Official: Boot Camp for the masses thread (beginning 10/01)


Senior Don Juan
Jun 9, 2003
Reaction score
A kiwi in a very bad disguise of a dutchman :P
Just warning u dudes that I made this post a little too long but, won't next time but I thunk if you make long post it will inspire the rest to do best.

OMfukingG there are lots of drop outs for the first day, 7 in total you know who you are and welcome to the two new joinees Rahul and Tantric ope you guys don't drop out as fast as the other guys.
I'll stop blabbing and report.

Week 1 Day 2
OHG today was so ****ing cool apart from the morning but Im glad it happened otherwise I would'nt of had such a great day.
At 8.15am I got rung out of bed to go to work(needed extra people) so, off I went.
I finished at 3pm and im so glad I work close to the airport b/c there r so many ****ing people there.
I was there walking around got some hi's then off I went to the ladies clothes store I said more hi's and wandered around aimlessly till some HB asked me "how can I help you" I said "Certainly, Im looking for a attractive, rich girlfriend that gives good massages, do u have any in stock?(she laughed so hard she nearly split at the side)(fuking confidence boost), then made small convo(and I jumped the gun which I shouldn't have done) I left on a high note and thanked her for her help.
Got some more hi's and went to chocolate store made small convo with old female clerk saying I have a date what would be good to buy for her, thanked her and left.
Walked around more got more hi's then I saw another clothes store saw women taking thing from display with everything gone and her bending over , ass towards people I went up and knocked on glass she turned around looking really surprised I made the money gesture and asked how much? b/c it really looked like the red light district with all the hookers(LOL fuking confidence boost).
Went to cologne store made convo with HB clerk made her laugh and collegue(again jumped the gun, big no no its only week 1).
Went to other chocolate store where 2 HB clerks worked talked to 1 and made other laugh(OMG I just can't help myself).
Walked around got more hi's then I thought thats enough for now im tied.
On the way to bus stop I waved at HB bus driver she waved back with smile(confidence boost), went back to work to my gear got more hi's then went home.
On the bus back home I heard people talking english and me thinking to self don't talked your not ready and there r too many people around but, my gut keeped say just do it, so I waited till people would get out but didn't so I thought fuk it just open ur fuking mouth so, I got a 5min convo out of it b/c they got out a few stops later when I arrived at the station and on the way walking home I got more hi's I went past HB friends from yesterday so I just had to tell them about it they thought it was great how many hi's I got and said I making a sport out of it.
Sorry guys with out knowing it I made my post a little too long but, I just had to report b/c I had such a fuking fun cool day, it might not mean alot too other people but it was gold too me.
I was enjoying myself so much it got easier, quite a few people were looking at me mad b/c they can't take it that someone is happy.
U guys are wondering how many hi's I got so, gonna tell you I got a whooping 35 hi's which I thought was impossible but I was having so much fun it was easy.
Here's some advice heaps of people make EC but u don't notice just look at the person then they make EC and by the time they get up to u they look down again so when there within distance just say hi most do say hi back but timing is of the essence.
At first I thought this is not gonna work so I already rejected myself but that didn't give a good feeling so I stoped rejecting myself then I was like too myself "u can do this b/c u believe in yourself" "no u can't do this ur a loser" then me too fear "fuk off fear ny body isn't big enough 4 the both of us so fuk off" and guess what it fuked off" "act now, act now, act now, god damnit .
Another bit of advice if u cross the 50 hi's mark just keep at it b/c if u do like I did last time I failed bootcamp u'll become lazy and stop and not reach week 2 and don't start other weeks too early b/c u'll get a head of yourself like I did by accident b/c where doing this together dudes.
I'll be stopping now b/c I have too get up at 4.30am tomorrow for work so i'll be making and end now but b4 I go I have to say some thing.
Mr Delicious, you ain't a DJ, tomtom MrNice guy, Sir Lancealot, The collector, Rahul, Tantric, Borgia and Ill-Nino congrats on making it past the first day and I hoop u guys get thru week 1 I really mean it b/c u can do anything as long as u believe in urself.
Yes dudes, I know I said I would bust who didn't report within 24hrs individually but I don't have any time left I will tomorrow though but i'll make a start.

This is for the dropouts
Syemour,oNe LoVe,Mr Latte,Gil Harris,Miggity Mike, the_great_gaia,seula xplaya you know what u guys r ?????????
FUKING LAZY BIG ASSED AFC'S , there is no good enough reason too have not reported the first day.
Where trying too breed a new race here guys if half of the recruit quit on the first day we'll never get anywhere.

