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  1. B

    FR:Found out she has BF, persued anyways

    Alright so I saw her tinight and basically just emphised the fact that we are only friends, my moms strict and I'm not allowed girls over I'm sleeping with, and she wanted to watch this movie with me and" I'm like come over to my place and we can watch it", she says somthing along the lines of...
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    FR:Found out she has BF, persued anyways

    Well i have sworn off anything exclusive with anyone till im much older, girls this age i have found are very fikle anyways. Update on this ive decided i should probly LJBF her cuz she might have hot friends. Also i was at this party i previously invited her to and she was "busy" so she...
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    Canadian girls?

    come to vancouver! we can go clubbin
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    FR:Found out she has BF, persued anyways

    So I meet this girl get her number and give her a call. Date one i took her to the fair was pretty fun we went for a walk by the ocean after. I failed to K-close but she dident give me oppurtunity i also escallated kino well. Now before this date she texted me saying "this isent a date right?"...
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    Date from hb8

    Hey so great progress of late! Sarging and everything has been amazing, got this one girls number called her she was busy for my first date set up but accepted my second option of a monday to go to the fair. Now i never called it a "date" i just said "lets get together" and etc. she texts...
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    So, why does she decline to choose?

    i dont have an answer but wrong forum? should be in DJ disscussion.
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    Dealing with being pissed off

    haha nice one, but no, usually i dont get pissed but this just annoyed me. especially cause i dont know her well, its the equvilant of a stranger coming up to you and bluntly insulting you. But i wasent as bad as mel in my response, went more alonr the lines of " perhaps you should trust your...
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    Dealing with being pissed off

    sorry for the double post guys, could a mod delete one, dunno why it did that... i did not do this intentionally
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    Dealing with being pissed off

    Hey so my friend invited me down to this motorsport event we go to every year, and i brought my other buddy too, had a good time gamed chicks, good photos, now today I get a message from friend #1's girlfriend basically freaking out at me for apparently forcing him to come with me and making hit...
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    Vancouver Canada, 19th Birthday

    Hey everyone, So coming up this October is my 19th birthday. the club scene and whatnot will be a whole new ball game for me, I'm looking for someone who already knows the spots to go and has some connections. Anyone in the Vancouver area willing to take on a young DJ and show him the...
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    Man Series Part 1: Become Fearless

    Hey donno if anyones a rock fan here, but this is an awsome song that if you listen to the lyrics ,kinda goes good with this. cept not the video really...
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    She said three big words, now what?

    i actually have a similar situation here, i think Ive heard the girl i'm seeing say those words to me but like nervously so i wasn't sure if i heard her right..., btw whats a good response to that? i just pretended like i dident hear her. she also keeps saying she wants to ask me something...
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    how to transition to dating?

    sweet thanks guys, i usually just try to play it cool and am, but then i start to overthink things and screw myself over, so thanks for letting me know im still on the right path!
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    Just because you have a goalie doesn't mean I cant score

    "Just because you have a goalie doesn't mean I cant score" something a buddy of mine heard or came up with. tell me if i'm repeating something from here btw. response to Girl: "I have a bf" types of or related lines. Good, Bad, field test worthy? I haven't had the opportunity to use...
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    how to transition to dating?

    so ive been seeing this one girl for a while month or so, and we been hanging out going on dates, having lots of sex. but for all intents and purposes i don't refer to her as my "gf" and she dosent refer to me as her "bf" she keeps hinting she wants a relationship and whatnot, but she hasn't...
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    Hand holding

    Not really a big tip, might have been posted before and I never read it but this is just something Ive noticed. When holding hand with a girl hold it with your hand infront, as in your arm is in front of hers if she is beside you. Gives the subliminal message that you are the man and you are...
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    cancel on her

    okay well heres FR for how this one went. When i posted this I took a shower then only saw the first few responses. I had previously had plans with my wingmate to go check out this dancing event in langley and he canceled on me last min, so im like hmm... then called that girl in question up...
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    cancel on her

    So got number, phoned, made date, then got this message from her : "So.. My mom texted me today and told me my insurance runs out tonight at midnight. I don't have enough money to reinsure it. I won't be able to get out to Abby ( where i live) on Sunday. :( I feel really bad, I don't really...
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    What accent is sexiest?
