Underage club went well


Don Juan
Jan 16, 2007
Reaction score
On the path to a better Social life.
Hey guys, things went well at the club, and all mistakes are just practice afterall, and are a good learning experience. Got plenty of dances and my confidence and self asteem was really boosted.

Anyways, I'll get straight to the point, my friend wanted to dance with some chick, but she was dancing with her friend, He asked the friend to dance with me, and I didnt decline:cool: anyways, turns out its someone who knew me from Second Grade (im in 10th now) i must have amde some sort of impression, or its just because im the only person she knew as Hal. Anyways we had a dance for a while, my friend broke off, and I asked if she wanted a drink, and guided her to the bar. Had a bit of a chat, got a minor grasp on what she'd been doing for all these years.

I grabbed her number and said I'd call sometime, and moved on. I kinda like her, and i was a little impatient when i got home, thankfully her phones out of batteries and knowing chicks they take a while to getting round to charging, anyways, i sent her a text message about half an hour after the event should have finished, which 10 minutes later i regretted, when the guy in my head threw the DJ bible at me, and it twigged when i realised how gay texts are to orgainise stuff. So im going to try calling 2moz (event was last night)

Have I messed up my chances, im attempting to make it seem like nothing atm, to compensate for my over eagerness earlier. I just havent done anything like this for a while with a good looking chick, id rate her a 7 1/2 8 HD. So shes not bad.

Ok, hope to hear some oppinions

Thanks guys

Franzino:rockon: DJ's!


Master Don Juan
Apr 26, 2006
Reaction score
Dude your fine. Your doing great man Keep it up!. I wish I had balls like you when i was your age.


Don Juan
Jan 16, 2007
Reaction score
On the path to a better Social life.
haha, yeah i get help from my friends, im not Hitch lol. okay so text aint so bad. kk, btw, getting with chicks is alot easier at clubs, because there is basically no talking, all physical. a concert im going to today might be alittle harder, im gonna have to pimp it up.

Later guys, ill let you knnow hows it going (i havent got a reply to the text, so ill call.)
