"I am busy" - again...what do you do?


Master Don Juan
Sep 24, 2006
Reaction score
I ask a girl to hang out with me and she says she is BUSY but she will get more info from after the weekend.

I know none of them will go up to me and ask for more info.

So, do you give it another try and ask her out again after the weekend or take it as rejection and ignore her?

See, I ask for a date or to hang out BEFORE I ask for numbers... I am not sure if it is the right thing to do.

Another case - you do NOT set up a definite date. I say "Lets go to bla bla on that day". She may say she will call you. Do you wait for the call then or call her yourself a few days later and make the date definite or none at all?

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
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Galt's Gulch
You're on the right track theoretically (some of which are advanced) but you just missing out on your execution. Have you gone through the DJB yet?


Master Don Juan
Sep 24, 2006
Reaction score
Er....so if she says she will call u wait or calls urself??? I asked a question...I don't know what the right track is!

So, do I ask her out AGAIN if she says she is busy or wait? If I wait - nothing will happen....so DO I ask her out again (final time I believe).


Senior Don Juan
Dec 5, 2000
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One of the hottest girls I've ever had was this girl who I met at her job and then subsequently called to meet up for some drinks. Now I never pick girls up for a date. I usually have them meet me somewhere.

So when she pulls up she's not the one driving - her friend gave her a ride. I asked her why she wasn't driving and she said that her car broke down so she called her friend at the last minute to give her a ride.

When a girl likes you she makes time - no matter what.



Master Don Juan
Sep 24, 2006
Reaction score
I am more interested in a girl who says she is busy when you ask her out somewhere on a date. Do you ask her out later then or do you say "Some other day" or do you wait until she says "but some other day maybe?".

this bothers me...asking a girl out on a specific date when may have plans and she will say that she is busy. if you ask her when during the week she is free then you are like afc...

people do have plans!

whats the dj way out of this?


Senior Don Juan
Nov 29, 2006
Reaction score
Why are you interested in a chick who isn't that interested in you?

Let her get back in touch with you - the onus is now on her, and her subsequent actions will tell you if she is interested or not.

It looks like she isn't, though.

Always keep in mind: What efforts is she making? If none, she isn't interested. Move on.

The Muscly Jerk


Master Don Juan
Sep 24, 2006
Reaction score
musclyjerk said:
Why are you interested in a chick who isn't that interested in you?

Let her get back in touch with you - the onus is now on her, and her subsequent actions will tell you if she is interested or not.

It looks like she isn't, though.

Always keep in mind: What efforts is she making? If none, she isn't interested. Move on.

The Muscly Jerk
OK, fine. But still! When asking a busy girl on a date (and there is nothing wrong with being busy), do you schedule the date and then see if she is available and then REschedule it (which makes you AFC then because it shows that you are so interested you are willing to change dates of your availability) or do you ask her when she is free or how her schedule looks like first and THEN stick yourself in her free time?

And I don't agree all the way about the effort.

Sometimes when you initiate things - they DO start making effort. However, YOU are the one who has to come to her and say HI even if you already know each other...


Don Juan
Jan 5, 2007
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Doing a girl doggie style with laptop on her back
Is this the first time you are hanging out with her?

Btw, if you're asking a girl out on a first date or whatever, be sure not to choose Friday or Saturday. Try a Wednesday or Thursday. Why? Because Friday and Saturday are too important days. That might make it seem that you're interested in her. Girls look at things way too deeply.


Master Don Juan
Sep 24, 2006
Reaction score
Riveting said:
Is this the first time you are hanging out with her?

Btw, if you're asking a girl out on a first date or whatever, be sure not to choose Friday or Saturday. Try a Wednesday or Thursday. Why? Because Friday and Saturday are too important days. That might make it seem that you're interested in her. Girls look at things way too deeply.


Its OK to make them know you are interested!!

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
Reaction score
Galt's Gulch
Babnik said:
Er....so if she says she will call u wait or calls urself??? I asked a question...I don't know what the right track is!

