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    You can go for it, but be well aware that it won't last long. Honestly I would suggest not doing anything with her. find somebody else for a while, then maybe come back to her if it seems she's moved past her ex.
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    Sad situation with ex

    Last time I went through a breakup I did two things: First, I cut off my ex completely, no contact, it's best if this is permanent. Second, I filled my life with other things, my passion for playing piano, other friends, school, basketball...eventually I began to think of her less to the point...
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    Girl Doesn't Reply

    This is how I look at it....when I like a girl how long would I go before I respond? My is theory is simple, if somebody truly is in to someone else they will look for any opportunity to communicate with the object of their affection, be it phone, text, email, whatever. Just my 2 cents
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    Ex Girlfriend Cliche

    Wait!! Before you tell me she's playing games and cut her off completely at least listen to my story. I started dating this girl beginning of last spring semester. She had just broken up with her boyfriend and me(being an idiot) pounced on her. We went exclusive for a couple months when she...
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    What was your breaking point from nice guy to dj?

    I didn't really have on particular breaking point. I do remember when I started changing though, it was when I started googling "how to talk to girls". I ended up on this site. The rest is history. However if I had to pick one particular point it would be when I learned first hand that girls...
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    what to say

    wow, if you don't want to talk to someone then don't! you're not obligated to talk to anybody. When she says she's bored you can invite her to do something. I don't know what else to tell you, it's apparent you have a lot to learn.
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    is it bad to call the next day after getting a number?

    I have two thoughts on this first - none of these "rules" are set in concrete, if you feel that you can get somewhere by calling a girl the next day then do it! The way I look at being a DJ is that it's not about what you do but how you do it. If you wait three days but you're unconfident on the...
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    Porn and sex?

    don't watch porn, don't masturbate, I've had the same problem and after a few days of no porn and masturbation I was fine.
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    Where to tell if she is interested or just bored with her Bf

    Haha, you'll probably hate me for this and want to ignore my advice but I'm going to tell you anyway. DO NOT, I repeat DO NOT!!! get so involved with this girl. In my experience nothing good ever comes out of pursuing girls with boyfriends. You can keep her as a friend, but limit contact. Find...
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    Help guys, I've devolved!

    I know it's much easier said than done but you've got to forget this chick. It sucks, I know, I've been there and done that several times. Like the above poster said it's all about options. The more options you have, the less importantance you place in each one, it's a good feeling not being...
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    Women who flake

    Look it's been said here on the board a million times, if you're talking to/dating/seeing several women at once that one who flakes won't mean a thing. I guess that means I'm a 0% guy myself :)
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    Why her having a "boyfriend" should not stop you.

    Wow, first off I do not condone cheating. I don't think any person DJ or not should knowingly allow someone to cheat on their significant other. Now with that said here are my thoughts on girls with boyfriends. If you just want sex, go for it. If you want a relationship avoid them at all...
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    A Few Little Mistakes

    It seems to me like you're trying too hard. Just say whatever the heck you want to say and not what you believe she wants to hear. When it comes to women it's not really what you say but how you say it.
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    I'm always the guy on the side who....

    When people do stuff like that to me I always comeback and/or do the same thing to them.
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    how to steal someone's girlfriend?

    It's really not that hard, you just have to find one who's unhappy in her situation, it's all downhill from there. HOWEVER I don't recommend this from personal experience but it's your call.
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    Why asian guys can't get white girls

    I have no problem admitting that the way most black people conduct themselves almost proves that to be true.
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    Post your MySpace here!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    ummm.... thanks?
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    Post your MySpace here!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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    Why asian guys can't get white girls

    I'm black, it's not a myth.
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    Another nice guy

    I saw this in my newspaper's advice column this morning. It's another example of the struggle of nice guys. Dear Carolyn: I met the king of the nice guys recently and started dating him. He is sweet and kind and sensitive; you get the idea.He remembers even the smallest of details about me...