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  1. R

    The pictures game.... These are all 9s. :up:
  2. R

    Girl at work is flirting

    It's obvious that you should ignore and play cold to her. She'll prolly give up trying to get your attention after a while. But if you want to look like an idiot and feel embarrassed afterwards, here's some tips I read that can help! 1) Write a poem about how you feel about her. Don't put...
  3. R

    Out Of Your League Girl

    Okay, so most guys would give her an 8/10. A cute face and fake tits. But isn't that enough to tolerate her bull**** just to screw her? I think for most guys it is. You guys make 8/10 sound bad.
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    Out Of Your League Girl It's a hot girl that's apparently out of our league, and she gives out plenty of advice on how to get girls out of your league. Here's her first video: I don't know about you guys, but I just want to...
  5. R

    Is this how you get an attention hor??

    Either she must be hot, or she must be some kind of trophy. I am betting this guy lost or never was going after her. Girls like this are fvcked up. They ignore all reasoning and logic. They will stumble through life with a history of bad relationships. When a good guy comes along, they will...
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    Movie Pimps! add your Hero!!!

    Brad Pitt from Troy. Beast from Beauty and the Beast.
  7. R

    Sex with Virgins

    So, I have been with this 20 year old girl for about 5 weeks, and we really like each other. I don't like to pressure girls into having sex, so I leave it up to them to whenever they are ready, except... I really like this girl and I want to have sex with her as soon as possible. We spent...
  8. R

    Is this how you get an attention hor??

    Hmm. I'm just wondering what's gonna happen. She could be just leading him on. Or she could be interested. Is there anyway to find out?
  9. R

    Is this how you get an attention hor??

    It's obvious what this woman is suffering from is high Dopamine levels. A hormone secreted in the brain that induces lots of symptoms. Tell me if she has these problems: Addictions Anxiety Compulsions Sexual fetishes Sexual addiction Unhealthy risk-taking Gambling Compulsive...
  10. R

    My ironic problem...

    Yeah. It bothers me too. But when I see a hot girl like that, I just think of that song by the Spice Girls. If you want my future forget my past, If you wanna get with me better make it fast, Now don't go wasting my precious time, Get your act together we could be just fine I'll tell...
  11. R

    Is going roller skating a good first date?

    Oh! That makes more sense. It's like an ice breaker and kills tensions and just makes thing easier when you talk. And it can build trust if you choose an activity like rock climbing or sky diving. Those places you can talk too!
  12. R

    Do I rush things when it comes to sex?

    Have fun with it. Teasing and building up her anticipation is fun. After you made her wet or whatever, just get up and leave. It's nice to leave on a high note. I wouldn't suggest this however. I'm just thinking how funny this would be. Now I think I'll try this out.
  13. R

    "I am busy" - again...what do you do?

    Oops. I meant "too interested." Basically she isn't important enough to you to be chilling with her on those days. And also you're taking time away from those days from her life. But make sure you are interested. But don't be too interested. Just make sure that she knows that she's just not...
  14. R

    Is going roller skating a good first date?

    A good first date is a place where you can talk freely and learn about each other. Something simple too. That's why people always go to coffee places on first dates. Rollerskating is too soon. It's too physical.
  15. R

    Hmmm (his money makes him more attractive)

    Money matters to everyone. Women just vary in degrees to how much. Sometimes I play a fortune-telling card game with women. They are allowed to ask questions about men in their life. The most common questions they ask I assume are the things they care about the most... "Who makes the most...
  16. R

    How do i beat this?

    I read the thread title thinking this was about someone needing help on masturbation.
  17. R

    "I am busy" - again...what do you do?

    Is this the first time you are hanging out with her? Btw, if you're asking a girl out on a first date or whatever, be sure not to choose Friday or Saturday. Try a Wednesday or Thursday. Why? Because Friday and Saturday are too important days. That might make it seem that you're interested in...
  18. R

    So what should I do next? (trying not to be AFC)

    A lot of girls I know are just naturally flirty. And they're just being misperceived. As for the OP, how does she flirt with you? Does she touch you in anyway?
  19. R

    Is this how you get an attention hor??

    This sounds retarded, but I met a girl similar to this over World of Warcraft. Not saying it's her, but girls like these get lots of attention. In my old guild, we had a girl who would post pictures of herself online. A few of those pictures were provocative. All the guy members of the guild...