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  1. N

    HBs with ugly men

    Man you wouldn't be the only one to notice HB with ugly guys. But having said that Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but they be holding some pretty ugly ****ers from time to time. Seriously though looks ain't everything to a girl that doesn't mean they don't want a good looker but...
  2. N

    RETHINK: Buying women drinks

    Hey don't not having the cash to buy many drinks. Probaly most of us guy don't have that much to spend at the bar. Hell, I don't even anough for myself sometimes. Having said that though I do not buy a girl a drink (if I do at all) when I first meet her untill after I have chatted for a while...
  3. N

    I need a tip for soemthing unusal

    Thanks guys. theese are good tips, allthough as yet I haven't had a chance to use any of theese yet
  4. N

    I need a tip for soemthing unusal

    thanks for the tip but she's one of those ones that never shut up by the way just how soon should you ring after you first meet
  5. N

    any suggestions for nexting my girl?

    You should tell her in person. Its the only respectable option, she will think of you as dirt or a loser if you do it any other way and so will her freinds. So be decent and close on a good point. You may run into her again in the future and a good closing point would be crucial then.
  6. N

    I need a tip for soemthing unusal

    Well I have a problem like many guys here that isn't unusal. But the problem i have just might be though. Standar sort of thing: guy meets girl out on town one night, geta bit of fun and a real number for the night. she tells me to call her Guy rings girl after a couple of days, talks for...
  7. N

    New Zealand DJ's

    Your boy don't have the cup either
  8. N

    I wanted your number but now I'm not interested

    This is actually a request 4 advice not advice being given. So I've managed to get her number and she was so excited when I did and then I rang her a few days later and she was like i'm not really interested in you anymore. She didn't say that, but you could feel it from the way she talked...
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    New Zealand DJ's

    chch To the other guy nz's not bad but you may not be used to the tempatures we experiance. They are kind of mild.
  10. N

    New Zealand DJ's

    Have we got DJ's from NZ Here?