Men...i offer you words of complete comfort. May this post change your lives:)


May 1, 2007
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(Please note while at first this may come off as a bragging post, it truley is not. Keep reading on and you will see why i mention the things i do first)

I am young and as i have been told my whole life, very attractive. For as long as i can remember, especially when i hit my teens, i have been told i was gorgeous, irresistable etc.

But, i will share something with you: Until a year ago, i didnt do that well with women. Mediocre, sex maybe 3 times a year at best. I was always down because while i was told i was a gorgeous man, i always seemed to be alone. Never understood why, and my being alone only exacerbated things by making me a sap who tried to "Spoil" the women that showed interest in him.

I realized there was nothing wrong with me other than the fact that i went about feeling sorry for myself for a problem that didnt even exist. Women liked me then and always have, and i am MORE than sure they like you too.

About a year ago i realized what i had. Almost overnight i realized how good i looked, and how much i had to offer a woman. IT changed everything. Almost immediatly i was flocked.

Now does this make me special? NO. As i said before, the point of this story was nto to brag, but to show a lot of you guys who might not do so well with women that there very likley is NOTHING wrong with you. Most of you are probably great people who just dont see it in themselves. I know this is cliche but loving yourself truley is the key to being attractive. I dont care how good or bad looking you are, love yourself. Realize youre a great human. Even if you are 600 pounds and have one tooth, you can still be an attractive guy. Dont ever let physical flaws get you down, and if you feel you do have flaws, take a second look at them and wonder if they are really as bad as youre making them out to be. Love yourself, youre probably a great person. A lot of us live our lives feeling down on ourselves for a problem that DOESNT EVEN EXIST. Take a second look at what you find unnatractive about yourself....does the problem even really exist?

Hope this helps.


Master Don Juan
Sep 24, 2006
Reaction score
What I really want to know is - did that realization start getting you LAID or did that make you think good about yourself?


I can LOVE myself so much and still get no p8ssy...


May 1, 2007
Reaction score
Babnik said:
What I really want to know is - did that realization start getting you LAID or did that make you think good about yourself?


I can LOVE myself so much and still get no p8ssy...
Yes. i do exceptionally with women.

I find it funny how when you try and help people who need it they shoot you down.


Master Don Juan
Sep 24, 2006
Reaction score
I always loved myself, but that didn't get me laid.

Not being shy is what gets me women.


May 1, 2007
Reaction score
PlasticSurgeon said:
Its a good point, if you truly think about who you are, your accomplishments, how far you've gotten, the friends you've made, the attention you get, how people you don't even know think so highly of you... you will definitely see how money you are. Not enough people truly love themselves.

And the people who love themselves too much, well actually, these people don't really love themselves at all. When your conceited and arrogant, its just a front to make people think you love yourself when in fact deep down inside you feel like shi1t.
Very, very true.


Master Don Juan
Sep 24, 2006
Reaction score
PlasticSurgeon said:
Its a good point, if you truly think about who you are, your accomplishments, how far you've gotten, the friends you've made, the attention you get, how people you don't even know think so highly of you... you will definitely see how money you are. Not enough people truly love themselves.

And the people who love themselves too much, well actually, these people don't really love themselves at all. When your conceited and arrogant, its just a front to make people think you love yourself when in fact deep down inside you feel like shi1t.

You mean like.... when you truly love yourself, you are not afraid of being humble and nice to people who deserve it. You're great, but you're not too great to ignore people who think of you. You're only a d*ck to those who deserve it.

You're not afraid to help, to come down to other people's level to help them, to make them feel better, and in turn they will think even higher of you.


Mar 19, 2007
Reaction score
Falkland Islands, Florida
Ms Palmer and her five daughters always got it for you. Go on and find a girl to marry, a fat one, who don't care. Your dreams a set, picture perfect for retirement.


Master Don Juan
Sep 24, 2006
Reaction score
djSlvt said:
Ms Palmer and her five daughters always got it for you. Go on and find a girl to marry, a fat one, who don't care. Your dreams a set, picture perfect for retirement.
It appears you think one must hate himself to be successful with women.


May 1, 2007
Reaction score
Babnik said:
It appears you think one must hate himself to be successful with women.
You are definitly half right. What i really think his problem is is that he is lonley, unsuccesful with women, and hateful towards himself so he comes on the internet and puts on some sort of smooth front so we all think hes above everyone. Hes probably a fatbodied crybaby.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 30, 2005
Reaction score
New Orleans
Yea I didnt think I was attractive until i was 17. And now 20 I know Im a good lookin SOB. MAinly because these h0s keep tellin me all the time. And when I walk in the club all the h0s stare at me givin me them bedroom eyes. You know when they look at your face then down then at your face again. Yea that one. I love it. It gives me power over women. I would never say this to any woman or pretty much anyone for that matter bc i dont want to be seen as conceited or ****y. Secretly I am conceited though. And I always admire myself in the mirror. And when things seem like theyre not going good I just look in the mirror and say Youre one good lookin bastard youve got nothin to be worried about. Working out helps tremendously in self confidence. When you take your shirt off around a bunch of girls and they all look then you know youre good.


Master Don Juan
Sep 24, 2006
Reaction score
PlasticSurgeon said:
Babnik, you've got it... you definitely know what I'm talking about, probably because you are this way.
Its tough to keep yourself this way when you find a girl who is a ho and you get "hoed" by her. It creates bitter emotions and if you yourself aren't a man-ho then you feel like you are above these women who all hoes!

And then a nice girl comes about and you treat her like crap because you think she is a ho.

Appearances are very deceptive and often nice girls are hoes and when you see another one you think "Yeah, you look like a nice good girl, but I met ones like you, so you're another HO!"

You just have to calm down and not it affect you. She's a ho, she has no self respect, but YOU DO and a man with self respect will give everyone benefit of the doubt and punish only after screw ups.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 30, 2005
Reaction score
New Orleans
Yea Babnik I know exactly what you mean. My last GF seemed nice but in the end she was just another h0. I knew it because she started bangin some other dude a week after we split. The funny thing is about a year ago I was with this girl that was awesome. She was funny, smart, and beautiful. My only problem was that she was a little chunky. Not fat though just above average. And me being the shallow prick I am didnt give her a chance. I just hit for a while and told her I didnt want a GF(which wasnt true) I look back now and wonder what might have been.


Don Juan
Feb 8, 2006
Reaction score
I don't see how this thread is helpful at all. Just telling us you started loving yourself doesn't tell us anything about the behaviors you changed that made you more successful. Just saying to love yourself isn't even half of the picture.


Master Don Juan
Sep 24, 2006
Reaction score
Yapper said:
I don't see how this thread is helpful at all. Just telling us you started loving yourself doesn't tell us anything about the behaviors you changed that made you more successful. Just saying to love yourself isn't even half of the picture.

It is, because not all of us are after getting laid with random chicks. Some of us are after having a relationship that is meaningful and seeing how all these hoes want just sex, it can be difficult. You keep asking yourself "Is there something wrong with me? I don't want to f*ck random hoes like other dudes? Am I OK?" and the answer is "YES!" Just don't let hoes treat you any less than you deserve.

Sun Tzu

Don Juan
Aug 19, 2006
Reaction score
Halloween, good post. I came ever so close to not reading it fully after glancing at the first line, but it turned out to be just the reminder I needed. Thanks.