Is this how you get an attention hor??

Rebound Material

Master Don Juan
May 13, 2006
Reaction score
*I apologize for accidentally hijacking the busting balls thread*

alright, so i got a friend thats a natural jerk and insults chicks all the time.

He insulted this one attention hor in our social group that every guy(including myself) tried to get at.

She asked him "Am I bunk(ugly)?"(Obviously a sh!t test) and he responded with "...You're not that bunk". Everyone started laughing and she got pretty upset at him. He also spoke to her on the phone once pretending to be drunk and he straight up told her "I think your ugly" and once again she was upset and had the other AFC's in the group to re-assure her that she wasnt. Almost each time we all hang out he ignores her while everyone drenches her with attention. She would always go to him first to try and talk, but whenever he and her would get into a semi convo, he would re-assure her that she was "bunk and had no ass".

She claims that she hates him because he's rude and has to shut up some times so I countered it with, "well, you did want ppl to be honest with you right? I think he was just telling you the truth".

Anyways, according to all my friends, she really dislikes him and is NOW trying to ignore him because he accused her of liking him and she wants to prove that she doesnt and the only reason why he's mean to her is because: "I can see that you're falling for me each time we hang out and I know it wont work out. I don't hate you, I just don't want to hurt you."(He sent this as a text in response to hers) Which I thought was fcuking hilarious.

On a side note, They both have alot in common: They both watch korean drama, play World of War craft, play video games, and other nerdy stuff.

I know for sure that he finds her decent in looks and not "bunk", but he's also not interested in her. So my question is....Is this working for him? I know it doesnt look like it right now, but I was also thinking that its one of those "I hate you, but I want you" situations...

What do you guys think?


Don Juan
Jan 5, 2007
Reaction score
Doing a girl doggie style with laptop on her back
This sounds retarded, but I met a girl similar to this over World of Warcraft. Not saying it's her, but girls like these get lots of attention. In my old guild, we had a girl who would post pictures of herself online. A few of those pictures were provocative. All the guy members of the guild would always talk about sexual things with her. I just wanted to raid and kill ****. But we'd always get off-topic and talk about ****ing or **** gamer girls.

Except the Mommies. The Mommies who play video games are cool because they aren't playing for attention, but for fun.

Rebound Material

Master Don Juan
May 13, 2006
Reaction score

thanks musclyjerk.

Anyone else want to comment on this? Any suggestions on what to do next?

I know that eventually he'll have to stop being such an ass. When does he make that transition??


Master Don Juan
Sep 24, 2006
Reaction score
I wonna know that too...

Also, is he asking her out? Like he thinks she us ugly but he calls her and invites her to hang out?


Master Don Juan
Sep 3, 2002
Reaction score
He's showing that he's not really interested in playing her games... he's going to do him

It's funny, when we exhibit a freedom where we do us then its cool... obviously its easy for a guy to do when he's not interested in a chick, but the challenge is acting the same way with every chick, no matter how much you want to fvck her brains out... this forum tries to instil the members with that mentality by pointing out the simple fact that there are tons of women in this world and there are things far more important than women... when you realise that pvssy is in abundance then you never get sucked in to playing the games these chicks run in their quest for approval..

Rebound Material

Master Don Juan
May 13, 2006
Reaction score
Babnik said:
I wonna know that too...

Also, is he asking her out? Like he thinks she us ugly but he calls her and invites her to hang out?
oh no, we all just hang out in one big group. Thats the only time they actually see eachother. I would say this happens about once or twice a week. He never actually calls her for anything.

Ice Cold

Master Don Juan
Dec 27, 2002
Reaction score
Riveting said:
But we'd always get off-topic and talk about ****ing or **** gamer girls.
Dude - that's so ****ing gross. WTF are you talking about with her? :D :D :D


Master Don Juan
Jun 8, 2006
Reaction score
Rebound Material said:
*I apologize for accidentally hijacking the busting balls thread*

alright, so i got a friend thats a natural jerk and insults chicks all the time.

He insulted this one attention hor in our social group that every guy(including myself) tried to get at.

She asked him "Am I bunk(ugly)?"(Obviously a sh!t test) and he responded with "...You're not that bunk". Everyone started laughing and she got pretty upset at him. He also spoke to her on the phone once pretending to be drunk and he straight up told her "I think your ugly" and once again she was upset and had the other AFC's in the group to re-assure her that she wasnt. Almost each time we all hang out he ignores her while everyone drenches her with attention. She would always go to him first to try and talk, but whenever he and her would get into a semi convo, he would re-assure her that she was "bunk and had no ass".

