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  1. K

    Anybody know a short funny joke I can send by text?

    If I could think of one, would I be here asking, dip****? I'm asking for ideas. Don't be a ****.
  2. K

    Anybody know a short funny joke I can send by text?

    Then maybe it's time for you to do something else with your time. I wasn't looking for a magic pill retard, just a funny, short joke. Why is that such a wrong thing to ask?
  3. K

    Anybody know a short funny joke I can send by text?

    There's this girl that I was dating and getting pretty close to before I left the country and things fizzled a little. I know she was pretty into me, and I was just looking to kinda reconnect with no pressure. I figured it would be cool to send her a little joke in a txt that would get her to...
  4. K

    Trying to game an HB10... next move?

    I think that's totally my plan. I'm gonna run into her next weekend and take it casually from there. Wish me luck! :cool:
  5. K

    Trying to game an HB10... next move?

    Completely agree!! That's what was fouling me, that we just didn't make a real connection and I wanted to start things up on a funny note instead of an awkward "I know you barely remember me but lets hang out without the comfort of your group" thing. And right on, with the alcohol thing...
  6. K

    Trying to game an HB10... next move?

    Well, she was the prettiest girl there that night... she was like elite model hot. I'm thinking I'm just gonna leave it until next weekend and see what happens. I'm pretty sure she's the type of chick that goes out almost every night. You don't think I'm killing anything by not calling...
  7. K

    Trying to game an HB10... next move?

    Yeah, I was rediculously drunk last time. Of course, so was she. According to my sis, she started puking probably no more than an hour and a half after I left. All these people are some pretty crazy types, they party hard, way harder than I'm used to. So, really... I'm wondering if I...
  8. K

    Trying to game an HB10... next move?

    --First off, sorry for the length So last Saturday I was looking for something to do. I'm kind of in a weird spot because I'm in this transitional phase where I'm trying to make new friends and do cool new things with my life, so I couldn't find anything real solid to do besides sit on my...
  9. K

    26 and finally turning my life around...

    Keep it rolling kandyass! I started reading through my DJ Manual to reread week one and get ready for my week two, but then I realized that I ****ed up Week 1 already! :mad: I did all the eye contact, but I wasn't striking up conversations... I thought that was week 2! I guess I better...
  10. K

    Boot Camp for The Mature Man

    I'll go ahead and do mine here, since I can't think of anywhere else to put it... and I'm right with you Trag! I did my 50 ECs by the middle of last week... I continued practicing it through the end of the week though. Nothing really interesting to report except for a couple of instances...
  11. K

    english v american women

    I am American, and I can say that I have MUCH better success with British chicks. There's this place in Corfu, Greece called Cavos that I've been to a few times. It's basically a tourist town full of nothing but bars, clubs, and hotels... I could walk up to girls and often have them making out...
  12. K

    Commercials which promotes AFCness

    Word. Have you smelled that crap, by the way? Musky gorilla balls dipped in Channel perfume my man.
  13. K

    26 and finally turning my life around...

    :crackup: I had a similar experience my first time in Amsterdam... we smoked some really strong White Widow and ended up getting lost in the red light district with backpacks stuffed with thousands of dollars worth of cash and electronics strapped to our asses. Of course we were sporting the...
  14. K

    Moments of clarity...

    What's up Colossus! You know what you want to do, how you go about doing it is up to you... I'm sure you'll learn a valuable lesson whichever route you choose. I'd offer advice, but I should probably work on getting laid first! :D
  15. K

    26 and finally turning my life around...

    Well, week one officially begins for me today. The only chances I've had to do the Eye contact stuff were at my gym, and the mall during my lunch break. Nothing really notable to report... I got down probably 15 or so all together. I even threw in a few hellos ahead of schedule, but I'm not...
  16. K

    26 and finally turning my life around...

    What's up everybody! Thanks alot for the encouragement, it just helps to hear others giving you positive reinforcement. Kandyass, I'm gonna post an update every time I go out. I did alot of the eye contact stuff at my gym on Friday after work. I'm only trying with girls, I held contact...
  17. K

    26 and finally turning my life around...

    What's up Trag! I'll definitely keep you in mind when I actually start going into the field. I'm pretty scared right now, and not completely sure if what I'm trying to do is possible, but I figure what the hell, I'll always have the opportunity to do what I'm doing now, but I won't have the...
  18. K

    26 and finally turning my life around...

    Well, another one joins the fray. I just wanted to make a post and hopefully garner some support from guys who have made it through what I'm going through... or what I'm about to go through. A little background, I'm 26, and I've been completely unsuccessfull with my social life (and dating)...