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  1. F

    a bit freaked out here

    A. I know what you're on about, happening to me right now, difference is, idk the ex. and he doesnt really beat her, just plays her like a slut (like he should) B. When someone has a friend, just fight with the dude in front on his friend, so his friend cant get a shot. Grab the throat...
  2. F

    /help me dj

    Mate, stop being so depressed, things like this dont happen overnight, be happy, every day above ground is a good day. Anyways, i think i speak for the DJ's here that Kino works on most, but you have to go hard with kino, like arm touches gentle things shoulders, hands, if you get the chance an...
  3. F

    /help me dj

    Alamar, all you have to do is make conversation, this may sound hard, but i still have that problem of not knowing what to talk about, and i find the best solution to that is, just to talk about random **** (lol, not quite as random as the stuff you wrote before) but just anything, if you dont...
  4. F

    /help me dj

    Well. you could have said that in all seriousness about this much: _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________...
  5. F

    Underage club went well

    haha, yeah i get help from my friends, im not Hitch lol. okay so text aint so bad. kk, btw, getting with chicks is alot easier at clubs, because there is basically no talking, all physical. a concert im going to today might be alittle harder, im gonna have to pimp it up. Later guys, ill let...
  6. F

    Underage club went well

    Hey guys, things went well at the club, and all mistakes are just practice afterall, and are a good learning experience. Got plenty of dances and my confidence and self asteem was really boosted. Anyways, I'll get straight to the point, my friend wanted to dance with some chick, but she was...
  7. F

    Hey guys, I got a situation...

    Shocker: Sounds about right, although i dont agree with the jeans thing, you can get some damn classy jeans, and in a dancing space where heaps of people are just a moving mass, who cares, dark jeans can look like anything. The lust?: Likewise mate, looks like you've been around here a fair...
  8. F

    Hey guys, I got a situation...

    Thanks everyone, btw im 15 so this was an underage club, hence 20 drinks.. lol i dont drink any alchohol but spirits so, coke lemonade and water is just fine. :) Ok, weel see how the next one goes, when it happens ill let you guys know. Cheers all
  9. F

    Hey guys, I got a situation...

    Im not too sure i follow, basically all i did all night is right there. Aside from having about 20 drinks from the bar. Could you tell me what to elaborate on? Thanks Franzino
  10. F

    Hey guys, I got a situation...

    Hey guys, ive been lingering around putting off the time I could be bothered to get a membership here, just credit to all these guys who make this forum happen. Anyways, im not here to complement, I have a situation. Recently me and my friends went and hit up an underage club, It was my...