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  1. C

    What happened to Me?

    it's an ingrown hair IMo. Exfoliate properly.
  2. C

    Pulled Groin on legpress

    It was pop OR crack ;) I don't remember which. I talked with a trainer there, and he told me if it was severe I would not be able to walk, and that it should go away on its own (he suggested the ice) Throttle: thanks, I did google it as per your suggestion. I just didn't think about it before...
  3. C

    Pulled Groin on legpress

    Recently at the gym (I've been going for 3 weeks) I was sitting at the legpress doing the same weight I have been doing for those 3 weeks. I lowered the weight and on the second rep, while fully lowered, I heard a "pop" or "crack" from my hip. I don't remember how, but I pushed the weight up...
  4. C

    Acne on the back of my neck!

    have you shaved your head? they could be ingrown hair, like I had the first time I used those stupid 3 blade razors.
  5. C

    First kiss stories.

    hah! 27. she was 30something In a bar with a friend that i had absolutly no chance with. was sitting around cracking jokes, we had a couple of "inside jokes" and she was sitting on my knee and I made some joke, and she had this weird look in her eye, and i was like, "uh... do i kiss her? I mean...
  6. C

    Question for Mods...

    rathar tehn that, I would suggest a topic catagory selection for this. seperating threads into forums is a great way in splitting apart potential posters. example: Health & Fitness Routines and Exercises Nutrition General Discussion aside from the fact that the parent forum should be for...
  7. C

    Any Web Designers Here?

    I can't afford to charge under 1k a site.
  8. C

    Any Web Designers Here?

    when youtube started up I wanted to create a video hosting site which was extremely similar, yet provided for webmasters. I did not have the capital to start it (I was under the assumption that I would easily need 10-15k to start it up, even though I would be doign a lot of designing and coding...
  9. C

    Any Web Designers Here?

    I coded my first website when i was 11. back in the days of archie, gopher etc. It was a text-only site. I got into it a bit more when windows95 and netscape 1 came out (my dad paid 1000$ for a netscape developers build, came on a 1.44 floppy) Used to run an ISP in montreal and ohio, then lost...
  10. C

    Any Web Designers Here?

    Normally a decent host should have all that stuff already running ;) it IS easier/faster to use localhost for debugging purposes :p I've started to use my forums and my clients forums as a social networking site, sort of like a myspace for cars. and doc, you in canada? :p Quebec here!
  11. C

    Any Web Designers Here?

    LAMP. Linux apache mysql and php. unless your running something enterprise sized. It's defiantly not something for a newbie, no :p you can, however get some script off hotscripts or something and run it.