Signs that tell she's not into you


Don Juan
Nov 2, 2005
Reaction score
Okay, let me get this straight, I haven't got this list.
But it would be interesting to see a list of signals a girl gives when she's surely not interested.

Has anybody got something?


Oct 4, 2005
Reaction score
How 'bout when she say's "Fvck off"?

Or, how 'bout when she doesn't acknowledge your presence or advances.

Or, how 'bout when she rolls her eyes at you?

Is this a serious question?


Don Juan
Nov 2, 2005
Reaction score
Well, I would say it is.
What I'm asking is not a list of obvious signs. They're obvioulsy obvious signs, so you don't have to interpret them.

Signs that aren't so obvious, however. Or, are there any non-obvious signs of non-interest at all?

Sorry if you think this is a totally stupid question.:D


Don Juan
Nov 2, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by JC Jerkson
1. When she doesn't touch you.
2. When she doesn't call you back.
3. When she is always "too busy" to hang out with you.

Just off the top of my head. Let's keep adding.


P.S. Speaking of Interest Level I suggest EVERYONE to read Anti-Dumps Machine in the DJ Bible.
Okay, let's just jump a little bit off topic here... There's this girl I like who I think could be interested in me too - not sure, never been good at that. But anyway, when you said "1. When she doesn't touch you", this thing popped into my mind.
Before we're having classes together, or after short breaks, when we're going back towards the classroom, and I know she's not far behind me going in the same direction, I often walk very slowly. When I'm doing that, she often initiates some touching, such as slightly tripping me, pulling me inside the classroom when I'm standing in the doorway etc. Now, what would be the best way to respond to that? How about grabbing her shoulders, pushing her firmly but also gently to the wall, looking into her eyes, and say something like "don't touch me" seriously, but in a way in which she also understands the irony...? When she agrees, I can keep touching her shoulder(s), leading her to where she's going.
I will do this, unless you all think that's a really bad idea.


Master Don Juan
Feb 11, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by JC Jerkson
1. When she doesn't touch you.
I dont completely agree with you here. Some girls like to take things slow and some arent used to kinoing a guy.
I mean just cause initially a girl doesnt kino you doesnt mean they dont like you. Give her some time, and she will.

The Juan and only

Master Don Juan
Dec 4, 2005
Reaction score
United Kingdom
You seem to be over-analysing the situation, don't try to interpret all those subtle little signals that women give out - "She brushed past my leg, does that mean....", "she logged off without saying bye on msn, does that mean.."..blah blah (that kind of thinking is not good anyway = its far too obsessive, you don't want to place too much importance on one girl at this early stage).

I've found that trying to make sense of all these things is pure folly..simply assume she likes you and act accordingly.


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2005
Reaction score
United States
how bout when she drop kicks you in the groin and you fly across the fvkin rooom!!


no seriously bro, always assume she's interested. AFter all, why wouldn't she want a strong, nice chap like you?


Don Juan
Jul 8, 2005
Reaction score
THis is has potential to be a wonderul thread. Im still kind of an afc, but iv been working on this **** hard...I mean iv bee out their in the trenches getting denied. I dont know if you are further along than me, but other than some of these other "dj's" ill try & offer some constructive advice.

First off, if you are kinoning her, and she does not kino you back, if your in a bar & she has been drinking w/ you id or driking at all, id say a good sign on low interest.

If a girl is interested she let's you know, either by actually calling you back, or touching you while your out with her, or carrying on a conversation with you that you are not struggling to hold.

You can usally tell if she into you, watch blind date for awhile, that may give you some good indicators, such as, she plays with her hair, she puts on her lip gloss for no reason, ect, ect.

That is about al I have, hopefuly some of the real Dj's will decide to bestow some good tip's they have learned w/ those of us that just cannot seem to tap into the power of castle grayskull.