Later dudes hope too read your great reports tomorrow.

Btw today I hi'ed 28 female young and old but, the most around my age and 7 guys ohh yeah I also made convo with guy but all convo's were **** though.

Grand total hi's 42

P.S After today I believe in myself and just now im gonna become a DJ I just know it.

P.S.S I wont jump the gun any more b/c I'll get past all u guys and even if u pass the 50 hi's just keep going till the end of the week.

Night Dudes read youz tomorrow.



Mr. Delicious

Senior Don Juan
Jun 24, 2003
Reaction score
Hey ya I was going to say, you guys that arent posting should. If you dropped out thats fine but if not please post so we can keep track. I know seula playa is still in becuase he imed today and gave me a report. I will post my day 2 later tonight. I am going out tonight so i should get in some more hi's


Don Juan
Jun 28, 2003
Reaction score
Hi all

Today has yet to finish and like MR D, i am going out tonight however i will write tommorrow and let you all know how it went. Today has been a quieter day on all fronts, i have been out less and therefore had less oppurtunities. Its funny though that even though i was really happy with yesterday, i had lost some confidence by this morning and it took me a quite a few hours to get it back.

I got eight hi's today which puts me on 35 i believe so thats not too bad, one of the eight i am counting was one a HB hi'ed me due to EC i was giving her which i am pleased about - got ignored probably about twice so the ratio is staying solid and thats really about it!!!

So, how do i feel about it all? today was really a day of consilidation after yesterday, i don't feel that i was anymore nervous and am happy with it all. i am not really out my comfort zone yet but i am going to challenge myself to hi groups of girls etc to force myself to get used to being out of it


I need to pump myself out for 2nt and i will let you all know how it went

I look foward to hearing from you all soon

You ain't a DJ

Don Juan
Aug 19, 2003
Reaction score
DJ Bible
I need your help guys.

I'm in college and it's a small schitty one too (800 students only). Plus I'm pretty well known, so if there is anything on me - it will run around VERY fast. (I'm talkin within 2-3 days max) Therefore, I'm afraid to do any 'sosuave' actions because ... I don't know - I think I'm afraid of other's opinions. I know I shouldn't care - but somehow it's alot easier said then done.

So my problem is, I know EVERYTHING that has to be done, but I don't apply it because I'm either afraid that I will attract a girl I don't want or I'm afraid of what will be said about me. I guess I have a certain reputation I don't want to lose.

What can I do guys???

So far, I had maybe 10 hi, probably more but I don't count them. Since I kinda know everybody (most by face), when I work - I don't have a problem saying hi. (I work in the college's gym)

I say hi to alot of people, but that's only because I know them. I said hi to people I don't know - but that's only when I'm working in the gym. I kinda have a 'host' respeonsability.

What can I do guys???

I'm studying in pure sciences, I'm overloaded with school work plus I have 2 jobs. I don't have time to go to the mall after my classes and I work all weekend, so the only time I can pull exercises are when I'm in the college.


Mr. Delicious

Senior Don Juan
Jun 24, 2003
Reaction score
Week 1 Day 2

Today was much better than expected. I got a total of 16 "hi's" which put me up to 26. Most people responded to me today. Also, I kind of jumped the gun and met these two freshman girls (hb 6 and 7) They are roomates and i number closed. They seemed very very interested in me. This number close was like taking candy from a baby.

Also this chick that stood me up about a month ago ran into me today and she was like hey we need to hang out. I dont know what thats supposed to mean.

All in all it was a really good day and a good confidence booster from yesterday. :cool:

Mr. Delicious

Senior Don Juan
Jun 24, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by You ain't a DJ
I need your help guys.

I'm in college and it's a small schitty one too (800 students only). Plus I'm pretty well known, so if there is anything on me - it will run around VERY fast. (I'm talkin within 2-3 days max) Therefore, I'm afraid to do any 'sosuave' actions because ... I don't know - I think I'm afraid of other's opinions. I know I shouldn't care - but somehow it's alot easier said then done.
Ok first of all. What kind of dirt could be on you from going up to people and saying hi. Is someone going to gossip and say, "OMG this guy came up to me and was polite and smiled and said Hi, What a jerk can you believe it?!?!?" I definately understand being afraid of people's opinion. That is something i really struggle with. But saying hi can only really bring a positive look towards you from others. Anyway, good luck and keep on truckin.


