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  1. P

    haters and their jealousy

    if you have haters your doing something rite. people will always hate. and yes your rite its jelousy. they want what you have, they cant get it so they try to make what you have less valuable in everyone elses eyes. im a very good dancer in clubs and i get hated on by alot of guys. but what do...
  2. P

    ok some advice REALLY needed

    from readin your post you just lack experience. no matter what people tell you. nothing will help you except experience. firstly realise that you will LIKE alot of girls but also realise that they are just practise for now while u enhance your game. go out on the date relax be cool. you WILL NOT...
  3. P

    chasing girl with boyfriend

    ly do want to waste youe time and energy on this then. go up to the both of them and open with a relationship question. make it up and just look for a responce. if nothing else u will find out if they are in a relationship or not.
  4. P

    does she really have a boyfriend?

    why are you wasting time with this girl. she has dropped you on your ass once and you want to try and raise her interest level again? why?
  5. P

    ex boyfriends on calendar

    it should not matter to you atall unless she does something to disrespect you then get rid of her. you cant be getting paranoid or worrying about little things like a calender date. thats the thing with some of you guys. once you get the girl you forget about the game. keep your head in the game!!!!
  6. P

    Moving from Don Juan to Natural!!!

    what does it matter? your only labeling your self. people in the real world dont care
  7. P

    Keeping her options open

    if your not exclusive then she can do what ever the f**k she wants, be a man and realise this. if you are that interested in her then persue an exclusive relationship. pick up your balls and talk to her. if thats not what she wants then get over it. as for dating other woman while u date her...
  8. P

    my story afc to player, long but read if u want

    ive never been out in london so i cant comment. i hear its pretty good though, honeys everywhere, a lil expensive though. to the guy who asked about the walkup aproaches. no i dont really get much of those but i do get woman coming into my space when im on the dance floor (perimeter breaching).
  9. P

    my story afc to player, long but read if u want

    while i was still with her, i was back out in the field, i never cheated. thats not the guy i want to be i made that mistake once and threw away a good girl because of it. but i would get to the point with other woman where it was MY choice to take it further. my jelousey and insecurity had...
  10. P

    my story afc to player, long but read if u want

    hope this may motivate people into becoming what they wana be! thought id share my journy as i know people will have been through the same stuff. growing up i was always bad with the woman. i had no girl friends in high school. i had my first proper kiss some time near the end of high school...
  11. P

    Wow... ugh.. What do you call this relationship between me and my girl?

    your looking at this all wrong. it doesnt matter what she does, what she wants, weather she is using you till she finds some one else. what matters is what you want. if YOU want a relationship with this girl you need to make that clear or get rid of her if she doesnt accept. the way i see this...
  12. P

    Non AFC way of telling your girl not to do something?

    its your own fault for seeing a drug abuser in the first place, did you really think that you could start seeing her and change her, thats what woman attempt with bad boys. tell her to pack the drugs in if she doesnt, deal with it or leave.
  13. P

    kiss close situation

    that all up to you. if you want to wait 5 dates before you kiss and wait even longer before you f**k them then do so.
  14. P

    How To improve Personality

    try creating a structure of your having problems. talking to a female is the same as talking to any one. dont place them above you. by structure i mean *introduction *small talk eg how has your day been *investigation eg so what do you do for a living, for fun etc make sure to listen to what...
  15. P

    The Whole Emotional Tampon Thing

    Wyldfire. "if a woman cheats once, she will cheat again" isnt that incentive for him to nail the girl then let her go back to her bf in the knowledge that he can now nail her again if he so desires because that statement is true?
  16. P

    How do i create charisma in everything

    dont fake or you will come accross as a clown. woman can see through bullshyt like that. liek i said, you must become that person. STUDY other people, they way they talk the way they act. but dont imitate them
  17. P

    How to intrigue women?

    same way you learn to do anything, through time and practise
  18. P

    I can't stand this chick anymore

    because he is thinking with his dyck instead of logic. but he will learn by this (i hope)
  19. P

    Women's crap, A test, Flaking, or A gentle "get lost"

    "You are doing something that makes you come across as too needy and vulnerable" wyldfire is rite on this