The Juan and only

Master Don Juan
Dec 4, 2005
Reaction score
United Kingdom
Originally posted by Gnr7112
THis is has potential to be a wonderul thread. Im still kind of an afc, but iv been working on this **** hard...I mean iv bee out their in the trenches getting denied. I dont know if you are further along than me, but other than some of these other "dj's" ill try & offer some constructive advice.

First off, if you are kinoning her, and she does not kino you back, if your in a bar & she has been drinking w/ you id or driking at all, id say a good sign on low interest.

If a girl is interested she let's you know, either by actually calling you back, or touching you while your out with her, or carrying on a conversation with you that you are not struggling to hold.

You can usally tell if she into you, watch blind date for awhile, that may give you some good indicators, such as, she plays with her hair, she puts on her lip gloss for no reason, ect, ect.

That is about al I have, hopefuly some of the real Dj's will decide to bestow some good tip's they have learned w/ those of us that just cannot seem to tap into the power of castle grayskull.

You seem to be suggesting my advice was not contructive.

On the whole you have made some good points and in fairness, those things would probably be helpful to a fledgeling DJ who's just beginning to learn the game (and I'm not saying there's anything wrong with being at that stage). However, what I'm saying is that its not the best mindset to have when dealing with a woman.

Worrying about subtle signals and spending long nights trying to analyze her body language isn't going to help you at all. It demonstates neediness and the woman will eventually sense your state of mind (if you are looking for approval from her then she will know, and it won't do you any good in her eyes).

Now when I first came to this forum several months ago, I didn't like the advice either - it seemed very nonchalant and I couldn't believe the guys wouldn't make more effort to help me (they instead simply said "walk away its over" - and I couldn't accept it...but the fact is, they were helping me, and more than I knew).
Despite your feelings for this girl, you mustn't obsess over her because it will obliterate any attraction that may be present.

You must start believeing that you ARE the man, she would be LUCKY to go out with a don juan like you. Just assume she's interested and act accordingly - that way, if she is then great, if she isn't then you haven't lost anything.

p.s You may be tempted to think that taking such a risk is a bad idea, and that you can make her attracted to you (if she isn't already) by respecting her boundarys, being a super nice guy..blah blah. Concentrate on winning, NOT on avoiding rejection until she suddenly falls in love and asks you out..hahah

I'm not necessarily saying you should go and ask her out tomorrow (though sooner is usually better)..I'm just saying that next time you're talking/feel like touching her/etc..assume she likes you...and be ****y in a way that shows it.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 31, 2003
Reaction score
You need to understand some girls maybe not into you one day or even for one month ... and then they have change of mind. While, you still are sarging ... stay in contact with them just to say ' Hi ' ...... happened to me couple of times.

If a chick tells you to fuvk off ... ok she's not into you.

smoke city

Don Juan
Oct 21, 2004
Reaction score
If a chick tells you to fuvk off ... ok she's not into you.
I disagree -- I have had a girl tell me to fvck off, and then had her in my bed THE SAME NIGHT. I have seen women ignore me, not return my calls, flake out on dates, dodge name it...
and later on sleep with me.

The best advice I can contribute to this thread:

you need to get a 'gut feeling' about these things by considering a lot of factors at once. The only way to do this is through practice--and generally by ASSUMING the woman is interested.
you will offend and piss off LOTS of women this way, get slapped, get drinks thrown at you...but guys who are successful with women are TOTALLY willing to risk this.

sweet guys never get slapped. but that's also why they never get the girl!


Master Don Juan
Aug 28, 2001
Reaction score
Orange County, Ca
The only two signs I pay any attention to are the "I'm too busy" type of lines and when she doesn't ask me any questions or attempt to further a conversation (which might not be a sign of disinterest, but at best it's a sign that she can't talk for sh1t and is therefore not worth my effort anyway). Anything else is too vague and not worth worrying about.


Don Juan
Sep 26, 2004
Reaction score
This is exactly the stuff that everybody needs to learn.

