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  1. D

    penis problem...

    ok, so I was making out with my GF, long story short, she reached beneath my pants and started to do her job but in a wild manner, she had large nails and she scratched the middle section of my penis, the thing is that its been 4 days now and the wound seems still fresh, i been washing it...
  2. D

    The power of the ex-bf

    yeah I think thats the better thing to do, and once again i have proved that women are emotion driven and thats what i cant understand she told me logic told her to go with me but she still had some insecurity, im better than his ex in every way that you guys know, looks, money-power...
  3. D

    The power of the ex-bf

    long story short, i've dating this girl for like 2 months we had an INCREDIBLE time together, things began turning cold for the past week, yesterday we decided to talk to see what was going on, and she told me her ex bf began to call her again saying her a lot of things btw she broke with him...
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    I need some simple advice..

    Ok long story short, I've dated this girl like 5 months ago we went out, everything was good, then we became more distant (because of her) last week we agreed to go out and do something and when the day arrived she didnt picked up the phone nor returned my calls I pissed off, then I said enough...
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    need some master dj's advice...

    hey thanks for the tips guys... well as I expected I saw her today she greeted me like nothing happened and told me "heey sorry I couldn't make it but I had some trouble and I stayed in my house with a friend cooking some stuff" I said to her "oh really I thought you went to the movies" she...
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    need some master dj's advice...

    hey thanks pr, but then what do suggest to do when I see her tomorrow? swallow my pride and say hello to her and act like nothing happened?
  7. D

    need some master dj's advice...

    ok guys im really pissed right now, so just a quick background; theres this girl that i've been seeing for some time we have a very good realtionship, I know she is interested in me in a more than freinds way thats for sure and im interested in her too. So today a few hours ago we agreed to go...
  8. D

    show some tricks!!

    ok, we all know that performing little tricks and gimmicks is of great help when you are building rapport with a girl, so im telling you guys my personal favourite, this one I usually take it out when im talking with the HB having coffee or dinner or in any table at a party where you are...
  9. D

    Being disinterested isn't all it's supposed to be?

    dude you got the info. all wrong you have to MAKE the girl want YOU first then you can do all the uncaring stuff, and be uncaring about the girl doesnt mean you cut all sort of comunication with her, you just make yourself less available, give her time to wonder about you.
  10. D

    holy f*cking sh*t!

    thats pretty much it, men dont dance, ever.. unless it's the only ressort to approach to women IMO.
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    a little bit confused..

    ok well, to answer onearm: i've known this girl before she had a bf, and since day one i can tell that there was chemistry, but then for some reasons we stopped talking and when we finally met again she had her bf, what I think is that girls tend to look out for what their missing in their...
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    a little bit confused..

    thats what my friends tell me but its really hard for me to see because a i like her too but I cant ask that question to her because it wont seem right and I might end up screwing up everything.
  13. D

    a little bit confused..

    Ok, guys i've been reading this forum for like 3 months now and its been very helpful to me and I decided to register becuase I have a little problem: So I met this girl like 5 months ago, I REALLY like her and she has a boyfriend, so in the past 3 weeks I've been working her and DJ'ing her...