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  1. K

    Bootcamp started May1st, Week #1 - Developing / Conveying Confidence

    So last night I got 2 kiss closes. It was at this party at my college. The girls were only like 6.5-7's and at this thing there weren't many attractive girls but whatever i had fun. My original intention was just to flirt with the girls and not give them anything but i guess the alcohol got...
  2. K

    Bootcamp started May1st, Week #1 - Developing / Conveying Confidence

    For me EC's are automatic now. They weren't when i first found this stuff around a year ago, but by conscious effort you can make it a habit. I definitely have at least 10 ECs because whenever I walk around in public places i look EVERYONE in the eyes. Why shouldn't you? If you have nothing...
  3. K

    Why are AFC alpha males scared of intelligent HB's?

    To be quite honest, intelligent women are so sexy to me. I consider myself to be a relatively smart person and i love being able to talk to a woman at that elevated level. And when im being CF or whatever with these girls, i find it a lot easier to joke with these girls. They still get subtle...
  4. K

    So are you a player??

    Haha. This one girl i was working for a while started to get kind of upset at me because i always told her to shut up. Owel ;) Her: are you a player? Me: Yes..... i play basketball, softball, blah blah
  5. K

    nougat's bootcamp- come in beginners

    Week 1, Day 7 cont. That first party i didn't really know anyone but i stll was able to talk to whoever and flirt with and carry on some good conversations with the girls there. The #close was ok, but ill get a lot of girl's numbers at parties but never really call them. I might call...
  6. K

    nougat's bootcamp- come in beginners

    Week 1, Day 7 Ok guys, sorry i haven't really been posting this week... nothing too eventful. Not really sure how many "Hi's" i've gotten but im pretty sure that i've reached the required 50. I make eye contact with everyone automatcially now. Ok so now a field report of last night...
  7. K

    nougat's bootcamp- come in beginners

    Week 1, Day 2 (cont.) Said hi to a few people at the gym and when i went to get food. But i got a call from a friend who told me of a party for a friend's bday tonight. So i rolled over there after eating and getting ready. By the way soory if this doesn't make too much sence it's...
  8. K

    nougat's bootcamp- come in beginners

    Week 1, Day 2 So far i've only gotten about 5 smiles/hi's today, but its ok because its only 3:20p over here. I still got some time, gonna go to the gym and whatnot. So who all is still part of this bootcamp? All i see right now is nougat, myself and specialed. avrilishot DoN_KaTRiN...
  9. K

    Perfect example of an attention wh0re...

    Lol thefacebook... i know girls who live their lives by that sh!t. Silly, silly women.
  10. K

    Did I do the right thing?

    Good advice. You don't actually know if she really is kidding or not... only one way to really find out.
  11. K


    Lol, that sh!t is pretty off base. Don't get me wrong, i'd be pretty uncomfortable if i was to touch another naked man while i was bangin a chick. That sh!t is off limits for sure. But simply being in the presence of another naked man really isn't a big deal man. And for the record, no i...
  12. K


    I don't know why this topic has caused such a stir. I had no idea people here were so old fashioned in their sexual beliefs. Maybe going to college has opened my eyes but for me i see nothing wrong with a girl with a healthy sexual appetite. I know a few girls who really like sex, and some...
  13. K


    Personally when i watch porn, i watch like to watch guy on girl. Girl on girl just isnt' really that exciting. I can kinda see where you're coming from bigshovel with the half gay comment. For me it just doesn't do it for me to see two girls rubbing their muffs together and fingering each...
  14. K


    With regards to the initial question, i think that i would bone the sh!t out of that chick if she is as hot as you say and there is no element of danger involved. Now on to people calling you gay for being comfortable in your sexuality and being able to have sex with a woman with another man...
  15. K

    nougat's bootcamp- come in beginners

    Week 1, Day 1 Probably got 15+ "Hi"s in today. I've been making it a point to make ec with everyone at work and say hi if they seem receptive. Also for lunch i had a decent conversation with the lady who made me my sandwich. The EC and saying hi part is easy now, i just gotta start the...
  16. K

    nougat's bootcamp- come in beginners

    Ok guys, im in too. Did this start today? We should all start on Sunday so we can do it at the beginning of the week.