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  1. T

    Look at this post

    Re: Re: Look at this post I love this, its a pretty brilliant idea, definately gotta try it, just gotta find a way to get $100.
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    Electric Shavers...... How the hell to use em

    OH so sorry, i posted this in the wrong forum. Well maybe someone can answer it and it can become tips, sorry again.
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    Electric Shavers...... How the hell to use em

    Ok, Now i am having a really tough time with this electric shaver i just bought, someone help me out here, my face is all red, and now much hair is coming off, i really wanna know how to use this thing and yes it is one of these cheap ones for like $15, but thats not the point i hope, anyway...
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    Stuff Stolen

    I know this isnt the average problems that most of you have, but my backback and my sports bad got stolen the other day, feeling really bummed about it too, cuz i owe the schoo money now. I've been having pretty bad luck this, and i dont know whats gonna happen. This all happened cuz i broke a...
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    Erasing the Negative Inner Voice.

    Great Tip, but arent there people who use their negativity to just push themselves, i think they kinda feel someone outside is telling them they can/t do something so they set out to do it? I dont really know, i have tried it once, but dont really think about how to push myself, all i say is...
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    The paradox that is "be yourself"

    Pretty amazing analogy, and the best way, that the confidence message has been portrayed to me, i dont like being myself really, cuz either im to shy, to boring or to annoying.:confused:
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    Muscles To Big for Age

    Can Muscles be to big for the age....... Its not that big of a problem rite now, cuz im fat, but ive been doing gym for a while, and i already have huge bones(not a fat excuse) and broad shoulders so i look pretty huge. Rite now my tricep is quite flabby, but bicep coming along quite good, and...
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    What do you prefer? Hot or cute girls?

    There is just something about cute girls, for some reason, i want em to be my gf, but i dont feel like boning em, now hot, horey girls, would be great for about 20min a week or so.
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    How many gone all the way?

    I really should get out more and I think high school is the place to go. One problem that I have is that I have not done anything. It just really bothers me that I am this way.
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    Why Nerds are Unpopular: An Essay

    Personally the nerds I have meet really can change themsevles, because in the society that I live in being smart is popular.... Well maybe just have to divided. I put popularity in two standards: Applied Popularity - where being stupid and immature is popularity Acedemic Popularity - where...
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    Is it gay?

    well the guy kinda jumps on me when hugging, he does sound gay and acts gay alot, but I am not sure if he really is gay. But I know that I am not gay, and i just like a quick joke.
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    How many gone all the way?

    I know this is a personal question, but how many people have gone all the way. Because the amount of people that I know that have gone all the way is quite surprising. I go to a Catholic School and already half the girlz I know (I know a lot) have told me they have gone all the way and most of...
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    Finally, the answer to being confident?

    Yah but in my opinion high school is just acting politics, sometimes you have to lie. (no you cannot bomb another country)
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    how 2 approach girl in mall?

    I would definately agree with you there. The key thing is to remember, sh!t happens. That is the philosophy that I go by, espspecially in a mall, where the chances of ever seeing her will occur. Just had a question, how *** there are no guy problems with gurlz?:confused:
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    Is it gay?

    Ok...... Well I know that I am not gay, just having a little fun, but I wanna know if other people would find it sort of offensive and gay and not like me becuase of that. And I hope as a joke her my friend is ok with it. I just wanna clear up I am not gay, that is something I know for sure.
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    Is it gay?

    Hi guys, first time posting, Ok well I will get to the point. In high school my friend (she is female) has a boyfriend. And what he does is hug people a lot, yes even guyz. He comes up to me a few times and tries to hug me, I obviously decline the nice offer, but lately as a joke i hug him...