She claims that she hates him because he's rude and has to shut up some times so I countered it with, "well, you did want ppl to be honest with you right? I think he was just telling you the truth".

Anyways, according to all my friends, she really dislikes him and is NOW trying to ignore him because he accused her of liking him and she wants to prove that she doesnt and the only reason why he's mean to her is because: "I can see that you're falling for me each time we hang out and I know it wont work out. I don't hate you, I just don't want to hurt you."(He sent this as a text in response to hers) Which I thought was fcuking hilarious.

On a side note, They both have alot in common: They both watch korean drama, play World of War craft, play video games, and other nerdy stuff.

I know for sure that he finds her decent in looks and not "bunk", but he's also not interested in her. So my question is....Is this working for him? I know it doesnt look like it right now, but I was also thinking that its one of those "I hate you, but I want you" situations...

What do you guys think?
Hes gaming her and doing a very good job of it, i applaud him, i can see out of the group the guys she thinks about the most, is him! He is doing great, its very good to have a mate like that about as they are great to learn from.

He as her in a very good place!

Simply put he is being intresting, different not following the heard, seperating himself from the boys, not playing silly femal games, treating this on his grounds, busting on her and just having fun, not concerned about the outcome (even though i know he likes her).

I will say the guy wants to date her and is doing classic stuff to game the chick, by appearing higher value and intresting whilst all the rest are being predictable and boring.

Though i think he should turn of WoW, that game is leathal, hence WoW addiction forums since it is that bad i know i tried it, was not good.

Turn it off uninstal it dont look back, then get out in the real world which is a lot more fun then EPICS anyday.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 8, 2003
Reaction score
I don't know why anyone would ever want to date an attention *****. Just a few minutes ago I was walking out of a Quiznos here in North Las Vegas, not the best neighbhorhood and I was holding the door for two blondes that were coming in. Fake blonde hair, fake breasts, little girl voices even though they were 30ish. I think its safe to assume they were connected to porn. Its not cold today but they were both in tank tops and acting like they were the **** and asked the guy behind me to to stop staring at them.


Don Juan
Jan 5, 2007
Reaction score
Doing a girl doggie style with laptop on her back
It's obvious what this woman is suffering from is high Dopamine levels. A hormone secreted in the brain that induces lots of symptoms. Tell me if she has these problems:

Sexual fetishes
Sexual addiction
Unhealthy risk-taking
Compulsive activities

The cure for high dopamine is love. Sometimes people seek love and attention from others subconsciously as a means for the brain to help regulate dopamine. Love produces hormones called Oxytocin. Oxytocin helps balance dopamine.

Oxytocin is a great hormone. It's the feeling of being crazy in love. Love becomes blind to you. You heal faster. Pain doesn't hurt as much. You become more social. You have an increase in sexual responsiveness. You Sorta like ecstasy, you aren't horny, but sex feels better. You are run by irrational and emotional actions. You basically aren't sober. The body only produces high amounts of this for usually two years. Then couples will see each others flaws and start fighting.

So if you want to help this chick from being an attention *****, it's obvious she isn't getting enough love. Not in general. It could be just from one person, an ex usually, and she substitutes it for love from others. She needs a boyfriend who cares about her a lot. But the feeling has to be mutual.


Master Don Juan
Jul 6, 2005
Reaction score
South Bend
Dopamine causes feelings of happiness (don't mean to turn this into a medical board). This is just like what happened with my sister and my friend Mike. He came to my house ( I knew they would like each other) and she said who is this. I was like this is mike we go to class together.

Anyways she kept saying I love my boyfriend Cameron I love him I love him. Then she kept saying I don't like him (mike). I knew she liked him. for a bunch of reasons 1. she never never goes in my room 2. She never goes out with me (I guess I embarass her) 3. He talked smart to her and she responed. Then months later she said I didn't like mike when I first met him. Me my other friend and my little brother were like uh huh.

Sorry for hijacking this board but when a guy acts @ssholish and ignores a girl she falls for them quicker. Trust me even I know this and I ain't dated in 2 years. I don't know what it is. My mom says women love bad boys now I just boss chicks around, and that gets me attention.

Rebound Material

Master Don Juan
May 13, 2006
Reaction score
Chosen1 said:
Dopamine causes feelings of happiness (don't mean to turn this into a medical board). This is just like what happened with my sister and my friend Mike. He came to my house ( I knew they would like each other) and she said who is this. I was like this is mike we go to class together.

