DR: coffee and walk


Don Juan
Jan 25, 2006
Reaction score
I'll preface this by saying I'm a rAFC.
Here's how I got the date: I met HB7.5 at college, she approached me when I was sitting outside. I busted her balls about her clothing style, she laughed and then we talked about stuff we had in common. I was the first to leave.

The next time she bumped into me, we talked for a bit, I bugged her some more and she asked for my number. I told her I don't give out my number to strangers, so right away she gave me hers. She told me to call her to go for coffee. I waited for four days.

At coffee, I tried my best to use DJ techniques. I neg'd her RELENTLESSLY, it worked really well. Her defenses were totally knocked down. When we went into the place, she was really nicely dressed and I tried to keep cool, and I wound up feeling pretty natural. Most of the things I said subtly forced her to prove her value. But I didn't have any kino! I feel dumb, but I couldn't bring myself to. We were sitting at a fairly large table, and I had the idea that it would be far too obvious and dumb if I did. Anyways, we talked for two hours. After I neg'd her so much, she started to neg me back a bit, but I called her on it. Not exactly my type. She talked a lot about her past relationships and her plans to move to LA to be a designer and how she wants just the right guy to go with her. This sketched me out! Too much for a first date!

I called the end of the thing. On the way out, she tells me she has a bit of a crush on me, and lowers her head a bit and blushes. As we say goodbye, she makes sure to ask me to call her.


Obviously, this girl was a lot more into me than I was her, and there won't be a second date. I have a feeling that the DJ techniques would be applied to greater benefit, help me learn/improve more, if I was out with a HB that wasn't already really interested with me. But at least half of the dates I go on are with HB's in this category. To make use of the time, what can be done for practice when you're with a girl that already is into you to help you learn? I should probably go for more challenging HB's, but for these sycophants, is there anything to try? I look at them as practice; just go out a couple of times and then cut it off, I'm not interested.



New Member
Jan 28, 2006
Reaction score
A little place I like to call...planet earth
I have no advice on the question part. I just wanted to tell you 'good call' on the whole 'no second date' thing. Many guys would lead her on just to bang her. You've showed that you're above that, and if it's any consollation, I find that really respectable. And who the #ell am I? Nobody important. But I've been around the block enough to know the difference is between a DJ and a shameless player, and you my friend have carried yourself like a DJ. You should be proud.