So, do I ask her out AGAIN if she says she is busy or wait? If I wait - nothing will happen....so DO I ask her out again (final time I believe).
You said that when you talk to them you already have a plan and date, that's good. You mess it up when you accept to sit by the phone waiting for an answer. A woman who can not give you an answer (or counter offer) isn't that interested in you. HAVE YOU READ THE DJB???!!!


Master Don Juan
Sep 24, 2006
Reaction score
Francisco d'Anconia said:
You said that when you talk to them you already have a plan and date, that's good. You mess it up when you accept to sit by the phone waiting for an answer. A woman who can not give you an answer (or counter offer) isn't that interested in you. HAVE YOU READ THE DJB???!!!
But I constantly hear about girls saying NO to guys and then those guys call them later and reschedule the damn date and in the end it works out.

I am asking whats the best way to find out whether she is busy but WOULD like to go out some OTHER day or whether she is not busy and is blowing me off?


Don Juan
Jan 5, 2007
Reaction score
Doing a girl doggie style with laptop on her back
Babnik said:

Its OK to make them know you are interested!!
Oops. I meant "too interested." Basically she isn't important enough to you to be chilling with her on those days. And also you're taking time away from those days from her life.

But make sure you are interested. But don't be too interested. Just make sure that she knows that she's just not the only focus you have. Like there's other women in your life or something.
Jun 29, 2006
Reaction score
Plano, Illinois
Babnik said:
I ask a girl to hang out with me and she says she is BUSY but she will get more info from after the weekend.

I know none of them will go up to me and ask for more info.

So, do you give it another try and ask her out again after the weekend or take it as rejection and ignore her?

See, I ask for a date or to hang out BEFORE I ask for numbers... I am not sure if it is the right thing to do.

Another case - you do NOT set up a definite date. I say "Lets go to bla bla on that day". She may say she will call you. Do you wait for the call then or call her yourself a few days later and make the date definite or none at all?
Let go bro.... simple logic says she's not interested or she would.... as stated before, counter offer at least.

Keep on approaching hard and be a man.

You need to find a girl that is naturally submissive to your actions and around your area in looks.

It's only simple logic babe.


Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2006
Reaction score
musclyjerk said:
Let her get back in touch with you - the onus is now on her, and her subsequent actions will tell you if she is interested or not.

It looks like she isn't, though.

Always keep in mind: What efforts is she making? If none, she isn't interested. Move on.
Been in the same situation, and this is dead on: if they are interested, they will make time. If they are not interested, they will not. Easy words to live by, eliminates a great deal of questions. Girls who like you will become very available, or just outright see what you are doing. the busy line I have found almost always is a sign of disinterest.

If they are interested, they will counter offer immediately.

Any girl who is "busy" all the time would have time for Tom Brady.


Master Don Juan
Jun 19, 2006
Reaction score
Babnik: "Are you free to hang out tomorrow at 7:00?"

Girl: "Hmmmm. . . . I'm not sure, let me call you back tomorrow at 6:55 and tell you."

That means no, dude.

You can then say, "Well, I'll call back and see if later you are more sure of your schedule." You can call her back next week and try again, or not.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 18, 2006
Reaction score
Just fkking call her again, man. Sheesh. Yes, chicks do have plan already made sometimes, so if you say a specific day, there can be a clash.


Sometimes they just say that 'cos as a way of rejecting you.

I believe most times if she is REALLy into you, she will make a counter offer, but I suppose some chicks out there, even if they are really into you, will not make a counter offer.

But fkk it, it's only the phone. Just call again. It's not gonna kill you to call again. But if you get a "I'm busy" or "maybe another time" a couple of times in a row, then I would forget about her.

Ninja Bob

Don Juan
Dec 9, 2006
Reaction score
Man, NEXT that chick. That's the only thing that flakey women seem to understand and respect. Replace her with a NY quickness and see if she don't make time for you once she sees you out with another female.