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  1. D

    Neg hitting ....some cool examples please :)

    This is one I thought of on the spot one night. Her - "I've been really lazy about going to the gym recently." Me - "I can tell" followed by a smile. Only use this on 9's and 10's, perhaps 8's if you know they will be able to take a joke. Less attractive girls would probably take it as...
  2. D

    best reply to "is she prettier?"

    Her - "Is she prettier than me?" Me - Yes ;)
  3. D

    Difficult decisions

    Man, just get up and f.ucking do it. What will be worse - moving to Chicago and possibly have it not work out; or looking back at your life when you are 80 and STILL be in the same ****ty town as you were when you 20, regretting you didn't at least try it. Do it. Do it now. Not in a few...
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    Bond, James Bond

    The point of being a spy is not to let people know you're a spy. Jeez.
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    Boot Camp Journal

    One of the best posts I've ever read here.
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    Low-Status Male

    Become more masculine. If you don't lift weights, start now. The increased level of testosterone in your body will work wonders - you'll feel more confident, agressive, funnier/wittier and more MANLY. That's the key to being the high-status/alpha male - masculinity.
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    Where do you work?

    I'll be starting work as a doorman in July (I'm also a full time university student).
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    My best friend is an AFC and his girl wants me

    A similar thing happened to me recently, but I told the girl it wasn't ever gonna happen (even though she is hot, around a 7, and has a great personality). It doesn't matter what you feel about this girl, don't up a friendship.
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    Dumped the gf

    LOL, that cracked me up.
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    “All the girls fancy you, but they think you’re gay.”

    That's a difficult question. In most cases, you either have the "macho" image or you don't.
  11. D

    are girls attracted to your mates?

    To be honest, I'm relatively new at this game and so I'm not used to this sort of attention from women. This is the first time something like this has happened to me. But yes, I do feel guilty and bad for my friend.
  12. D

    are girls attracted to your mates?

    That happened to me recently. I've been practising C/F recently on every girl I meet, to the point that it's become second nature. Anyway, what I thought was harmless flirting has lead to her confessing to me that she has feelings for me, which just shows you the power of C/F. Check out this...
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    Dan_DJ - Introduction and first field report

    Thanks for your feedback guys. uniassign, that's awesome advice, thanks a lot man. I'll try to remember all that and will post another field report on Saturday. Anyone else have any criticisms/comments/advice?
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    Dan_DJ - Introduction and first field report

    Hi, I'm 18 years old, 1st year of college, only ever had one girlfriend. Anyway, I've recently discovered the DJ Bible and have been reading it religiously for the last few weeks. This stuff is f.ucking gold, and I thank all the people who have contributed. Anyway, today (Sunday) I...