is it bad to call the next day after getting a number?


Don Juan
Dec 6, 2007
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ive done the standard three days and it is kinda hit or miss. any thoughts?


Senior Don Juan
Apr 2, 2004
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Three days is good. I don't bother answering if he waits longer than a week. if you're

I met a guy at a bar who I was really intersted in, gave him my number. He waited the full week to call, which was not horrible but I missed his call. He didn't leave a msg. I was out of town so I saw that he called every hour all night long, and never left a msg. So I never called him back.

For the love of God, leave a msg.


Don Juan
Dec 28, 2007
Reaction score
If you've got your **** together in general then you won't be clingy; so call or text whenever you have the time.
I agree with this 100%


Master Don Juan
Nov 28, 2007
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Studying the fact that all lies contain fragments
SunnyD said:
Three days is good. I don't bother answering if he waits longer than a week. if you're

I met a guy at a bar who I was really intersted in, gave him my number. He waited the full week to call, which was not horrible but I missed his call. He didn't leave a msg. I was out of town so I saw that he called every hour all night long, and never left a msg. So I never called him back.

For the love of God, leave a msg.
Funny how you say you were realy interested,.. then you say you saw that he was clearly interested too but you nevEr called him back.. cause he didnt leave a message...LOL OR WHAS IT CAUSE YOU HAVE SO MANY OPTIONS THAT YOU DONT NEED TO GIVE A DAMN EVEN ABOUT THE GUYS YOU ARE "REALLY INTERESTED IN"


Senior Don Juan
Apr 2, 2004
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DonGorgon said:
Funny how you say you were realy interested,.. then you say you saw that he was clearly interested too but you nevEr called him back.. cause he didnt leave a message...LOL OR WHAS IT CAUSE YOU HAVE SO MANY OPTIONS THAT YOU DONT NEED TO GIVE A DAMN EVEN ABOUT THE GUYS YOU ARE "REALLY INTERESTED IN"
It's with anyone...if you don't leave a msg, you never called. When I saw he called EVERY HOUR from 6pm to 2am without leaving me a voicemail..I thought that was a bit psychotic. I lost interest.


Master Don Juan
Nov 28, 2007
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Studying the fact that all lies contain fragments
SunnyD said:
It's with anyone...if you don't leave a msg, you never called. When I saw he called EVERY HOUR from 6pm to 2am without leaving me a voicemail..I thought that was a bit psychotic. I lost interest.
If a girl I was "realy interested in called my 6 times I wouls assume she really liked me adn wanted to tell me someting impiortant...LOL but that is cause I am a man and know how hard we have to work to find and get and keep a woman we really like.

Its amazing how quickly you women loose interest over the smallest thing it is frustrating.. its like cause you are constantly being offered attention you dont value it as much and that is one of the biggest problems with male female relationships in 08...


Senior Don Juan
Apr 2, 2004
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DonGorgon said:
If a girl I was "realy interested in called my 6 times I wouls assume she really liked me adn wanted to tell me someting impiortant...LOL but that is cause I am a man and know how hard we have to work to find and get and keep a woman we really like.

Its amazing how quickly you women loose interest over the smallest thing it is frustrating.. its like cause you are constantly being offered attention you dont value it as much and that is one of the biggest problems with male female relationships in 08...
I guess so. How hard is it to leave a msg though saying "hey its Bill, met you last week at the bar, give me a shout back.." I don't know why he was calling, especially at 2am, then the next weekend at 3am. I got the impression he was after one thing so I didn't bother. He could have texted me too tosay hi, nice meeting you. Never did..just called called called and kept hanging up on my machine.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 18, 2008
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DonGorgon said:
If a girl I was "realy interested in called my 6 times I wouls assume she really liked me adn wanted to tell me someting impiortant...LOL but that is cause I am a man and know how hard we have to work to find and get and keep a woman we really like.

Its amazing how quickly you women loose interest over the smallest thing it is frustrating.. its like cause you are constantly being offered attention you dont value it as much and that is one of the biggest problems with male female relationships in 08...
I disagree. Men are looking to women for their manhood, and women are turned off by it. Guys just try too hard. A man shouldn't go to a woman for his strength, but offer her his strength. There are men out there that women will wait by the phone for while never answering to phone for another guy.

Eve was the one tempted by Satan to eat the apple. It was the idiot, Adam, that wasn't tempted, but felt something strange about not doing what Eve was doing. It's really time to reverse Adam's choice and stop making women God!


Master Don Juan
Nov 28, 2007
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Studying the fact that all lies contain fragments
tick37 said:
I disagree. Men are looking to women for their manhood, and women are turned off by it. Guys just try too hard. A man shouldn't go to a woman for his strength, but offer her his strength. There are men out there that women will wait by the phone for while never answering to phone for another guy.

Eve was the one tempted by Satan to eat the apple. It was the idiot, Adam, that wasn't tempted, but felt something strange about not doing what Eve was doing. It's really time to reverse Adam's choice and stop making women God!

A mans ability to mate is what determines is manhood..FACT! Men naturally seek women as mates adn when women are in short supply they get very pick about which men they let mate with them and you end up with millions of desperate men who "try too hard" as you put it, due to excessive competition..

Yes there are men that women wait by the phone fore, they are called alpha males , rich attractive etc. who have many women and those alfa males make up 10% of the male population and are desired by 90% of the female population...

Women are not GOD... MONEY IS GOD... WHY? cause the only thing more powerful to humans than a womans vagina is cold had cash.