Don Juan
Jun 28, 2003
Reaction score

Came home late from the gym and all my friends have gone, lost motivation to go as i am miles behind in my reading and am prob going to Austin tommorrow where i should have a real night out. Anyways, i got two more hi's at the gym 2nt which puts me on ten for the day and 37 for the week.

Look foward to hearing from you all

oNe LoVe

Don Juan
Sep 15, 2001
Reaction score
Oh no, this MotherF***** ain't no quiter!!! He** NO!!

Here is my summary for the last two days:

Wednesday, I managed to get 5 hi's 1 HB that said hello back =) . 1 other ugly chick said hi back the others didn't. Made good EC with 6 strangers, one a HB. Its wierd holding those extra sec's of EC, but you have to conciously force yourself to do it until its habit.

Thursday, I got in 4. First one was at McD's drive thru with a cute cashier. Good EC and said hi, it was reciprocated. Went to Barnes and Noble in the afternoon. While sitting at the cafe this good looking 40yr old came by and I had to look and bam EC! Didn't say hi cuz I was kinda surprised. But still felt good that was able to make EC. Said hello to this ugly girl on my way out which was not reciprocated.

TOTALS 9 hi's.

Advice: make your hello's heard. My first few hellos not even I could hear them! No wonder I got no response. Say it with dignity and like a MAN!

oNe LoVe


Don Juan
Oct 9, 2002
Reaction score
Edmonton, Alberta
I'm in

Ok, I'm a couple days late starting, I'll do my first day after classes tomorrow, and post my report tomorrow night or saturday morning.

Sir Lancelot

Don Juan
Sep 29, 2003
Reaction score
Week 1 Day 2

Got some better results today. Made eye contact with more than I can count and got 2 HB's to smile back at me. BIG confidence boost! I got only 5 Hi's in today though, but none with HB's (never got the chance). That makes 7, so 43 left to go...

That shouldn't be a problem though, I'm going to a school varsity football game tomorrow, that should give me a great opportunity to dish out the Hi's.


Don Juan
Jul 4, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by You ain't a DJ
I need your help guys.

I'm in college and it's a small schitty one too (800 students only). Plus I'm pretty well known, so if there is anything on me - it will run around VERY fast. (I'm talkin within 2-3 days max) Therefore, I'm afraid to do any 'sosuave' actions because ... I don't know - I think I'm afraid of other's opinions. I know I shouldn't care - but somehow it's alot easier said then done.

So my problem is, I know EVERYTHING that has to be done, but I don't apply it because I'm either afraid that I will attract a girl I don't want or I'm afraid of what will be said about me. I guess I have a certain reputation I don't want to lose.

I say hi to alot of people, but that's only because I know them. I said hi to people I don't know - but that's only when I'm working in the gym. I kinda have a 'host' respeonsability.

What can I do guys???

OK, so you don't want to ruin your reputation as a reserved anti-social loser? I don't get it.

This is a lesson I learned THE HARD WAY, having the reputation of a player CAN ONLY HELP YOU. I remember a conversation I had with my last oneitis, the one that hurt me so bad that I came here to change my life. We were talking and she said "So you must get a lot of girls?" with a sly smile and I said "No, you're actually the first". STUPID STUPID MISTAKE!!! She wanted me because I was really comfortable socially and I flirted a lot so she just assumed that I got lots of chicks. It gives women a huge ego boost when they are with a player because they are thinking "out of all the chicks he must get he picked ME".

Don't be afraid to be labeled as a player, in fact try to cultivate your image as THE PLAYER.


Don Juan
Feb 12, 2003
Reaction score
San Diego
Week one Day two- i was out late last night so i rolled out to get my hi's later than i wanted. I still got six hi's which brings me to 14 overall. Hopefully tomorrow i will start getting to double digits.

I also got a call from a chick that i had put on the back burner. We hadn't spoken in two months so we decided to get some drinks and play some pool. The kino was flowing so maybe there is more there than i thought. Anyways keep it up guys.


Don Juan
Feb 12, 2003
Reaction score
San Diego
Week one Day two- i was out late last night so i rolled out to get my hi's later than i wanted. I still got six hi's which brings me to 14 overall. Hopefully tomorrow i will start getting to double digits.

I also got a call from a chick that i had put on the back burner. We hadn't spoken in two months so we decided to get some drinks and play some pool. The kino was flowing so maybe there is more there than i thought. Anyways keep it up guys.