Alll the posters above me who said dont pay attention to little stuff or its not that important do not know what they are talking about.

Thats the problem with this site. guys with no success with women come on here and give other guys bad advice. the blind leading the blind.

80% of communication is non-verbal. Go read this. It was put together by the SIRC. Social Issues Research Center.

The Juan and only

Master Don Juan
Dec 4, 2005
Reaction score
United Kingdom
Originally posted by bossdog
This is exactly the stuff that everybody needs to learn.

Alll the posters above me who said dont pay attention to little stuff or its not that important do not know what they are talking about.

Thats the problem with this site. guys with no success with women come on here and give other guys bad advice. the blind leading the blind.

80% of communication is non-verbal. Go read this. It was put together by the SIRC. Social Issues Research Center.
It's you, my friend, who doen't know what he's talking about.
I'm not saying completely ignore the "little stuff"...just don't place too much importance on it...and don't let it phase you. I mean come on, sitting there thinking "she just flicked her hair about..what does that mean? does she like me?" will just make you nervous (and intraverted half way up you own @ss)..and besides its not the attractive, decisive, manly behavior I know women love.

For someone so naive about women, its a good thing for you that you're probably homosexual.


Don Juan
Sep 26, 2004
Reaction score
^^^ok guy i dont think u understood what i was saying. Go back and read it again.

If a girl is fixing her hair from across the room and making eye contact with u that means shes feeling u.

If shes talkin to you but looking around the room every 5 seconds shes prolly not that into u.

thats the little stuff i was talking about guy. Its not that little at all which is what i was saying.

I honestly didnt even read your post so i wasnt even talking about u.


Don Juan
Sep 26, 2004
Reaction score
Now that ive read your post ill comment on it.

Originally posted by The Juan and only

Worrying about subtle signals and spending long nights trying to analyze her body language isn't going to help you at all. It demonstates neediness and the woman will eventually sense your state of mind (if you are looking for approval from her then she will know, and it won't do you any good in her eyes).
How is analyzing bodylanguage and interpreting subtle signals worrying? Why would you be spending long nights doing that lol. You do it on the spot when your in conversation.

You must start believeing that you ARE the man, she would be LUCKY to go out with a don juan like you.

Just assume she's interested and act accordingly - that way, if she is then great, if she isn't then you haven't lost anything.
This is why you learn to read signals son. that way you know for sure when she is intrested.

I'm just saying that next time you're talking/feel like touching her/etc..assume she likes you...and be ****y in a way that shows it.
Again dont assume you should know because you know how to read the signals that girls send out.

Red Ran Amber

Don Juan
Dec 4, 2005
Reaction score
It seems like girls usually make their disinterest clear. Even if they're trying to be polite and refrain from straight out telling you to leave them alone, they give off a disinterested vibe through their voice tone, body language, and conversational engagement. You'll probably be able to tell without consciously looking for signs. But if you want some specifics...

Eye contact failure:
Making an obvious effort to avoid eye contact. Refusing to acknowledge you. Rolling eyes or looking up or away if she does make eye contact (looking down would be submissive, looking up means she sees herself above you). Looking around during conversation as though looking for some escape.

Refusing to engage in conversation:
Answering questions blandly, in as few words as possible (don't make this easy for them, avoid yes-or-no questions!). Asking no questions in return. Adding nothing to the conversation unless prompted. Speaking in monotone, with no enthusiasm; bored, disinterested, offhand voice tone as though she could care less about the conversation and clearly doesn't want to talk to you.

Negative body language:
Distancing herself from you. Turning away from you. Crossing her arms or legs. Not smiling, or using a weak, forced smile. Recoiling from kino, refusing to reciprocate.

Of course, not all these things gaurantee disinterest. Just because she's crossing her arms or isn't touching you doesn't always mean she's not interested, but the more of these behavoirs she's exhibiting, the more likely it is she's not interested. I'd say the eye contact and conversational signs are the strongest indicators. But the only real way to find out for sure is to "go for it" and try to make a connection (ask for her number or screenname or try to set up a date on the spot). As they say, anything but a straightforward "yes" means no.

