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  1. F

    Help with my routine

    Thanks guys for ur replies. So far I've changed my routine a little bit to this. Day 1 Legs Squats 3 sets Leg Press 2 sets Leg Curl 2 sets Stiff Leg Deadlifts 2 sets I think this should be pretty good for a leg workout. I'm not too sure how to do the stiff-leg deads correctly so...
  2. F

    Help with my routine

    I'm pretty much a begginer at working out but I've started a new workout based on what I've read so far. Here are the workouts I do for my back and chests/shoulders (mostly based on Deisels guide to bulking up) Back/Traps Pullups 2 sets Deadlifts 2 sets Bent over Barbell Rows 2 sets...
  3. F

    friend likes my g/f

    So here's the background... My friend and I both liked this girl and he asked her out first. She LJBFed him and when I asked her out she said yes. Flash forward a few months... Now the girl is my g/f and my friend has his own girlfriend. But I'm pretty sure he still likes her and is still...
  4. F

    Valentine's Question for the DJs...

    Here's what I think is gonna happen... You're gonna get him a card just in case he gets you one so you don't feel bad. He's gonna get you a card just in case you get him a card so he won't feel bad. So then, both of you are gonna have cards for each other but neither of them are going to...
  5. F

    Another nice failure(lesson) here/real chat convo included!

    I don't think this was the best thing to say to her... Also you shouldn't have been seeing her every day for a week. You should have played a little more hard to get from the beggining. It was also AFCish to ask her if she lost interest in you. Best idea now is to NEXT her and move on.
  6. F

    Taking it further; Do it in private!

    If you wanna meet a girl, don't meet in her in private and tell her your feelings. This is probably one of the worst things to do and will probably scare her away. I think doing this is kinda AFC.
  7. F

    making out

    So we've kissed goodnight a couple of times. But they've all been just quick ones. Any tips on how you guys transitioned into making out without asking her? I know she likes me but she might be a bit too nervous or afraid to get "intimate".
  8. F

    Seeing her too much

    I wasn't trying to plagiarize or anything. What I meant when I said "It seems to me" was actually "from what I've read on this forum, it seems to me". I don't claim that any of these ideas are mine because thats why I'm here on the boards to learn. I just wanted to clear that up before you...
  9. F

    Seeing her too much

    What do you do if you're dating a girl that you see every day at school? Will her IL go down since she's around you so much? It seems to me that the best way to keep up IL is to create an environment of mystery and suspense. This will create desire. But if I am always there every day, the...
  10. F

    Being funny

    Are there any specific books or movies or shows any of you would recomend to learn how to be funny? Not movies or books that make me laugh, but those that a little deeper and shows to create humor.
  11. F

    not sure what to do

    She's more of a casual friend. Kinda known her for about 5 months. Started to date maybe 2 weeks ago before her IL fell due to my AFCness. She's sorta shy but she is hot (HB7-8) and she knows this.
  12. F

    not sure what to do

    I was somewhat of an AFC before I came to this site and I could feel the IL of a girl I was kinda in my school seeing fade away. Luckily, I found and read a lot of the articles and posts and applied the techniques. I stopped doing favors for her and when she asked me to call...