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  1. N

    Las Vegas Bound!

    I travel from LA to Vegas about 3-5 times a year. I go mainly to gamble, but once a year we take a "boys trip". Day time: A cabana at the pool is a must. You will drop around 3 grand for a decent cabana at the likes of the hard rock - but it is well worth it. You get a couple bottles of...
  2. N

    All the DJS' opinion on this chick (Serious relationship problem)

    She is definitely co-dependant. You should avoid this chick going forward, because she's extremely unstable. If you think about what she did: 1) In love with a guy that has multiple girls on the side (and she ignored a lot fo warning signs) 2) went for comfort with tis guys friend -...
  3. N

    Why do I hate the idea of the happy couple?

    Who cares what other people are doing - it's all about ME.
  4. N

    Working hard enough?

    It's never just about how HARD you work - it's also about what your doing. I see plenty of kids at the gym drenched in sweat - most of them are overtraining, or their form sucks or perhaps their diet stinks. Same at work. You all know guys putting in hrs at the office, leaving at 8PM -...
  5. N

    Loving your Children more than yourself

    I am having my first in short order. It's already changed me. When I was sitting in the Dr. office waiting to hear her heart beat, all I could think of was "Please be be ok, please be ok, please be ok" - it was a relief when I heared that heart beating, fast and true. I have turned up my work...
  6. N

    ARe men more racist then women?

    Race has nothing to do with it. women and men want what's best for them. In general, men want to hottest chick we can get - whether she's black, brown, white or yellow. Women, in general, want the best provider/ money earner. Again Race is unimportant. but if you have to go there, this is...
  7. N

    Girlfriend is not into sex anymore

    I have dealt with this personally - and I know many people who have also dealt with this. You can do 1 of 2 things. 1) Put up with it 2) leave. No amount of arguing, pressuring, pushing, game playing will change this in the LONG RUN. You can do some things for the short turn, but it...
  8. N

    What does my ex want?

    It's been said, but why do you care? My guess is you want her back - or you would not have posted this. But you will never get her back by continuing contact with her. You must break her will first. and you do that by cutting contact and making sure she knows/believes you have moved on and...
  9. N

    One Night Stand Fail

    were you attracted to her? I don't think you can just attribute this to booze alone. did you have her suck your C@ck? This has happened tome in the past, but it is usually down to the fact I'm not attracted to the girl - but if she knows what she's doing, she can work you into the mood.
  10. N

    Tangled Web - Advice Wanted

    I assume you told your buddy prior to you going there what the deal was? If you didn't you gone an F'd up. if you did, this is an easy conversation with your buddy to have.
  11. N

    Stay at her place or rent a hotel.

    I did it. But she rented a hotel room for us since she was married (but didn't tell me up front). Worse case scenario, you can rent a room or the first night - you can always extend it after that should you need to.
  12. N

    She needs space...where did it go wrong??

    You should not have appologized. At the time you did what you did for a reason. Don't deny what you were feeling - because it smacks of someone who doesn't know where he is or where he is going. We've done it, but don't appologize for it. I think you knew something was up. If you didn't, you...
  13. N

    ex-girlfriend says she's pregnant

    You need to confirm the pregnancy. You will obviously perform the paternity test if she turns out to be preggy and decides to deliver. You have a couple of options. My suggestion is to talk to her about it. Say that you really want to be a father and are looking forward to settling down...
  14. N

    2010: Give your year end review and goals for the future.

    This is about as queer as reading Celberity news.
  15. N

    Porn star has kids with Ultimate Fighting Chapionship fighter

    This forum is begining to make me quite sick. I really believe most of you are keyboard jocks spinning tall tails - with very little to give except opinion based on a concept you don't even understand. Quite frankly, Both these people have made more money than the lot fo you put together...
  16. N

    Why does it feel like I'm constantly being disrespected

    a lot is happening - interesting stuff. I just wonder what would make the OP bring this kind of drama into his life. Then I know the answer. The s#x. It's always the same - the crazy ones are the best lay's. Just don't think you can turn these women into GF/Wife/live in material...
  17. N

    So my buddy got married last weekend...

    This is a much overlooked concept.
  18. N

    So my buddy got married last weekend...

    Perhaps it's the people you are meeting, or the type of woman you are with. I don't know if it's your past or what, but you can't run around the rest of your life not wanting to trust anyone.... and if you look hard enough, you'll find something - or perhaps it's a sefl fullfilling prophosy...
  19. N

    So my buddy got married last weekend...

    There seems to be a lot of bitterness and negativity here. It's gotten worse, and I only come back now and again, and everytime I do, the majority of posts are all wining about the same thing. It's really upto the individual. I've got friends who are married, but still go out boozing every...
  20. N

    The Future of Game - Flaking

    Isn't the opposite true as well? My nephew - late teens - is part of this new social network. He has girls calling him up - at least 2 a night. I find that he himself makes plans and often times changes them on a whim. I just see this as a catalist for us to change. I've often comentated...