For example:
"I don't give out my number to people I don't know."

"How about you give me your number instead?"

"Maybe later"

"I have a boyfriend"

"I'm really busy"

"My phone is broken/lost."

You get the idea. But often even if they're not interested, they'll still give you the number just to avoid directly rejecting you. If this is the case, they will do things like:

Giving you a fake number. Never answering their phone when you call. Never returning your calls if you leave messages (I usually don't even bother to anymore). Answering, but displaying the conversational signs of disinterest. Evading your attempts to set up a date. Failing to show up if you do set up a date, or bailing at the last minute.

By the way, when you do try to set up a date, take care of all the details at once. Have a plan beforehand and make all the decisions yourself; she won't make any herself anyway, or if she does then she won't like having to do it. If she balks at your first choice, have another one ready. If she won't agree to anything you suggest, then she's probably not worth pursuing. This is a mistake I used to make a lot. I might call on a Tuesday and get her to agree to hang out Friday, but rather than saying "Ok, I'll pick you up at 8:00 and we'll (insert activity here)" I would say "Ok, I'll call you on Friday and we'll figure out what we're gonna do." Needless to say, the Friday call would go unanswered every time, any messages unreturned. Without making secure plans, she undoubtedly will have made other plans by Friday.

Don't worry about looking for signs of positive interest. If you're getting them then definitely go for it, but even if you aren't it could just mean that she's hiding them. Just assume that she's interested until she demonstrates otherwise. Keep trying, using confident persistence, until it's clear that she doesn't want to see you. Don't be afraid to move on when she does. Remember to guage her on her behavior rather than what she says.

Also, flirting with other guys in front of you is not necessarily a sign of disinterest. She could just be responding to whoever seems most attractive at the time. Or she could be testing you, waiting to see how you handle the situation. Will you give up and let him have her, or will you prove to be the more dominant and take her right out from under his nose?

The Juan and only

Master Don Juan
Dec 4, 2005
Reaction score
United Kingdom
don't sweat it, we're all here to learn. I just disagreed with what you were saying.

Ok, I see what you mean...guys should learn how to recognise when a girl is into them. I agree to an extent..but you shouldn't be worrying too much about what a girl thinks of you. If you see an obvious sign then sure, take advantage of it (and the more information the better)..HOWEVER, that should not be your primary concern by any means. Girls' emotions are very liquid and can change from minute to minute, so what I'm saying is: don't bother trying to decide whether she likes you, just have fun and assume that she does. You can't go wrong.

The Juan and only

Master Don Juan
Dec 4, 2005
Reaction score
United Kingdom
Originally posted by bossdog
Now that ive read your post ill comment on it.

How is analyzing bodylanguage and interpreting subtle signals worrying? Why would you be spending long nights doing that lol. You do it on the spot when your in conversation.


This is why you learn to read signals son. that way you know for sure when she is intrested.

Again dont assume you should know because you know how to read the signals that girls send out.

you've made good points but I still don't fully agree. You are letting the woman decide how things will happen...and you can often change a woman's mind with persistant confidence.

The type of guy who spends too much time analysing would have walked away long before managing to change her mind about him. Whereas the ****y, arrogant guy who simply won't believe she couldn't be into him will OFTEN achieve success...ok sometimes a woman just plain doesn't like you but if that's the case and you won't take a hint...she will eventually make a very overt indication that you need to get lost.

The Juan and only

Master Don Juan
Dec 4, 2005
Reaction score
United Kingdom
"How is analyzing bodylanguage and interpreting subtle signals worrying? Why would you be spending long nights doing that lol. You do it on the spot when your in conversation. "

I was talking about the guys who sit up and analyse what happened on the date they just had...running it through their head again again to try and work out how she feels...which is pure folly