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    She tells --> "I am busy" or "I am busy and I will call you"

    optimist prime: what kind of negative crap is that? he experiences a little setback and he should just pack it in?? what is he gonna learn from that and and more importantly what has he got to lose...?
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    She tells --> "I am busy" or "I am busy and I will call you"

    "how can you tell if she's interested?" for starters she's talking to you on the phone. why would she answer your call if she didnt genuinly want to talk to you ? talking = interested solution on "i am busy": next time you get her on the phone reverse the role, say "im gonna be busy...
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    My new username and new me

    Hey enlightened, dont worry bout all that stuff matey. we're gonna sort all that out very soon! watch out manchester! ;)
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    Up to date : The Uk.

    Manchester here and LSS
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    Mixed Signals

    there's been 4 dates! by the 2nd date she's already decided if she'll sleep with you. on top of that you've had 3rd and 4th dates. .. what other signals do you need bud? if she didnt like you, there would BE NO 2nd, 3rd, 4th date! the ball is in your court - it's up to you to make...
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    uk bootcamp

    Yo Guitar_Whizz, you're also from manchester? think i've tried getting in touch with you via PM? would be cool to meet fellow DJ's and hit good old manc.
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    My approach is this any good or i need something better ?

    glad it's making sense. knight56: start off with a very simple question like "where is the nearest bank/subway/xyz place" once the girl has responsed say thanks and move on. even if the girl doesnt know where that place is, the important thing is you've just talked to a random girl...
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    My approach is this any good or i need something better ?

    knight56 is having a problem with shyness not generating rapport or jumping on a girl right there and then. you guys missed the point. the point of the exercise to is make him comfortable around talking to random girls. if you dont like asking for the time, dont use it then. as long as you're...
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    My approach is this any good or i need something better ?

    knight56 try taking small steps and gradually build up to harder tasks, for example: approach 10 random girls on the street and just ask a simple question like "what's the time"? as a warm up (dont forget to hide your watch and put your phone on silent!). next try asking another 10...
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    uk bootcamp

    Fellas , octane_orphan: This is from personal experience - waiting on tube platform, saw 2 girls. walked over to the most attractive one me: "i like you" (direct approach). she was shocked and walked away, other friend remained and shouted to her friend to come back and talk to me...
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    uk bootcamp

    the tube is a great place! you must have the mindset of not fearing or caring about what is around you. doesnt matter if it's the tube, coffee shops, street etc... there will always be people around you. coffee shops will have people the table across, on the street you'll get passerby's -...
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    UK djs!!!!

    I'm from manchester also, this thing still kicking around? would be cool to meet up.