maybe from somone who works in sales?
  17. B

    Does My Personal Trainer Know What He's Doing?

    im a PT, this guy dosent sound so great to me, thats not how i would treat my clients. you need more rest between exercises, the muscles do tend to tighten up even with stretching. deadlifts is a big mover and requires alot of secondary satblizer muscles and should be done before somthing like...
  18. B

    Work/gym game?

    So im a personal trainer/ weight room attendant. nice job while i go to school. and i recently got laid off from the gym i was working at, that gym was mostly guys and body buliders and stuff. Then i got hired at a huge rec center the city operates. I was walking around cleaning the bikes the...
  19. B

    More good profile examples Please

    maybe somone could look at my profile, im not having anyluck. and i comment on somtime on the chicks profile and hardley get any messages back. I hvae more luck in RL
  20. B

    Wit and mental freezing!

    haha 2nd that, dont think that ment you to just stop, you should have instead isolated her.