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  1. S

    NHY's Boot Camp: Week 2 Response Thread

    Talking to strangers has always been a sticking point for me. So here it comes. good news and sad news: good news: went to a party last night, struck up 2+ min conversations (ranged from 2-7 initial conversations, then some more everytime I saw them) with 4 people, 1 of them a complete...
  2. S

    NHY's Boot Camp: Week 1 Response Thread

    micro: I used to be in this thing called Police Explorers (it's basically like JROTC, but for cops) so I went through the Police Explorers Academy (similar to Police Academy, which is basically a police boot camp). Anyways, one of the main tenets that were taught in that "boot camp" is teamwork...
  3. S

    NHY's Boot Camp: Week 1 Response Thread

    One observation I had was that it seems like a lot of people (most people actually) deliberately avoid eye contact with other people. Like they'll turn their head to the side and pretend to be looking at something, but I know they're not actually interested in whatever they're pretending to be...
  4. S

    NHY's Boot Camp: Week 1 Response Thread

    I won't be relaxing, but I won't be posting any more results up. What do you mean by a name for the week 2 response thread?
  5. S

    Tae Kwon Do sparring class?

    GC: The main reason for sparring is not for self-defense, I just feel that my TKD instruction is incomplete. In any case, I plan to study other martial arts later to become a better martial artist in general. Oh, and none of my friends are in martial arts. Only me :( Rollo: Thanks for the...
  6. S

    NHY's Boot Camp: Week 1 Response Thread

    everyone should be finishing up in the next couple of days... Friday's approaching! I actually went to my classes today so I got 20 more peepz to add to my total. total: 54/50 c'mon guys, let's step it up!
  7. S

    Low budget bench press.. do you think it will work?

    might as well just do pushups. adjust yourself so you're declining or inclining for variety. and just increase the # of sets or reps since you can't really increase resistance.
  8. S

    Tae Kwon Do sparring class?

    I'm just not as good at sparring as I should be considering my rank. Anyways, I'll be (hopefully) going to Korea in a year or two to study abroad, so I'll check it out then, if no one can suggest anything. (the schools were WTF by the way)
  9. S

    Tae Kwon Do sparring class?

    Are there any schools, coaches, or seminars that deal specifically with TKD sparring? I've been to 3 separate TKD schools, total of about 9 years experience now. However, none of the schools ever really concentrated on sparring so I suck at it and I want to change that.
  10. S

    How do you think up what to say quickly?

    one more tip: If you are at a loss of a comeback, then don't fret it. Just think of a comeback sometime later in your spare time (l'esprit d'escalier according to the French), but more often than not, the same exact conversational situation will come up again where you can use it.
  11. S

    NHY's Boot Camp: Week 1 Response Thread

    ethno, I appreciate what you're doing for everyone on this boot camp, making sure we all work together. I think that those of us who are actively participating in this boot camp will be much better off with this kind of teamwork and guidance. NHY, it's kind of ironic that the organizer is the...
  12. S

    NHY's Boot Camp: Week 1 Response Thread

    add 2 more for me, total: 27/50
  13. S

    NHY's Boot Camp: Week 1 Response Thread

    Alrighty went to a hookah bar Saturday night: 8 greetings, 3 conversations with strangers. went to a house party afterwards: met ~8 people (can't remember exactly) but they were friends of friends so I don't know if I can really count that, but it's just nice that I have a little bigger...
  14. S

    NHY's Boot Camp: Week 1 Response Thread

    alright.... tonight I got 2 strong ECs and hellos. So, 2/50 so far.
  15. S

    NHY's Boot Camp: Week 1 Response Thread

    ethno and NHY, you guys have humbled me... I'm going out tonight so I'll write back about my sarges.
  16. S

    In the world of dating and courtship with multiple guys competing, how do you win?

    go to and look around for articles on AMOGing... Tyler Durden wrote a bunch of posts on that subject and there are other good posts too.
  17. S

    NHY's Boot Camp: Week 1 Response Thread

    Making eye contact and saying hi to people are no problem for me, so nothing for me to really report for this week.
  18. S

    FR. 2 spider hitting the clubs, and taking pic.

    great job Spider! I agree with Shezzler... a lot of the guys on the forum are as sholes.
  19. S

    NHY's Boot Camp, Starting 3rd Feburary 2006: Anyone want in?

    I'm in! goals: improve approach and conversational skills improve kino skills just be all around more of a man
  20. S

    questions on kino

    My friend is always play-fighting with these two girl friends of ours in our dorms and whenever the four of us do something, such as watching a movie, the two of them join him on his bed while I get my bed to myself. I don't want to be doing the same stuff he is just to get their attention, but...