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  1. R

    When a chic won't call you back

    This may be the Ross Jeffries' method you mentioned, I'm not sure. I haven't tried it myself but I've heard it from a few different sources. If she doesn't call you back after a few tries, leave a message along the lines of: "OMG <HBsname> you're not gonna believe this! The most amazing...
  2. R

    ****y/ do you know if you went overboard?

    You kind of answered your own question in your examples. Basically any seriously negative response could mean you went overboard (playfully negative is good though--hitting, etc). You said you were getting weird looks and they seemed unhappy at times, this could mean either you went overboard...
  3. R

    FR: The weekend

    It's too bad you just blanked out here, if they were giving you signals like that before you even approached. When that's the case I usually figure that saying anything at all is better than nothing, so if I can't think of anything clever to say I'll just use something simple like "how are you...
  4. R

    Natural DJ Turns out to be a dud!

    Calling the next day is not that big of a deal. Waiting a few days can make you not seem desperate, make it look like you lead a busy life, make her wonder about you, etc. If you are in fact desperate, this can make it seem less such. It can also give her more time to become cold towards you...
  5. R

    50 Approach Challenge!!

    I'm interested. Sounds like you're off to a good start. :up: Personally I don't like asking if they're single immediately, but it's your call.
  6. R

    Where to start?

    I'm in college too but I just recently decided to start really focusing on cold approaching girls. So far I've found that girls tend to be the most responsive at parties and the least responsive when you just approach them around campus, though it also depends on the girl. Try to get a party...
  7. R

    cold street approaches - sticking points

    I'm still working on getting comfortable with cold approaches, but I quickly abandoned this type of approach after the severe deer-in-the-headlights response it invoked. It's about as bad as "Are you single?" in my opinion. There's no reason to explain why you're approaching her...
  8. R

    ShyRyder's 36 approaches to the Next Level

    Perhaps the lack of recent updates is because of his expired cable internet? Even so, he mentioned being able to use the library. I hope that's the case, that you haven't given up on this ShyRyder. I really enjoyed reading it so far and I can tell that you're making progress. Don't get...
  9. R

    Signs that tell she's not into you

    It seems like girls usually make their disinterest clear. Even if they're trying to be polite and refrain from straight out telling you to leave them alone, they give off a disinterested vibe through their voice tone, body language, and conversational engagement. You'll probably be able to...