Been clubbing for a while now, and over the years I’ve noticed some trends in the clubbing scene - none of which bode well for the average guy looking to pull for a one night stand.
Roid monkeys everywhere. 5 years ago you’d see normal guys dressed in conservative button-downs. Now, every club I walk into now feels like the Jersey Shore. Muscle-bound roided up wannabe MMA fighters with short faux hawks and tattoos draped in tight affliction shirts are all over the place at at every club.
More whales. Lots of big girls at clubs these days. With rising obesity rates, it’s not a surprise. But rather than being sweet and pleasant to compensate for their lack of desirable physique, these girls generally exhibit the worst behaviour. They’re also generally loud, aggressive, show fattitude, and are the biggest c*ckblocks – pun intended. Sadly, the widescale (pun intended) prevalence of big girls also artificially inflates the value of the skinny girls. And while fat girls are everywhere, it’s comparatively rare to see a fat guy at a club. Fat girls go to clubs. Fat guys stay home.
Girls on cell phones. The biggest change from 5-8 years ago. Girls constantly texting and messaging each other on their cell phones and blackberries. Open one girl, and the other will pull her blackberry like clockwork to not feel neglected. She’ll shoot a few texts telling her friends where she is, her friends come find her, and soon that 2-set you just opened erupts into a 4-set and then expands into a mixed 6-set. Keeping the attention of 2 ADD club girls in an overly stimulated environment is hard enough as it is – any more and it’s damn near Herculean. Which leads to…
More c*ckblocking. This has always been common, but it’s more dramatic and vicious than ever before. Open a girl and if her friend’s not getting attention, she’ll pull away your girl almost immediately… even if her friend likes you and has a genuine rapport. In the ADD-addled culture of entitlement of today’s woman - she wants attention too, and her needs come first. Which leads to…
Girls night out The most annoying tendency of girls these days – all the girls on “girls nights” there to “just dance with the girls”. These are the gaggles of hens you see in every club dancing exclusively on their own in a circle. Every guy who approaches them is a creep/creepy/creeper and will get shot down. If she dares venture towards dancing with a guy, she will get pulled back into the circle by an overprotective friend trying to “save her”. Running dance floor game is tough because of this and due to…
Loud ****ing music. Clubs have always been loud, but every club today has the volume cranked up at a supersonic scale. This makes any sort of verbal game damn near impossible.
Lack of dancing between men and women. A few years ago it was common to see men dancing with women bumping and grinding. Today it’s rare. What’s most common are women on a “girls night out” dancing in circles amongst themselves with guys leering from the sidelines. There’s hardly any grinding. Part of the reason is the song selection – today fast dance pop is in and it’s not conducive to grinding. 5 years ago snap rap/crunk was all the rage – perfect grinding music and perfect for getting physical escalation going.
Sausagefests. Ratios are more lopsided than I can ever remember.
With all these factors compounded, the general trend today in clubs is away from the one night stand. With girls not respecting guys at all, the prevalence of the shaming terms like “creeper” discouraging guys from approaching, cell phones and texting and the abandonment all social etiquette, and the preponderance of overempowered women on “girls nights”, you wonder if any guy pulls one night stands at clubs today. Is any guy is going home with a girl he met that night at the club these days? All I’m seeing after last call are fights break out between sexually frustrated roid rage douchebags going home alone yet again and not getting any.
Even Assanova, a true player, has commented on the recent death of night game:
A couple of days ago, I said that night game was dead. Of course it isn't, but it is in the worst condition that I've seen it in ever since I first started going to them. What I've noticed, at least in my city, is that the days of just showing up and leaving with a random girl are gone. Before the economy went to ****, and text messaging became cheap, all I had to do was just show up to a bar and I'd easily leave with a girl.
Now things are a little different. When I say that text messaging is a problem, I don't mean that women are just jumping on their cell phones when a guy approaches them. What I am saying is that cheap text messaging has allowed people to only stick with their group of friends.
All of this leads me to believe that girls today go clubbing to seek attention for attention’s sake and not to meet men. Guys, don't waste your time and money at clubs. Game elsewhere.