Master Don Juan
Nov 28, 2007
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Studying the fact that all lies contain fragments
SunnyD said:
I guess so. How hard is it to leave a msg though saying "hey its Bill, met you last week at the bar, give me a shout back.." I don't know why he was calling, especially at 2am, then the next weekend at 3am. I got the impression he was after one thing so I didn't bother. He could have texted me too tosay hi, nice meeting you. Never did..just called called called and kept hanging up on my machine.
Yeh I hear you but message leaving is not considered to be cool.


Master Don Juan
Sep 6, 2004
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DonGorgon said:
Yeh I hear you but message leaving is not considered to be cool.
I agree.

You end up leaving the ball in her court and women do not like to take the initative to call someone up. Its your job because you got the number. Also if you call and leave a message you could fvck it up (especially when you don't have confidence):

Call a woman up whenever you have the time to. If you have too much time on your hands then there is a reason for that and it is often the same reason why men put women on the pedestal and sound desperate and supplicating.

Usually these days every woman you meet will have a cellphone and they will carry it wherever they go. If they are not answering the phone when you call, try at least 2 more time ( in different days or times) and forget about her. She is either too busy for you or screening the call which means she is not interested.


Master Don Juan
Nov 28, 2007
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Studying the fact that all lies contain fragments
DJDamage said:
I agree.

You end up leaving the ball in her court and women do not like to take the initative to call someone up. Its your job because you got the number. Also if you call and leave a message you could fvck it up (especially when you don't have confidence):

Call a woman up whenever you have the time to. If you have too much time on your hands then there is a reason for that and it is often the same reason why men put women on the pedestal and sound desperate and supplicating.

Usually these days every woman you meet will have a cellphone and they will carry it wherever they go. If they are not answering the phone when you call, try at least 2 more time ( in different days or times) and forget about her. She is either too busy for you or screening the call which means she is not interested.
Yeh being unavailable is very important be unavailable even if you have to fake it..

Crazy Asian

Master Don Juan
Jan 29, 2007
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do what you want.
do you think that waiting 3-4 days will "attract" her?
no, it's the attitude you give off if you really were too busy to call her.

it doesn't matter how long you wait.
just have things going on in your life.
be like a rock in the ocean, and she's the waves flowing around you.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 22, 2007
Reaction score
you guys.......I think you should call her in 2 days NO NO better yet 5 days because the longer you wait the more attracted you becoming b/c their are rules set in stone saying that the longer you wait to call a chick the more attracted to you she will be come.

These are the kinds of topics that make this place simply a entertainment venue for me.


Master Don Juan
Jun 27, 2003
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Beyond your peripheral vision
The men I have ended up in some kind of relationship with always called the very next afternoon, if not the same night.

It definately didn't make me LOSE attraction, if anything it made me think he was serious about his desire to know me.

Now that I am a little bit older, when a guy waits 3 days or more to call, I immediately think he is playing by some rules, and it is a slight turn off.


Master Don Juan
Jan 12, 2008
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If you have the time and have the reason to (like inviting her to come along to some cool event you're going to), sure, why not. If you're calling because you have nothing worthwhile to do and you just want to "hear her voice", check if she "had a good time the other night because you did and it was one of the best nights of your life", and ask her if she "wanna hang out or something", then don't. The 3-days rule is to stop AFCs from getting desperate. Just call when you have time. I'm very busy most of the time so I often don't get around to it until a few days later anyway.

Same with the voice message. It depends on how you deliver it, if you choose to leave one. I personally dislike answering machines so I don't often do it, but when I do, it's usually a short and sharp, straight-to-the-point message and I only ever leave one. Everytime I left a voice message, the girl called me back and the first thing she did was to apologize for not being available when I called earlier.

Instead of creating the illusion of being busy & not easily available, work on actually BEING so. Otherwise, women will still be able to smell your desperation 3 days later. :D

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
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Galt's Gulch
mr_elor said:
...The 3 day rule was invented to mask the fact that the guy is a *****, to make up for his 'AFC' ways. If you've got your **** together in general then you won't be clingy; so call or text whenever you have the time.
:yes: I completely agree.


Don Juan
Mar 2, 2008
Reaction score
man you guys here are really needy guys,really just using psychology to cover it

you talking about how long to wait before the girls over here wont even answer their phone no matter when you call.

avoidance of looking desperate is accomplished by not begging or whining.

i dont think how long u wait before calling has anything to do with it.

it has to do with how often you call,and if you beg for a date or ask for her validation.

the girl i am trying to "get",i call her once a while,i dont ask for anything.i am just watching her responses.

and i talk to her as if she is a buddy.

but its not goin anywhere,cuz she is forever "busy"


Don Juan
Mar 2, 2008
Reaction score
just dont beg.dont make it look like your life depends on a successful outcome.

forget the 3 day $hit


Don Juan
Jan 28, 2006
Reaction score
I have two thoughts on this first - none of these "rules" are set in concrete, if you feel that you can get somewhere by calling a girl the next day then do it! The way I look at being a DJ is that it's not about what you do but how you do it. If you wait three days but you're unconfident on the phone then you're worse off than the guy who called the next day but was extremely confident in what he was doing.

My second thought - I can't remember who said it but I once read(here on the board) that one should be too busy to call a girl the next day anyway. I also agree with that. As a college student with two jobs, friends, and a social life calling a girl the next day is almost out of the question.