New Member
Aug 2, 2003
Reaction score
Week 1 Day 2

Right, didn't have time to post yesterday but here's an update

Again, made loads of good eye contact and said hi to one woman in her 40's! not great but it's a start

Went out last night and talked to loads of people - some birds are just miserable and really don't want to talk to you. Did alright though managed to pull a pole-dancer (HB8) and some other girl (7) so confidence boosted slightly.

Still need to get over this fear of saying hi to people in the street - it's really f'ing stupid that because it really shouldn't be that big a deal

So, 1 down 49 to go (am not going to count anything I do when i'm drunk...)



Senior Don Juan
Jun 9, 2003
Reaction score
A kiwi in a very bad disguise of a dutchman :P
Week 1 Day 3
Ive past the 50 hi's mark but, im gonna keep goin i'll just work on more EC.
Today I was really tired got only 2hrs sleep so didn't get that many hi's in.
Got 3 hi's at work b/c its a big assed huge cargo storage.
After work I went to the airport again got 2x2 females group hi's they hi'ed back got some hi's and more hi's, b/c I was so amazingly tired I went home and got 2 hi's on bus.
From the bus station walking home I got 5 no EC hi's from HB's.
Btw I got 2 convo's out of 2 female clerks too.

Grand total hi's=57
57 down -7 to go(lol)



Don Juan
Oct 9, 2002
Reaction score
Edmonton, Alberta
Week 1, Day 1 (for me)

Started the day out at school (University). Made plenty of eye contact with almost everyone. Said one hi, tried to do more, it just feels so awkward, not scary, just awkward. After school, I took the bus to the mall. On the way to the mall (about 30 min ride) a HB (8.5 or 9) and her friend get on the bus and sit across from me. After a while, her friend gets off, and she moves right next to me and is laughing a little. I ask her what's so funny, she says nothing, she just doesn't like busses. I ask why, she says she doesn't like sitting next to people. I pretend like I'm hurt, and ask even me, and tell her she's hurt my feelings before she even learned my name. She laughed. She gave me her name (I think it was chelsea, but I'm not sure, I'm really bad with names) so I told her mine. I talk to her for a while longer, and she starts gathering her stuff to leave, so I figure what the heck, go for it, I ask for her number, and she gave it to me. Now I'll wait a few days to call her, and hopefully figure out some way to open without her realizing that I'm not sure what her name is, lol. Anyways, I made it to the mall, finally, started walking around. Lots of good looking girls, said hi to one, made lots of eye contact and nodded to others, both of my hi's today got hi's back, and about half of my nods got nods back. I'll try to go out again tomorrow and get more.

2 down, 48 to go.

PS. Yes I know I jumped the gun with that number close, but I figured what the hell, do it anyway.

You ain't a DJ

Don Juan
Aug 19, 2003
Reaction score
DJ Bible
hmmm, I gotta start saying hi to girls in groups...

I had more or so 15 hi's today ... still not counting em. I should have my 50 by tomorow cuz I'm working at the restaurant ...

anyways ... busy day.

I got one convo from a groupie ... twas alright, she couldn't stop smiling - lol. It's weird, cuz instead of getting a ego boost, it just made me more stressed???

Rahul, I'm not an anti-social at all. Infact, everybody in the freakin damn school knows me. I get people saying hi to me or talking to me that I don't even know their freaking names. I am far from a loser in my school. Except to the eyes of the ones who hates me, but even them have a hard time hating me.

I am a personnal trainer at the college's gym, I do shows, I'm in the breakdance club. I know alot of people, hang out with multiple different groups, I play ping pong, I was on the varsity team last year. It's only this year that I toned down the socializing because I need to focus on my grades more.

I see your point though. I'll try to change my mentality ... it ain't easy though.

Sir Lancelot

Don Juan
Sep 29, 2003
Reaction score
Week 1 Day 3

Went to the football game, and had a LOT of fun. Lot's of friends were there, and we were joking around most of the time. When everyone left, I walked around, and continued my mission. I did about 8 more hi's (with about 6 returned) so that brings the tally up to 15 total. I made eye contact with a lot of people, got several smiles back and two chicks to wave! This is great, I'm already feeling more confident.

That means 35 left to go, which makes me a little behind. I'm going to have to kick the Hi's up a notch for tomorrow, I'll probably go to the mall or something.


Don Juan
Feb 12, 2003
Reaction score
San Diego
Week One Day Three: Was hanging out with my best friend for most of the day but still managed to get 7 hi's in. Most people didnt respond but im to the point now where i could care less. Being more outgoing is a lot more fun than being quiet.