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  1. C

    girl my mom teaches

  2. C

    girl my mom teaches

    Well i met this girl who used to be friends with "The Girl Next Door" I was talking about(search and you'll know what i mean) Well after that whole thing i met her and i found out that our moms work together. My mom is a dance teacher and her mom is a secretary. So me and my friends sit with...
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    where do i start with the guitar

    Unfortunatly alot of the good guitar tab sites are being shut down because the MPA beleives that unlicenced tabs are illegal. One of my favs Taborama is offline, but like j8snx1 said Ultimate guitar is working. Get a gripmaster. They help ALOT. i wish i had had one. and do the lessons on UG...
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    Girl Next door (the final chapter)

    Okay so she called yesterday in tears and she appollogized. Apparently what happened was, she went to sarahs house and she didnt know she was having a bunch of peopple over. but one of the guys was being a f@ggot and was treating her like sh!t, so she wanted to go home and not even go to the...
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    Girl Next door (the final chapter)

    I didnt tell her i was mad at her because she smoked weed though. Its not the fact that she smoked weed though its the fact that she smoked weed with this kid who does LSD and heroine ****. I was just worried and dissapointed i guess.
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    Girl Next door (the final chapter)

    Well let me just say in advance that this does not have a don juan happy ending. The story is thati met this girl who lives on my street, became friends and eventually she asked me to our semi formal that was tonight. Yesterday i found out from her friend that she went to go smoke pot with...
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    Girl next door

    well i never called her to ask her if she wanted to hang out. She always calls me. does that even matter. And she only ignored me for like 1 day because she was pissed off at something else and she doesnt talk too anyone when shes mad, in her words
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    Review Me

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    Girl next door

    Okay so i posted a week or so ago about how she kind of ignored me or whatever. Well eveything is fine. Ive been hanging out with her and meeting her friends and everything is cool. Well i was in Vegas for thanksgiving and she wanted me to call her and talk to her and saturday. So i did and...
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    Girl Next door (continued)

    THIS IS REALLY LONG my first post about this isn't really important. Just this girl that lives next door to me i had never talked to until this year and i did't know what to say to her and all that bull****. So i told another one friend of mine about her he has her in a class. So he told...
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    A tip on dealing with haters

    wait hold on i forgot what the thread was supposed to be about.... oh yea haters. I had a thread on this in the hs forum and got some good advice.
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    Pain in the a** kid

    but i want to say something BACK that makes him look like a total *****
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    Pain in the a** kid

    Theres this kid in my geology class who thinks hes funny ****. The only people that laugh with him are the other loser kids in the class who dont want to deal with his "Your mom..." or "Small penis" jokes. I know they dont reallt like him because i talk to them after class and they all say he's...
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    Too late?

    I know i have to but i dont know what to say to this particular girl. i dont see her all day but waiting for the bus in the after noon and walking home.
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    Too late?

    I posted about a week ago about that girl who lives on my street who just says "hi" to me occasionally. We dont know each other well at all and we've actually never siad anything to each other other than "hi". well now im worried that she thinks im an idiot and not worth trying to be friends...