Anyways she kept saying I love my boyfriend Cameron I love him I love him. Then she kept saying I don't like him (mike). I knew she liked him. for a bunch of reasons 1. she never never goes in my room 2. She never goes out with me (I guess I embarass her) 3. He talked smart to her and she responed. Then months later she said I didn't like mike when I first met him. Me my other friend and my little brother were like uh huh.

Sorry for hijacking this board but when a guy acts @ssholish and ignores a girl she falls for them quicker. Trust me even I know this and I ain't dated in 2 years. I don't know what it is. My mom says women love bad boys now I just boss chicks around, and that gets me attention.
Wait, so did she end up admitting to liking him or what?

Did they eventually start dating??


Master Don Juan
Jul 6, 2005
Reaction score
South Bend
Rebound Material said:
Wait, so did she end up admitting to liking him or what?

Did they eventually start dating??
sorry about replying late to this. I was exhausted last night. No she did not end up admitting she liked, him she admitted she loved him. yes they started dating and that really pissed me off. Because even though he was a really laid back guy he was a chump.

dj ben2

Senior Don Juan
Nov 2, 2006
Reaction score
sydney, australia
Riveting said:
This sounds retarded, but I met a girl similar to this over World of Warcraft. Not saying it's her, but girls like these get lots of attention. In my old guild, we had a girl who would post pictures of herself online. A few of those pictures were provocative. All the guy members of the guild would always talk about sexual things with her. I just wanted to raid and kill ****. But we'd always get off-topic and talk about ****ing or **** gamer girls.

Except the Mommies. The Mommies who play video games are cool because they aren't playing for attention, but for fun.
i will admit i did play WoW once upon a time but have now finally quit but i have this to say

WTF!. ur guild if ****ed bro a bunch of nerds talking about is not good bro

Rebound Material

Master Don Juan
May 13, 2006
Reaction score
Chosen1 said:
sorry about replying late to this. I was exhausted last night. No she did not end up admitting she liked, him she admitted she loved him. yes they started dating and that really pissed me off. Because even though he was a really laid back guy he was a chump.
damn, she skipped like and went straight for LOVE...Im pretty sure this process took a long ass time.

*btw:! hahahaha. I just saw that thing...YES, its pretty fcuking gross but at the same time, it was pretty damn funny =P*


Master Don Juan
Jul 6, 2005
Reaction score
South Bend
Rebound Material said:
damn, she skipped like and went straight for LOVE...Im pretty sure this process took a long ass time.

*btw:! hahahaha. I just saw that thing...YES, its pretty fcuking gross but at the same time, it was pretty damn funny =P*
Replying again then I'm offline. No rebound it did not take a long time for her to go there. Let's see she met him. in about October of 2005 they dated for about two months. Then she loved him and wanted to marry him. She's kind of nuts though so they broke up. Got back together, broke up again and now he is gone back to Memphis I think. She talks about him a lot to other guys. Now she likes this other guy Hardy Jones. She says she loves him, and they aren't even dating.

Rebound Material

Master Don Juan
May 13, 2006
Reaction score

Alright, so my jerk of a friend(lets call him Mr. Volcano) is sick.

So, a few minutes ago he goes and texts the attention *****(lets call her Oblina) to go and take care of him. It went something like this:

Mr. Volcano: "Hoy. I'm sick. Come over and take care of me."
Oblina: "Haha is this a sick joke? :p"
Mr. Volcano: "no"
Oblina: "Hmm I'll think about it" question here is, is she sincere about thinking about it??? How did she feel about such a request coming from someone she supposedly hates???


Don Juan
Dec 14, 2006
Reaction score
Rebound Material said:

Alright, so my jerk of a friend(lets call him Mr. Volcano) is sick.

So, a few minutes ago he goes and texts the attention *****(lets call her Oblina) to go and take care of him. It went something like this:

Mr. Volcano: "Hoy. I'm sick. Come over and take care of me."
Oblina: "Haha is this a sick joke? :p"
Mr. Volcano: "no"
Oblina: "Hmm I'll think about it" question here is, is she sincere about thinking about it??? How did she feel about such a request coming from someone she supposedly hates???
i doubt it was "sincere". its flirting bro, one thing will lead to another, and you'll see what will happen. :rolleyes:

and do you have feelings for this girl? dont tell me your jealous though...(or else you'll be heading towards AFC-ville)