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  1. N

    You Will Always Pay for Sex

    Fvck your a barrell of fun aren't you? So every second of your day is spent making money on other 'endeavors'? yeah thought so.
  2. N

    A preview of things to come?

    This is such a BS issue for fvck sake. If it bothers YOU, then you do something about it - ie. throw it away. Let's put things into perspective here - your not going to change her - sure she may clean up her act for a short time, but in the end we are who we are, and this is not something...
  3. N

    You Will Always Pay for Sex

    If you just wanted sex, why did you get married? To get married believing your going to get sex consistantly is your problem. also, putting up with the BS she gave you. I'm not married, but I've lived with several women. Each time, the sex has dried up - excuses, tired, busy yadda...
  4. N

    You Will Always Pay for Sex

    There are direct and indirect costs to everything we do as human beings. eat that Pizza today, pay the cost tomorrow. Booze and enjoy a good cigar with the boys on Friday night - and lose your Saturday morning. These are all indirect costs. Costs of doing business. Going out to look for poon...
  5. N

    You Will Always Pay for Sex

    And you have to spend time driving to the store - gas in your vehicle, wear on the car etc. etc. It's a mute point. There's always intangables. But if your going out 'Just to get laid' - then good luck to you. My point was, your not buying dinner, or drinks, or trips away. You don't...
  6. N

    You Will Always Pay for Sex

    I'm very surprised at this statement. It's inacurate at best. Has no one ever had a one night stand? Have you never meet a girl that just wanted to fvck? Granted, it's happened to me only a handful of times - but it does exist. The gold diggers out there, will be with you in the HOPE...
  7. N

    How to NEXT after she disrespects you

    This is really great. Great way to think and conduct oneself. I think this is situationally dependant. There's nothing wrong with no disrespecting her and more importantly yourself. The way you act and conduct yourself should always be above those of others. Fvck them, As a mature man, we...
  8. N

    How DUMB can I be!!!

    Knee jerk reactions in these kinds of situations are normal - hell, I just pulled one off myself - and posted about it - and now wished I hadn't said what I said to my ex. But it's live and learn - and we are better for the experience. I wouldn't worry about it - if she asks, just lay it on...
  9. N

    Need some advice from vets!

    You talked about your emotions to much You were to nice and considerate You accomodated her every time she flaked on you You had no edge to yourself - no spark nothing that would tell her that you would be a man and not take her BS You fell in love with her when you hadn't even seen...
  10. N

    I broke my own rules

    Yes I was lazy and had limited to no other options. Socially I was stunted and I took the very easy option - of great sex with someone I was familiar with, who enjoyed it as much, if not more than me, with a greater sex drive than me. Easy route, and I'm only finally able to get around fully...
  11. N

    I broke my own rules

    What if there were amber flags preventing you from making that commitment? Doesn't that bare weight in the decision? Nothing is perfect - and I'm probably way to critical - always seeking perfection that no one can live up to. I'm a real pain the in A##.
  12. N

    I broke my own rules

    Very, very true. Makes sense - it's a shame when the end is near so to speak, all the BS is torn away and your basically left with raw feelings. Lesson learnt for the future is not to mix FB with an Ex. Tough decision to be honest. hard to throw away a woman that takes care fo you so well.
  13. N

    I broke my own rules

    I wish. Had ligament and cartlidge issues - getting back to normal though. Years of playing sports had done the damage. She was drinking and hiding it - it bacame an issue so I left.
  14. N

    I broke my own rules

    Yes, you are right - that's exactly what I did, and it was fine for the first 8 months. I realize what I did - and what led me to this juncture. I agree to all of this. I did not give her what she wanted - and she was clinging to hope that things would change. I know why I lost her...
  15. N

    I broke my own rules

    Somewhere along here, I got comfortable. maybe relaxed, I'm not really sure, but I'm questioning myself and my feelings. I broke up with my GF over 8 months ago. She clung on tight, and we continued to see each other and fvck. The sex was always great - always has been, and maybe even got...