any suggestions for nexting my girl?


Master Don Juan
Jul 16, 2003
Reaction score
ok I'm going to next my girl of three months She just told me she doesn't like some things about me. She is in 'perfect guy' dreamland right now and I'm not going to put up with it.

Any suggestions as tow hat method I should use to do this? I normally, just ignore them and then laugh when they complain later.

1. Send her a short email telling her it is over.

2. Completly ignore her

3. Phone her up and say goodbye


Don Juan
May 28, 2003
Reaction score

Talk to her in person. Why isn't this an option?

And tell her what you just told us.

"She just told me she doesn't like some things about me. She is in 'perfect guy' dreamland right now and I'm not going to put up with it."

Girl of 3 months and you're just going to ignore her? How old are you? E-mail is almost as bad.


Master Don Juan
Jul 16, 2003
Reaction score
Re: .

Originally posted by Mazman
Talk to her in person. Why isn't this an option?

And tell her what you just told us.

"She just told me she doesn't like some things about me. She is in 'perfect guy' dreamland right now and I'm not going to put up with it."

Girl of 3 months and you're just going to ignore her? How old are you? E-mail is almost as bad.
When a girl is unsure about what she wants then you just move on. All I'm saying is that I'm going to start dating other women now. She told me that I'm some kind of mystery guy to her and she can't figure me out. Imagine that after 3 f-ing months!
Why should I even lift a finger or waste my gas to visit her? I would rather just focus on other women then put up with that kind of crap.

I'm not going to grovel at her feet and tell her I'm going to change my ways and that I'll do all just to keep her. I told her on the phone that I am who I am and I'm not going to change the way I live my life for her. I have done nothing but give to her for the last three months. She is upset at the fact that I don't eat at regular times in the day or that I'm not organized. What the F is that about? I live my life as a free spirit and I do things when I want to.

I think I'm going to go with option 2.

last night we talked about this on the phone. I stood my ground on everything I believed in. She couldn't take it so she just ended the phone conversation quickly to get her dinner out of the oven.

It wasn't long after and she called be back telling me that she was sorry and that she felt bad for ending the conversation. She told me she still wants me. Yeah right, she just doesn't want to loose all the good things I do for her and the kindness I have always shown her. But does she really want me? NO! you can bet she doesn't. While she told me this I had already nexted her in my mind.


Oct 9, 2003
Reaction score
Cut off contact with the rag and move on. If she wants to talk. let her make the move.


Master Don Juan
Jun 22, 2003
Reaction score
Re: .

Originally posted by Mazman
Talk to her in person. Why isn't this an option?

And tell her what you just told us.

"She just told me she doesn't like some things about me. She is in 'perfect guy' dreamland right now and I'm not going to put up with it."

Girl of 3 months and you're just going to ignore her? How old are you? E-mail is almost as bad.
Thank You.

Kevin-GROW UP. Show a little common courtesy. If it was three weeks you'd get away with email and you know it! It's been three months-front her like the man you think you are and you might actually become that man.


Master Don Juan
Jun 27, 2003
Reaction score
Beyond your peripheral vision
Re: Re: .

Originally posted by ShortyBrown
Kevin-GROW UP. Show a little common courtesy. If it was three weeks you'd get away with email and you know it! It's been three months-front her like the man you think you are and you might actually become that man.
ditto. :rolleyes:
Nov 6, 2003
Reaction score
Wisconsin. USA
Have some courtesy and do it in person. Are you scared to tell her to her face. She wasn't scared of telling you what she wanted in a man. Now you have a chance to tell her what you are looking for in a woman. Maybe this will clear the air and lead to matrimony :). - or maybe you'll both realize you are incompatible and move on with no hard feelings!


Don Juan
Nov 2, 2003
Reaction score

Dude. You expect her to love everything about you? I dunno how she said it, and what it was about. But it is nice sometime to know what the other dislike or what they THINK they dislike. She mights just have misread her.

You think you love her 100%? Then if she "still with you" but dislike thing, chance are she is not in the "absolute perfect guy thing".

You want to break up, or don't see her again for whetever reason (might that be your ego!), then just be a man and tell her!

Or else you just fear!

Anyway you won't see her again, so why should you be afraid to tell in front of her pretty face that you are nexting her beside being hypocrite? ;-)


Master Don Juan
Jul 16, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by PuertoRican_Lover
Have some courtesy and do it in person. Are you scared to tell her to her face. She wasn't scared of telling you what she wanted in a man. Now you have a chance to tell her what you are looking for in a woman. Maybe this will clear the air and lead to matrimony :). - or maybe you'll both realize you are incompatible and move on with no hard feelings!
ok first of all, the only reason I found this out was because I confronted her. She is the silent grudge type and I could sense that there was something on her mind. When I found out that the things on her mind were just stupid and trivial. I told her flat out what I thought and I was rather blunt about it. Complete stupidness.

I told her that what she thinks she wants in a man are trivial things and her that her mind can't see what is really important.

Ignoring her has worked out for the better regardless. She called me begged me to come over to her place. As it stands now, I am in total control. I told her flat out the other day and I also made the choice to move on without telling her. I'm not going to put up with bullsh!t. As a man, I know what it is I want and I'm not afraid to make cut and dry choices.

She called me and asked me to come over tonight. I could tell over the phone that she was sorry so I went over. When I answered, I was in a totally good mood( i was happy ignoring her and happy to just look elseware) This shocked her. I guess she thought I would be mad or upset. I did end up going over to her place. It wasn't long after and she gave me a BJ.

