What would you have done in this situation?


Don Juan
Feb 16, 2006
Reaction score
Ok today I was walking down a busy street downtown at night when I see 3 girls walking down the street towards me. They were wearing these big belts that had lit up words rolling across a screen on the belt. So trying to read what the belt said on the girl closest to me I basically just stared at the belt while they were still somewhat far away. So when they get closer I look up at the chick and we make EC. I'd put her @ a HB7.5. So anyways the chick says to me "gimme some ****", suprised I start laughing and turn around when they pass, but they just keep walking. Sort of caught me by suprise, and I wasnt sure what to do. What would you have done? Caught back up with her and tried for a number close. I was thinking of going back and not even trying to talk to her, and just being like "ok then give me a number". But like I said caught me by suprise.


May 1, 2007
Reaction score
Popeyes said:
Ok today I was walking down a busy street downtown at night when I see 3 girls walking down the street towards me. They were wearing these big belts that had lit up words rolling across a screen on the belt. So trying to read what the belt said on the girl closest to me I basically just stared at the belt while they were still somewhat far away. So when they get closer I look up at the chick and we make EC. I'd put her @ a HB7.5. So anyways the chick says to me "gimme some ****", suprised I start laughing and turn around when they pass, but they just keep walking. Sort of caught me by suprise, and I wasnt sure what to do. What would you have done? Caught back up with her and tried for a number close. I was thinking of going back and not even trying to talk to her, and just being like "ok then give me a number". But like I said caught me by suprise.
Doesnt sound like the type of woman i would want ringing my phone. Consider yourself lucky.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 18, 2006
Reaction score
What did she actually say? Gimme some *** -- what?

To answer your question, though, I PROBABLY would have been stunned just like you, and I might have felt good that she said something to me (ego boost), but I probably would have cursed myself for not saying anything back. Then again, my confidence HAS been picking up steam, so I'm probably on the borderline.

What I would LIKE to do in that kind of situation is to turn around and say something back to them, just like what you thought of. And if they don't respond, to run and catch up with them and say something like ... "hey, you can't just say something like that and then not back it up.... So what's your name?" Actually, like I said, atm, I'm not too far off feeling like I COULD do something like that. Tell those girls to walk past ME and I'll find out. :D


Don Juan
Feb 16, 2006
Reaction score
Halloween31 said:
Doesnt sound like the type of woman i would want ringing my phone. Consider yourself lucky.
Yea I was thinking a little bit along the same lines as well.

And what she said was gimme some d*i*c*k.