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  1. Y

    "I don't give my number to guys anymore"

    why do you talk about neg hitting her as a good thing? Neg Hit Rule number #1: ONLY TO BE USED ON HIGHLY INFLATED EGO B!TCHES. yes, b1tches - not any ladies. the girl u described didn't seem to need to have her ego take a hit. And if a girl says no once - she's not going to suddenly...
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    as i writhe this i am WASTED!!!!!!!!! ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

    funny how u sound drunk even in your typing. lol I didn't quite understand. You are pissed because your target got picked up by a lesbo?
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    Philosophical question... Do not enter if you are not willing to think.

    As a don juan, I think this is very important question. I believe the seeking of the answer will be more valuable then the results itself, but the answer will be very valuable to aspiring don juans. My question is; "Why do one give importance to others". From, close and personnal friends...
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    Official: Boot Camp for the masses thread (beginning 10/01)

    hmmm, I gotta start saying hi to girls in groups... I had more or so 15 hi's today ... still not counting em. I should have my 50 by tomorow cuz I'm working at the restaurant ... anyways ... busy day. I got one convo from a groupie ... twas alright, she couldn't stop smiling - lol...
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    Official: Boot Camp for the masses thread (beginning 10/01)

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    Official: Boot Camp for the masses thread (beginning 10/01)

    I need your help guys. I'm in college and it's a small schitty one too (800 students only). Plus I'm pretty well known, so if there is anything on me - it will run around VERY fast. (I'm talkin within 2-3 days max) Therefore, I'm afraid to do any 'sosuave' actions because ... I don't know...
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    Official: Boot Camp for the masses thread (beginning 10/01)

    That's the motivation I need... I dunno how many hi's I said today ... but I do know that haven't held many eye contacts with strangers. I'll be more focus tomorow.
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    Official: Boot Camp for the masses thread (beginning 10/01)

    I agree, the harder the road - the better you are in the end.
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    Official: Boot Camp for the masses thread (beginning 10/01)

    I'm in. We startin tomorow right? Damn, I'll be busy all day - but 50 people in a week isn't hard. Be back tomorow.
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    MAJOR Field Report: Don't You Dare Not Look At This!

    labrette what the fukk is that? as for your question. Good Job!!! I think you are kickin yourself too hard for this. I think you overemphasize techniques too much (displaying the alpha male image, being ****y and Funny ect.) versus just BEING it. You see things as I'm being...
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    Was this some kinda **** test ?

    = 'I don't want a boyfriend, I don't want you with me 24/7, I don't want anything emotional ... I JUST WANT TO HAVE SEX!!!' What the FUKK are you tripping out for???
  12. Y

    need someone to start bootcamp with

    why not? It's for a good cause. I'm really busy though plus I just quit my job, so I don't know how far I can go (dating-wise) but what the hell. I got your back. Let's start tomorow (monday) first day of the week. Just sounds right.
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    dyd, roff jeffries

    2 X 0 = 0? :(
  14. Y

    Went for the kiss close on the dancefloor... odd response

    Why bother? wether she has a boyfriend or not, you are interested and you go for what you want. If you wanted to kiss her, do so. If she backs her head away or turn the cheek or slaps you then she's not interested and leave. Never leave the work half done.