Have I lost my chance? Need Advice!


New Member
Jan 29, 2006
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I went out with this hot (9/10) babe who's had 4 LTR that she told me about. Initially we talked on the phone for few weeks and then decided to go out on our first date once our schedules were better.
I am virgin but still have a lot of confidence. I saw her at my place for the fourth time she gave me a bj 2 todays later she visited again and she did the same. I know she expected sex but since I am a virgin I was a little hesistant to go all out. We talked on the phone for a few weeks on and off after that but I think she was blowing me off.
Now I call her maybe 2 times a weeks and she doesn't pick up the phone and she has called me twice randomly. Last time I spoke to her was a week ago and she apologized for not calling but gave some stupid excuses...I was mad at her and gave her a hard time and our conversation was very brief. I called her again 2 days later and left a message and asked her if she wanted to meet up and go out this weekend...she didn't respond.

My question is what should I do to get this girl to hang out again? We got along very well before. I think one of my mistakes was that I told her I just wanted to have fun and date and she told me she was looking for a relationship, also I didn't kiss her ass and didn't tell her how hot she is like the whole world tells her!

I don't mind having a short-term Relationship with her but now she doesn't call me or answer my phone. I think I blew it but we hit it off so well so I am trying to understand if I can do anything now

I'll appreciate your advice. Thanks!


New Member
Jan 29, 2006
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Calling all DJ's!!!!!!!!

Please reply to my post!!!!


New Member
Jan 28, 2006
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A little place I like to call...planet earth
From you're post, I'd say she probably feels like the pleasure in the relationship is all going to you. I mean, if she's bj'd you twice, she has room to expect to recieve something back. No offense, but girls don't generally recieve allot of pleasure from pleasuring a guy.

Keep in mind, if two people are on the phone but only one is talking while the other sits in silence, the one talking begins to wonder if the person on the other side cares.

Let's look at it from this light, you've already lost you virginity to her mouth. It's time to give back. Bedding her is one route, or...you could pleasure her orally yourself if you're feeling especially courageous.

You're on the on the silent end of the phone line...pick up...

As for getting her to talk to you again, I'd say keep it light. Hounding a girl will only make her want to pick up less.

Anyway. Good luck with this.



Senior Don Juan
Jan 1, 2006
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Leave her alone, MOVE ON.

I just read your post, you said you told her the terms of the relationship, and she told you hers. Both of your terms are conflicted.

what is with all these dumb ****s posting on here.


New Member
Jan 29, 2006
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If you are so Fcuking smart, why are you on this site? Find a different hobby B itch!