a little bit confused..


Don Juan
Aug 21, 2005
Reaction score
Ok, guys i've been reading this forum for like 3 months now and its been very helpful to me and I decided to register becuase I have a little problem: So I met this girl like 5 months ago, I REALLY like her and she has a boyfriend, so in the past 3 weeks I've been working her and DJ'ing her really hard and yesterday it finally happened, we were at the club and we began dancing, things began to get a little hot between us and we kissed, we went to a friends of her appartment and we made out some more and we sleeped together, (we didnt had sex), I want to hightlight that I can see that she is really into me and never talks to me about her boyfriend, what I wanna know is that if this girl really wants something serious? What should I do or how should I behave now?


Master Don Juan
Apr 13, 2003
Reaction score
Well until she dumps her boyfriend you can pretty much assume its nothing serious right?


Senior Don Juan
Jul 18, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by david_r
Ok, guys i've been reading this forum for like 3 months now and its been very helpful to me and I decided to register becuase I have a little problem: So I met this girl like 5 months ago, I REALLY like her and she has a boyfriend, so in the past 3 weeks I've been working her and DJ'ing her really hard and yesterday it finally happened, we were at the club and we began dancing, things began to get a little hot between us and we kissed, we went to a friends of her appartment and we made out some more and we sleeped together, (we didnt had sex), I want to hightlight that I can see that she is really into me and never talks to me about her boyfriend, what I wanna know is that if this girl really wants something serious? What should I do or how should I behave now?
:rolleyes: *sigh* Why is it that more and more people don't respect other people and the sanctity of others? What happen to those good old days when the lady becomes off limits when she says she has a BF or Husband?

Well anyways to answer your question just keep doing what your doing.

My question to you is, why do you want to start something serious with this girl? I never understood why a man wants to start a serious relationship with a lady who secretly cheated on their lover and left them for you. What makes you think if she cheated on him she won't cheat on you? :confused:


Don Juan
Aug 21, 2005
Reaction score
thats what my friends tell me but its really hard for me to see because a i like her too but I cant ask that question to her because it wont seem right and I might end up screwing up everything.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 4, 2005
Reaction score
Continue as though she didn't have a boyfriend.

Most boyfriends are tools.

I've had girls flirting with me with their boyfriend standing next to them. (I'm surprised I haven't had my as* kicked, but even though I'm scrawny, my body language often intimidates people much bigger than me.)

I gamed my first girlfriend by stealing her from her boyfriend. The three of us were at a party a bit later (literally, one day she was with him, and the next day with me, and then this party.)

I had to leave early, so I walked up to her, she was sitting next to her ex-as-of-two-days-ago, made out with her, and left.

Was I a total *******? Yes... [Was he a total tool for being at the party? Yes.]

I'm not the girlfriend-stealer anymore, as I realize how sucky that would be if that happened to me.

But I provide the story for inspiration... not that you need it... you're already pretty far along with this girl.

Basically the strategy is that once you ABSOLUTELY KNOW you've got her, give her a little nudge to break up with her man. Don't force or persuade, just a nudge.

Also, compliment her boyfriend a lot but make sure you ascribe AFC characteristics to him.

"Aww, he misses you."
"He seems like such a nice guy."

Whatever is appropriate. Don't bring him up unless she does though, because she'll automatically associate him with feelings of guilt, and that's not good for your sex life.

Just do this if she brings him up. Show a lot of respect for him.


Don Juan
Aug 21, 2005
Reaction score
ok well, to answer onearm: i've known this girl before she had a bf, and since day one i can tell that there was chemistry, but then for some reasons we stopped talking and when we finally met again she had her bf, what I think is that girls tend to look out for what their missing in their realtionship, and if she is looking for some affection then this guy isnt doing his job as a boyfriend, otherwise she would'nt be looking for it elsewhere. And to Alpha, in the month i've been seeing her she has never mentioned her boyfriend, not even when I ask her out, she talks about him to other friends of mine but not to me.


Master Don Juan
Nov 30, 2004
Reaction score
You shouldn't game other guys' girls. The world is tough enough for all of us as it is, that we don't need to add other men to our list of obstacles, when women are already there.

Put yourself in his shoes.
Also, if she has a boyfriend, she is not taking you seriously. Until she dumps her boyfriend, you are nothing but a plaything. She must do this willingly, or you are being used. Don't let that happen to you. Have self-respect and don't be a woman's side thing.