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  1. N

    an idea of why hot girls reject you so much...

    You don't want those two women who are supposedly after you either? What are, gay? That's really the only plausible explanation.
  2. N

    an idea of why hot girls reject you so much...

    Hey, didn't you tell that chick to sit on your dik too? And her response was "That's what your mother's for." Rofl... you're a stud.
  3. N

    i can't go on like this

    I have a soft spot for these type of situations -- I've been there. All I can say is, give it time man. And keep away from this girl. The more you keep seeing her, the more you're going to keep wondering if you'll get back together. You need to remove her from your life. It's really the only...
  4. N

    an idea of why hot girls reject you so much...

    Well then go to those two women who do want you, instead of trying to pillow talk a women who doesn't give a DAMN what you have to say. She kept telling you this and you kept asking her questions like a dork.
  5. N

    an idea of why hot girls reject you so much...

    chance that conversation was weak dude. [2:11:29 PM] chance: a married woman wants me to keep seeing her. i have ignored her. [2:11:44 PM] chance: another younger girl wants me to keep seeing her too. and she is also taken. Dude, you think she believes/cares what you say? You're just...
  6. N

    Where can I get the Bible?

    You people need to get over your oneitis for Pook. I guarantee you this guy does not pick up women. Anyone who would sit there writing 25 page essays every thread has absolutely nothing to do, and certainly doesn't pull in chicks under 250 lbs. Apparently the majority of the community still...
  7. N

    The truth about this forum

    Pook is probably the producer of Oprah.
  8. N

    an idea of why hot girls reject you so much...

    Please. Don't try to tell me you weren't attempting to throw game at her.
  9. N

    Possible warning sign?

    It's counterproductive. Having him introduce her to the guy is getting a reaction out of him, which is possibly what she wants. Want my advice? Do nothing.
  10. N

    an idea of why hot girls reject you so much...

    She wasn't interested, take a hint. And the worst part, you went on and on and on... and SHE ended the conversation. That was painful to read.
  11. N

    Possible warning sign?

    You can take pimp's advice and completely overreact and look like an idiot, or you can use some common sense. You've been dating a month -- there's no ring on her finger. Stop being insecure.
  12. N

    Sticking points

    I think a major road block is some of the content on this site. It's the honest truth. Look around. This forum creates a negative vibe. The mentality in here is men vs. women, the dark days of armageddon. This site should have Carl Orff's "Camina Burana" playing in the backround. It would better...
  13. N

    The truth about this forum

    christz - you are type #3 on this forum.
  14. N

    The truth about this forum

    I never said I was a natural. I said it works. Not all the time... but it works. All of that bullsh!t pook writes (most likely forged material anyway) is absolute nonsense. See the girl you like, talk to her, get a feel if she's into you or not, then ask her out. WHY does there have...
  15. N

    The truth about this forum

    Out of all of the guys on this site, POOK probably has masturbated more than ANY guy in here. Are you an idiot or what?
  16. N

    The truth about this forum

    Want my advice? OK here goes. I see a chick I think looks cute. I walk up to her and ask if she wants to grab lunch sometime. And guess what... It... Works... I know, scary, isn't it?
  17. N

    The truth about this forum

    This forum deals with women the wrong way. This entire site focuses on INDIVIDUAL issues. Such as "LOOKS", what "CARS" you drive, what "CLOTHES" you wear, etc.. Just that alone is 3 major issues in which guys worry over, which shouldn't be the case. And you DWELL AND DWELL on how these...
  18. N

    Dropping out of highschool

    I'm not buying this kids story. I think the real issue is not having any friends. Highschool should be one of the best times of your life. Nobody who has a social life at that age wants to drop out. It's up to you whether or not you want that to destroy your future, but let me just say this --...
  19. N

    The truth about this forum

    I mean, let's be honest... this forum is filled with a bunch of nerds who sit around their house (or their parent's basement) eating Cheetos all day pretending to be PUAs. I mean, if I see one more post telling someone to "be a bad ass" or "bust her balls" I'm going to puke. Some guys are...
  20. N

    Every girl wants me except the one I like

    Wrong. The way I act around girls I do and don't like probably doesn't matter. In fact, I know it doesn't...