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  1. H

    Help me, Gentlemen

    I dont see where you get off calling a girl a "fugly" when you obviously arent mr hotshot yourself. You dont have to like her, but please, based on what ive read you dont seem like anything special and you ought to give "fuglies" a try because with that attitude thats all youre going to get.
  2. H

    Age difference

    No, you arent being an "idiot", youre just worrying too much over one girl. Normal, but save yourself some stress and just let her go.
  3. H

    Fighting 101 (feeling less alpha?)

    Exactly what was mentioned a few posts ago. There is not much more to it than learning to hit with DAMAGING power. People like to run their mouth and talk about how much it going to hurt when they hit someone. spare me,please. In a fight with adrenaline rushing/fight with someone drunk or on...
  4. H

    Fighting 101 (feeling less alpha?)

    Unless you can hit as hard as mike tyson (which few men on the planet can) then you should avoid streetfighting altogether.
  5. H

    Men...i offer you words of complete comfort. May this post change your lives:)

    You are definitly half right. What i really think his problem is is that he is lonley, unsuccesful with women, and hateful towards himself so he comes on the internet and puts on some sort of smooth front so we all think hes above everyone. Hes probably a fatbodied crybaby.
  6. H

    Men...i offer you words of complete comfort. May this post change your lives:)

    Yes. i do exceptionally with women. I find it funny how when you try and help people who need it they shoot you down.
  7. H

    Fighting 101 (feeling less alpha?)

    Streetfighting as a whole should be avoided. I have been in advanced boxing classes for a long time now, and while i know boxing is much different than streetfighting, it also shows you what kind of punishment some people can take and deliver. Heres my best advice: To win a fight with most...
  8. H

    Hey guys, I just signed up, I do have a few qestions..

    Sounds like she likes you buddy. Go talk to her like youd talk to a friend. She will respond positivley. I promise.
  9. H

    New to this---Advice needed

    In a perfect world flowers would be a very sweet surpirse, but, unfortunatly, in our world of insecurity and competition it would probably seem weird to her. You have noble intentions, but it probably would not be the proper thing to do.
  10. H

    The desire to cuddle, and other AFC-like urges; natural or unhealthy?

    I cant say much that probably hasnt been said other than if i were you, i would just take more initiative. Be more assertive, and while i may be wrong, you do not seem like the assertive and self-assured type. Dont worry though, those things can be gained:)
  11. H

    What would you have done in this situation?

    Doesnt sound like the type of woman i would want ringing my phone. Consider yourself lucky.
  12. H

    Men...i offer you words of complete comfort. May this post change your lives:)

    (Please note while at first this may come off as a bragging post, it truley is not. Keep reading on and you will see why i mention the things i do first) I am young and as i have been told my whole life, very attractive. For as long as i can remember, especially when i hit my teens, i have...