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    How to listen to your balls

    when she rejects you, you move on to the next one. She just missed out on meeting your "boyz"
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    How to listen to your balls

    Ok, here's a way to realize that you have balls, and use them: When you're around a girl, there are probably a million thoughts going through your head. Some are ideas of rejection, or dreams of romance, and they influence how you treat her. During this time, there is a little voice that tells...
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    Nobody cares about you or what you do

    I place alot of importance on myself. What I do really matters to me, and I feel that what happens to me really plays a huge role in my life. Hehe :D
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    Girl friend cheating?

    you got involved with a girl with problems: bad you realized this and ditched her for the next: good oh yeah, and you haven't lost her. She lost you. You're not the one with all the probs and cheating. unless she comes back to you 'on her own' and says she's fixed alot of things, and...
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    Are we really that scary?

    I once saw a girl deep-throat a salt shaker at a restaurant we were at. God bless girls who are relaxed about sex. It's better than some awkward, scared virgin who doesn't know how to handle the pole.
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    I have a quick survey question

    add-on: I am not obligated to treat people better than they treat me.
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    Approaches when people are around

    The best DJ tip on Earth: Honestly never give a damm, ever. Do what feels good to you, unless it violates state law.
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    How do you guys PU girls at clubs

    Brush your teeth, very useful. Oh yeah, and stand out a bit.
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    I have a quick survey question

    ok, quick fix to the approach prob. Make a list of how many girls you approach at any given event. don't mark how many ou get turned down by, just mark the ones you get. Then, the next time, approach as many girls as it takes to get more approvals than last time. After a while, the whole process...
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    Tried somthing new today

    did she look at you as she ran out. She might have gotten excited, so excited she needed to, um, relieve herself. With parents like that, she might have had alot built up in her. She wouldn't stare at you if she wasn't interested. Unless you had something really weard about you.
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    I have a quick survey question

    ok, first off, realize the phone number was probably out of pity or to get you off her back. second, she seems to not respect you, do you think that merits her deserving your time and attention? and finally, if you're going to try and play games, know that girls are wayyyyyyy better at it...
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    What to do...

    The girls' gonna cheat no matter what advice we give. It's kinda pointless. And she seems to want to, so the next step would be how. My suggestion: Tell this new guy you want to hook up, no strings attached, or if you're going to leave your bf and get with this new guy, don't mention the strings...
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    What would you do?

    The best way to lose your virginity is to do it with someone you don't plan on seeing alot and to make it quick and painless. It's not as magical as you might think, more awkward. You'll get too attached to that person if you do it in a relationship, and then you're left with 2 options: 1. She...
  14. D a pill?

    actually, these guys took it to help them study for a midterm. They just thought it kept them up. They had no clue about the other effects, until after the fact.
  15. D a pill?

    That's right, I know it might sound crazy, but for the AFC's that still can't seem to be able to find confidence in themselves, and be able to act smooth in front of the ladies, this might be the answer. It's called Strattera. It's commonly used to treat ADD, but it seems to have some...
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    My ex-gf situation - need help

    ok, let's go down the list: you never fought, so I thiml that means you agreed with everything she said=problem women KNOW they can find a better guy, you're fooling yourself if you think she's not looking. she mentioned MAYBE being in love with her ex. HINT HINT! she did NOT back...
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    My whole situation... Please I need help!

    BAIL! BAIL! Get out while you still can! You're on a sinking ship! You just described my ex a few years back b4 I knew the DJ stuff. She's through with you, but women can still act all lubby dubby just to use you for emotional support or whatever. If you bail now, you come out on top with...
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    ULTIMATE Dance Floor Guide

    ok, i tried the bump butt thing and she's still in the hospital. I weigh over 300 pounds, but I AM currently losing weight, it's just not coming off all at once. In the meantime, when I go to the club again, any tips for a guy my size, as far as at the clubs?
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    stupid ***** ****ed me over..neeed to get revenge

    WHO the **** here is TALKING ABOUT MY GIRLFRIEND?!?!?!?!? Women will do this to you the rest of your life. They act all confused like they don't know what they want. And at some level, they don't, but their subconcious does. They want that challenge, that one thing that is out of their control...
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    Bryan Redfields advice... Totally un-DJ like!

    Yeah, I once dated a girl a third of my weight, AND she wasn't ugly or stupid. You should always aim high, but give the people on the bottom a shot too, you'd be surprised which one's don't have a gag reflex.