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  1. S

    Bootcamp Week#2: Time To Up the Ante...

    Woah, this week’s quieter, been too bust to get on here all week!! As I said in the first weeks BC thread, I start on Wednesdays, I’ll try and catch up to synchronise with everyone who’s left as soon as possible. This is more of a progress report than a field report anyway. I’ve easily...
  2. S

    Bootcamp Week#1: Start Your Engines...

    seems like an example of why it’s good to play woman against each other. Good job :woo: Nope ;) Just posting a quick update….. Having problems with getting the opportunities to complete this stage of BC because of hectic things going on and being able to actually see 50 people...
  3. S

    Bootcamp Week#1: Start Your Engines...

    1 x L R / 12x EC R Hey!!! So it turns out this BC is going to be tougher and take up more time than I thought!!! Well, I started yesterday and it turned out to be an interesting day :D I was looking forward to getting this thing kicked off since I had plans to go out in the evening so...
  4. S

    Challenge#2: Create An Opener 2005

    Okay, here’s one I used on Wednesday. I know it’s pretty lame but it worked so shows you don’t need much….. I’m queuing with some mates for a cash machine and 2 HB’s come shivering over and join the que. Me: you’re cold Her: yeah it’s freezing Me: haha, you shoulda worn a coat Her...
  5. S

    Challenge#1: Create A Neg 2005

    This makes you sound stuck up. I’d say something like, hey, I love your panda eyes. That’s not a neg, I don’t know what it is.
  6. S

    Challenge#1: Create A Neg 2005

    Used this couple of days ago because it was just something funny to say. Me: what the hell’s happened to your tongue Her: What Me: It’s bright red Her: Oh, we’ve been drinking snakebite and black Me: Oh, you’re blokes
  7. S

    The UK Girls Thread and Social Ineptitude

    Think it’s a community thing, or lack of. I live in Chester and the people here talk enough if your part of the same community (sometimes). The community could be in a club, pub, village etc. It’s just basically assumed that you don’t talk to strangers and people don’t like to step outside...
  8. S

    Don't you hate it when....

    here's a song about it. hope the link works :cheer:
  9. S

    The Ashes are coming home!

    No, it means we used to have a crap team.
  10. S

    The Ashes are coming home!

    and back in ours in 09 after warne retires ;) joking, we'll have it in 07 too :D
  11. S

    My Neg Hitting

    The guy was getting his girl a drink from the bar asking what she wanted. She was pretty fit so was a good neg hit. i'll use the evil twin/sister one when i meet a couple of sisters in future
  12. S

    My Neg Hitting

    Re: Re: Re: Re: My Neg Hitting Yes, offering someone if they want diet coke is implying they are overweight. Using a line that is not expected to be taken seriously is funny, surely not a neg hit? and i wasn't saying your replys weren't good, i liked them.
  13. S

    My Neg Hitting

    Re: Re: My Neg Hitting They don’t sound like neg hits, more insults or C+F. I liked the “okay, so which one of you is the clone” though. I’ll always re-run conversations where I could have said something better but it’s impossible to be quick everytime and deliver the perfect line...