Now I still thinking things over, but that is more like it!

I'm glad I just made up my mind to ignore her. This proves that the first step to nexting is to ignore. It applies to relationships too. Telling someone you are nexting them is AFC. A man should just ACT and not worry about words.

lessoned learned here is this.
every 1 month of a relationship = 2-4 days of ignoring before you next.

other lessoned learned:
Don't let your emotions rule your actions when it comes to women.
Last edited:


Master Don Juan
Jul 16, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by MickoZ

Dude. You expect her to love everything about you? I dunno how she said it, and what it was about. But it is nice sometime to know what the other dislike or what they THINK they dislike. She mights just have misread her.

You think you love her 100%? Then if she "still with you" but dislike thing, chance are she is not in the "absolute perfect guy thing".

You want to break up, or don't see her again for whetever reason (might that be your ego!), then just be a man and tell her!

Or else you just fear!

Anyway you won't see her again, so why should you be afraid to tell in front of her pretty face that you are nexting her beside being hypocrite? ;-)

Your adivce is usless. You are an AFC and the posters before you are women.

3 months of a relationship is not enought time be in love.

A man should always have expectations for his women. He should not be afraid to keep what is good and discard what is bad. That's all I was doing. When you realize this you will get laid.


Don Juan
Nov 18, 2003
Reaction score
oregon, US
The only reason to ignore a woman is if you're interested in persuing a relationship with her, and you're trying to raise her interest level by being a challenge (though, I think there are much better ways to be a challenge) If you've made the decision to next her, then ignoring her is a cowardly thing to do. Why is it cowardly? You're acting out of fear. Fear of not having this girl around anymore to give you BJs, and fear of confrontation with her.

If you've decided you don't want an LTR with her, you need to be a man and tell her in person, otherwise you're just using her.

NZ guy212

Don Juan
Nov 13, 2003
Reaction score
New Zealand
You should tell her in person.
Its the only respectable option, she will think of you as dirt or a loser if you do it any other way and so will her freinds. So be decent and close on a good point. You may run into her again in the future and a good closing point would be crucial then.


Don Juan
May 28, 2003
Reaction score

Sounds like you're the one who doesn't know what he wants.

You're telling us you want to next the girl and now you're talking to her on the phone and going over her house.

If you're going to next a girl, it means you move on. Find another.

This sounds like you're being a challenge so she'll want you more.


Master Don Juan
Jul 24, 2003
Reaction score
I am surprised nobody noticed an undercurrent to this thread:

She is trying to turn him AFC with her comments, he is resisting (remaining DJ), now she is more interested...

This is a textbook case of showing all of us how the DJ stuff works!

Kevin, if you want to next her, just tell her and more on. Do not drag it out. If you want to keep her but bend her to your will, keep doing what you have been doing! Let her b1tch about it... who cares...just don't keep doing things for her...



Don Juan
May 28, 2003
Reaction score
Oh it's pretty clear he's got her more interested.

I myself just don't see why I would do all that if I was nexting a woman.


Master Don Juan
Jul 16, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by Mazman
Oh it's pretty clear he's got her more interested.

I myself just don't see why I would do all that if I was nexting a woman.
For those who are new to nexting.. IT ISN'T A SPLIT SECOND PROCESS. Some people on here next way to fast. When I am about to next a girl I simply ignore the bull**** and look in another direction. that takes next to no effort. Furthermore, when you realize that there are so many other great women out there it will become a pleasent process. there is no need to do anything else. The only time you tell a girl that it is over is when she doesn't learn her lesson. otherwise keep her around and experiment with her. It will be her choice if she becomes just one of your girls or someone you take seriously.

damn.. this board is now full of AFC's and AFC advice. The board is also really slow. there must be tens of 1000's of AFCs reading this board. What a shame.


Master Don Juan
Jul 16, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by NZ guy212
You should tell her in person.
Its the only respectable option, she will think of you as dirt or a loser if you do it any other way and so will her freinds. So be decent and close on a good point. You may run into her again in the future and a good closing point would be crucial then.
an man does not care what a woman with low interest level thinks. You my friend, should not base your actions on what other people may or may not think. When you do what you want and just move on, you will GAIN more respect from her. She will not see you as something that can be pushed around. As for her emotions, don't worry about them.


Master Don Juan
Jul 16, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by Mazman
Oh it's pretty clear he's got her more interested.

I myself just don't see why I would do all that if I was nexting a woman.
when you go out with a gir for 3 months she at least deserves more than a split second next. It only fair that you give her some time. As i said in the other response, it take no effort to ignore someone and call up a few of your other girls.


Master Don Juan
Jul 16, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by dietzcoi
I am surprised nobody noticed an undercurrent to this thread:

She is trying to turn him AFC with her comments, he is resisting (remaining DJ), now she is more interested...

This is a textbook case of showing all of us how the DJ stuff works!

Kevin, if you want to next her, just tell her and more on. Do not drag it out. If you want to keep her but bend her to your will, keep doing what you have been doing! Let her b1tch about it... who cares...just don't keep doing things for her...

the reason no-one noticed is because this board is now full of AFC advice


Don Juan
May 28, 2003
Reaction score
Ok I get what you're doing now.

From your first posts it seemed like you wanted to get rid of her completely and asking for advice on what to do.

You really just want to keep her on the backburner for now.

When I "next" a woman. I'm done with her. No more contact.

What you're doing is what I prefer to call "being on probation".
I'll still have some contact with her, but don't invest too much time.