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  1. M

    Are you a DJ or an AFC?

    Not that my opinion matters, but I disagree a little. I believe this site CAN be and IS used for the purpose of scoring. That's pretty obvious. However, I feel that if a guy lacks the abilities neccessary to land him the girl of his dreams, he can learn many of those abilities here. It's...
  2. M

    DR: coffee and walk

    I have no advice on the question part. I just wanted to tell you 'good call' on the whole 'no second date' thing. Many guys would lead her on just to bang her. You've showed that you're above that, and if it's any consollation, I find that really respectable. And who the #ell am I? Nobody...
  3. M

    Pheromones: Bargain or Bullsh*t?

    I think Stocktrader put it fairly well. Pheremone cologne's are an ego booster. It's like those shoes they used to sell in the 80's. You know, the ones that promised you'd run faster, jump higher, etc., and the only thing it delivered on was making the wearer think that an improvement was made...
  4. M

    Have I lost my chance? Need Advice!

    From you're post, I'd say she probably feels like the pleasure in the relationship is all going to you. I mean, if she's bj'd you twice, she has room to expect to recieve something back. No offense, but girls don't generally recieve allot of pleasure from pleasuring a guy. Keep in mind, if...
  5. M

    I need to learn to dance

    I try to make a point not to post unless I can speak from experience. It turns out that I've had quite a few good and bad experiences. Hitch, it's covered plain and simple. In a regular dance setting, less is more. It's best to keep yourself in an area where you can keep eye contact. That's...
  6. M

    Christian girls

    That's so true. A normal Christian is just like everyone else, they just hold themselves to different ideals. I wouldn't call them 'communist.' Maybe the extreme fundamentalists are (they tend to be the loudest), but I would definately say that most aren't. In any case, it's foolish to assume...
  7. M

    Do people think you're gay if...

    Friend, I used to (note "used to") have this very problem. I tend to keep my romantic life to myself. I don't talk about it much with friends, family, or anyone really. I find a girl, go on a few dates, we break up, I move on. That's just how I prefer to operate. I don't inform people becuase...
  8. M

    Christian girls

    Trust a brother who's been around churches most of his life (and by brother I mean me). There is no such thing as an 'average' church girl in a generic sense. Now, depending on denomination, I'd say you could narrow it down. I'll write the important notes here: Pentacostals/AG-ers are a...