Trying to game an HB10... next move?


Don Juan
Jan 26, 2006
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--First off, sorry for the length

So last Saturday I was looking for something to do. I'm kind of in a weird spot because I'm in this transitional phase where I'm trying to make new friends and do cool new things with my life, so I couldn't find anything real solid to do besides sit on my ass at home alone (**** that). Well, this crazy dude I know from Aberdeen was in town and I said I'd take him out. My sister's friend was having a Birthday party (she's HB9 but married) and had invited me to come a while back so I figured that was our best bet for a good time, they have alot of really hot friends but they hang around the rich and fast crowd. Besides, he had already been out with them before with just my sister.

So he came over to my house, I warmed up with a couple shots and we headed on over to married HB9's house (A nice upscale townhome in an expensive part of town). We pull up around 10:30PM and my sister met us outside, she was already tipsy off some wine. We hung out outside for a min. smoking a cig and headed in to survey the situation. We walked in, said hello/what's up to everyone and wished married HB9 a happy birthday. I sat down at the bar area in front of the kitchen and HB9's husband offered to mix us some drinks. He whipped up a tall glass of Vodka for me with a splash of seven. I sat, listening to the husband telling stories and offering weak occasional comments while sipping my rediculously strong drink and shuddering after every gulp. I somehow managed to finish my drink while the hotties upstairs got ready, I got halfway through another before we actually started to head out to the club. Meanwhile, my buddy from Aberdeen downed two of those bad boys and was already starting to get a little rowdy.

We arrive at the club (In a possee of about 5 guys and 6 or 7 HB7.5-9.0s, walk straight to the front of the line, go back into the VIP room and sit at a table with a big bottle of Grey Goose and some Red Bulls. Everybody is interacting like they already know eachother so I'm a little outside. I walk to the table, just acting quiet cool and make myself a couple drinks. I wandered around a little, used the bathroom, and had brief conversations with some of the people I knew (just mingling). At this point HB10 walks in with a couple guys and starts talking to my sister and married HB9. I was standing there, so my sister introduced us politely. I smiled at her, asked her what her name was again since I couldn't hear and shook her hand in a friendly way. HB10 then started talking to a bunch of other people so I wandered away with a fresh new drink

I sat down at the couch next to my buddy from Aberdeen who was wooping and hollering now, obviously drunk off his ass. He was commenting on how he had never seen so many fake tits in all his life while we drank without caution. He would point at a hottie, and go "You think those are real??" I'd give him a look and go "Hell NO!" and we'd crack up laughing... yes we were already much too drunk. Well, he up and disappeared out of nowhere, and I just sat on the couch by myself for a while drinking. Eventually I started to feel kinda woozy so I peeled myself up off the couch and went into the bathroom upstairs. Inside, I managed to clumsily squeeze out a piss, and put my junk in my pants before instantaneously projectile vomiting all over the bathroom. After a couple hurls, I noticed I felt perfectly fine, if not a little reckless. From here on, things get a little hazy for me.

I headed downstairs and outside, surely with the fresh lingering odor of vomit on my breath, to clear my head a little and have a smoke. Outside, I found my buddy from Aberdeen chatting up 3 HB6.5-7.5 chicks on a bench. He was sitting on one side of the bench with all three chicks together on the other side. I instantly just walked up and sat on the other side of the chicks, sandwiching them, smiling real big like I was having a blast and introduced myself to all of them. I got in on the convo my buddy had started and at some point I just put my arm around the girl sitting next to me. We were semi cuddled-up and laughing and stuff when my sister walked out with HB10 and HB8.5 with her boyfriend. HB8.5's boyfriend was Greek as am I so I turned to him and said "What's up man?" in Greek and we shook hands smiling. My arm is around this other girl the whole time, I don't think we were even talking anymore. I pretty much leaned back at this point with my arm around this girl and faded in and out of consciousness according to my sister. She said I would just sit there with my eyes closed, and then I'd wake up and talk a little like nothing happened. HB10 remained pretty quiet at this point, she was curled up on the couch opposite from me looking rediculously hot, but not really talking to other guys or anything. So the night wound down and we all left the club and headed back to married HB9's place, apparently HB10 came also.

