Search results

  1. p_1337

    Ways to Increase Physical Intimacy on First Contact

    I always start off dates with a warm hug, as it breaks the touch barrier right from the jump. It can also be a solid indicator of her initial attraction level (i.e. if the embrace is warm and lingering v.s. if she happens to pull away fast). If the opening hug is implemented: this needs to be...
  2. p_1337

    She just told me: I just feel weird lately

    How did you end living together when only dating for roughly a year? I dread this same scenario will play out with my current main. We've been together for ~2 years and she wants to live together come 2025.
  3. p_1337

    Harsh Truth: You will never beat women in the dating game

    Based on my extensive experiences over the last 10 years-- I have to wholeheartedly agree with this post. With most girls (especially in the 18 - 25 age range) there appears to be zero urgency around fostering a serious relationship / getting married or having children... but these same picky...
  4. p_1337

    Guys who hit their stride with women, dating, and game after 30, what is your story?

    I've hit on a lot of girls over the past decade: and no amount of demonstrated "masculinity", confidence, humor, or personality that I demonstrated mattered if they weren't already attracted (and yes, since really getting into "game" and making dating a regular part of my life about 10 years ago...
  5. p_1337

    Guys who hit their stride with women, dating, and game after 30, what is your story?

    I can agree and strongly relate to a lot of the salient points in this post (especially those I've bolded). The biggest divergence in my experience: I find game has gotten harder since reaching my 30s. Even though I'm far more successful and established now, it seems like the landscape has...
  6. p_1337

    The Hot Guy Myth

    While I believe being "objectively attractive" (i.e. relatively tall with pleasing facial aesthetics) and building a solid physical appearance (i.e. being physically fit and dressing well) will more often help you (most importantly helping to build your confidence)-- I don't think being...
  7. p_1337


    Will be in Chicago this week. For anyone else in town: feel free to send me a pm if you want to meet up to shoot the breeze / grab drinks. For the Chicago vets -- any recommendations for solid night life venues / c0cktail lounges or bars to bring broads?
  8. p_1337

    Are most PUA coaches full of **** when they say you need no value at all to bang and date hot girls?

    Todd V always seemed to provide solid advice and never came across like a giant tool (like many other guys in the space, especially the RSD crew)-- but I've grown to increasingly question the legitimacy of his results (i.e. he claims to have top notch game, consistently pulls girls, has dated...
  9. p_1337

    Using Negs

    While I agree that light teasing can lead to some great banter and sexual tension -- in my experience: it can also backfire terribly. Some women will actually get offended or find you annoying.
  10. p_1337

    Golf with Grace Charis for 100k!

    This just confirms the old adage: "the thirst is real"
  11. p_1337

    Whos from NYC / Long Island?

    Yes indeed -- I'll be around the next few weeks.
  12. p_1337

    What's your experience of girls with large Tattoos?

    My experience: make sure to wear a condom.
  13. p_1337

    How many chicks have you slept with?

    Stopped counting around 100, but I'd say I'm around 180-200 at this point. I'm in my early 30's and started to really get into 'game' around the time I was 22/23 years old.
  14. p_1337

    Central Florida

    I'm in the Tampa area
  15. p_1337

    Florida guys

    For night-game: I prefer downtown St Pete or Ybor City. Soho is fun, but appears to very clique oriented with primarily college-aged girls.
  16. p_1337

    Whos from NYC / Long Island?

    I'll be there later this month into January. Feel free to send me a private message.
  17. p_1337

    Anyone in the tampa area or St. P?

    I'm in the area. Feel free to DM me (I'm new to the forum and cannot send private messages yet).