Back at the house, I hung out with my buddy from Aberdeen for a while until he started taking his shirt off and complimenting women on their tits. I pulled out and headed back downstairs and into the back yard where I found my sis and HB10. I hung out semi-quietly for a bit and then HB10 left. I hung with my sis for a bit and she told me that HB10 was asking about me, saying that I was "too cute" or whatever. She told me I needed to talk to her and we headed inside. I mingled a little bit more until I decided it was time to go... but I kept putting off talking to HB10 until the end of the night after I had gone around saying "goodbye" to everyone when I finally just said "**** it" and walked up to her, drunk as a skunk. I walked up with a hand out and asked her "I'm sorry, what was your name again?" She got a little excited like I negged her or something and told me "My name is HB10" while we shook hands very slowly. I'm not sure exactly what I was saying but the hand shaking turned into light rubbing and minor groping until we were nose to nose eskimo kissing, and touching eachother with big smiles on our faces. Finally I ended with "You should probably give me your number" and she resisted for an instant but transitioned into, "You give me YOUR number and I'll call your cell." So I did, and I greeted her like it was nice to meet her and walked away while she was dialing my number. I had to look around for my keys and we called a cab since I was far too drunk to drive. While we waited for the cab, I found my buddy who was passed out, shirtless on a couch. Once I finally got him conscious enough to help him waddle back to the cab, we left at around 6:00 AM. I checked my phone and HB10 left me a message,

"Hi Kinesis, this is HB10. My name is HB10, my name is HB10, my name is HB10, my name is HB10, my name is HB10, how many times are you going to ask me what my name is? My name is HB10, my number is 555-555-2845. Here is HB8.5."

"Hi dear, it's way past her bedtime, oh! Ooooh! (Moaning sounds)"


I laughed and managed to make my way home where I slept off a pretty nasty hangover.

So my question is... what should be my next step? She left the message at around 5:45AM Sunday morning. I called yesterday (Wednesday) at around 6:45 PM and there was no answer and I didn't leave a message. Should I call back today, maybe around mid-day and ask her to grab a quick drink and maybe a bite or should I leave it and wait until I see her again. Likely this Saturday night as it's someone else's birthday this weekend? I was thinking of waiting until this Saturday where I was gonna open her with "Hi! I'm sorry, what was your name again?" and see where it goes.


Master Don Juan
Apr 10, 2002
Reaction score
First of all, it sounds like Aberdeen and I would get along pretty good. Hilarious stuff.

As far as your chick... I'd give her a call today. If you get her voicemail, leave a message. HB10 voicemails work just like HB5 voicemails, by the way. When she gets it and she wants to return your call, she will. If she gets it and doesn't want to return your call, she won't. And that will decide your next move.

PS: I highly advise AGAINST asking her out for drinks since you pretty much were unconscious drunk last time. I'm really surprised she even delt with you being so sloppy, no offense. Try a typical dinner date. You can bring a bottle of wine if you want to loosen up but show her that you can go out without becoming a waste.

PS again: I guarantee you asked her what her name was more times than you remember. I do the same thing.


Don Juan
Jan 26, 2006
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Yeah, I was rediculously drunk last time. Of course, so was she. According to my sis, she started puking probably no more than an hour and a half after I left. All these people are some pretty crazy types, they party hard, way harder than I'm used to.

So, really... I'm wondering if I should just leave it until this Saturday when I know we'll be at the same party again. I feel awkward since I don't remember what we were doing or saying. My sister said that it looked like we were both into each other, plus she approached my sister about me before I ever even said anything to her.

If I ask her out, there may be no way for us to get together before this Saturday when we'll be at the same place again. And honestly, about the only thing I remember about our conversation is that I couldn't remember her name... I was planning on using that as a bridge into our next convo. and let it flow from there when we've both had a few drinks again where I'm fairly sure I could seal the deal.

Thoughts? My game is rusty :(

If the majority of you guys think I should call her again today rather than wait until seeing her on Saturday, I'll call her up.


Master Don Juan
Nov 25, 2005
Reaction score
Yea - asking her name lots can be really embarrasing.

Especially when you're on top of her mid-stroke allthough that time she then asked me too. lol


Senior Don Juan
Oct 19, 2003
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Over Yonder
Whats up man.

First of all keep this in mind throughout your time. Their is no such thing as a HB10. A HB10 Is perfect in every way, shape, and form. However their is no such thing as a perfect human, it is impossible. Therefore a HB10 cannot exist.

Hot babe 9.9? Maybe but unlikely. Haha.

But I wouldn't stress out over this dude. I'd wait till next saturday and see what happens. But do NOT say "Hi! I'm sorry, what was your name again?". Even if you do still have a chance that would completely and utterly destroy your chance.



Don Juan
Jan 26, 2006
Reaction score
Well, she was the prettiest girl there that night... she was like elite model hot. I'm thinking I'm just gonna leave it until next weekend and see what happens. I'm pretty sure she's the type of chick that goes out almost every night.

You don't think I'm killing anything by not calling today do you?


Master Don Juan
Apr 10, 2002
Reaction score
WaRpEd said:
Whats up man.

But I wouldn't stress out over this dude. I'd wait till next saturday and see what happens. But do NOT say "Hi! I'm sorry, what was your name again?". Even if you do still have a chance that would completely and utterly destroy your chance.
I completely disagree. Right now their "What's your name again?" game is about the only connection they have to each other. I think it would be clever to run into her and just point to her with a look of concentration on his face and say: "Wait, I know you from somewhere. Don't tell me. What is your name again?" She'll laugh then you can give a "Hi, (insert name)."

Kinesis, your game doesn't seem week, it just seems to be reliant on alcohol intoxication. I wasn't there this past Saturday so you'll have to decide what's best. If you're sure she'll be showing up, and you feel more comfortable when you have a buzz on then go for it. But don't make it a repeat of last week where you get sloppy.


Master Don Juan
Apr 10, 2002
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kinesis said:
Well, she was the prettiest girl there that night... she was like elite model hot. I'm thinking I'm just gonna leave it until next weekend and see what happens. I'm pretty sure she's the type of chick that goes out almost every night.
Oh and by the way... your perception of her being "elite model hot" is completely irrelevant and will only fvck you up. Beautiful women may receive more attention and thus have their pick of the litter but they are still human and still work the same internally. Don't trip yourself up and count yourself out over how pretty you think she is. She's a chick who may be into you, maybe not. Bring your best kinesis forward and find out.


Don Juan
Jan 26, 2006
Reaction score
xblitz44x said:
I completely disagree. Right now their "What's your name again?" game is about the only connection they have to each other. I think it would be clever to run into her and just point to her with a look of concentration on his face and say: "Wait, I know you from somewhere. Don't tell me. What is your name again?" She'll laugh then you can give a "Hi, (insert name)."

Kinesis, your game doesn't seem week, it just seems to be reliant on alcohol intoxication. I wasn't there this past Saturday so you'll have to decide what's best. If you're sure she'll be showing up, and you feel more comfortable when you have a buzz on then go for it. But don't make it a repeat of last week where you get sloppy.

Completely agree!! That's what was fouling me, that we just didn't make a real connection and I wanted to start things up on a funny note instead of an awkward "I know you barely remember me but lets hang out without the comfort of your group" thing.

And right on, with the alcohol thing. I'm probably sticking to beer from now on. I haven't been drunk like that in literally years. I can't hang with those crazy ****ers.

You don't think it's a ***** move for me to not call even though she gave me her number, do you?


Don Juan
Jan 26, 2006
Reaction score
xblitz44x said:
Oh and by the way... your perception of her being "elite model hot" is completely irrelevant and will only fvck you up. Beautiful women may receive more attention and thus have their pick of the litter but they are still human and still work the same internally. Don't trip yourself up and count yourself out over how pretty you think she is. She's a chick who may be into you, maybe not. Bring your best kinesis forward and find out.


Master Don Juan
Apr 10, 2002
Reaction score
There is nothing wrong with getting crazy and out of control. But when you're trying to actually make some sort of connection with somebody it helps when you're not sleeping in a pile of your own vomit :)

At this point, you might as well wait for Saturday. You don't want to ask for a date tonight, Friday you can almost guarantee that she'll be busy strutting her fine ass around town, and you see her on Saturday. If she asks why you didn't call, say: "Oh I called you on Tuesday or Wednesday, but I got your voicemail." Say it as if it's no big deal and that you almost forgot about it.


Don Juan
Jan 8, 2004
Reaction score
"Hi, what was your name again? (and then before she answers) Just kidding (say her name), nice to see you again"


Don Juan
Jan 26, 2006
Reaction score
xblitz44x said:
There is nothing wrong with getting crazy and out of control. But when you're trying to actually make some sort of connection with somebody it helps when you're not sleeping in a pile of your own vomit :)

At this point, you might as well wait for Saturday. You don't want to ask for a date tonight, Friday you can almost guarantee that she'll be busy strutting her fine ass around town, and you see her on Saturday. If she asks why you didn't call, say: "Oh I called you on Tuesday or Wednesday, but I got your voicemail." Say it as if it's no big deal and that you almost forgot about it.

I think that's totally my plan. I'm gonna run into her next weekend and take it casually from there. Wish me luck! :cool: