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  1. D

    Yes, good girls DO cheat

    hold on...women post on this site? Whoops!
  2. D

    FAT girls. WHY I usually avoid.

    I'm fat, and i've been with a fat chick. here are some reasons I can't crack on fat women: 1. They will worship the ground you walk on b.c they know they can't get any better (don't know if that's good or not, but her buying stuff for you is cool) 2. They CAN suck a mean ****, but you might...
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    Female Player forums?

    oh yeah, and girls DO grow up naturally knowing the game, otherwise they become sluts or stuck up *****es. In any case, women don't need help. Just wash frequently, work out, and have the guys come to you. You have 2, technically 3 (if you count each boobie as one) things men want, and it's...
  4. D

    Out-Don Juan'ed

    ok, thanks, that did it for me, the "I know you like your game, but don't pull this attitude on me, it doesn't benefit anyone." line was perfect. It should work. If he cops an attitude, i'll probably clock him one, and leave. But I think I got what I needed, this is a great forum and I'll be...
  5. D

    How do you get over a girl you were REALLY in love with?

    another quote I remember: Even if you think a woman is a TEN, at least 5 other guys in the room think she's ugly as ****! If you were more specific abotu how it ended, that might be able to explain WHY is ended. But I think the best way to deal with this is move on and if she comes back, make it...
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    Female Player forums?

    here's how to get a guy: show cleavage smile if you're not hot, have money or have a great sense of humor if you're afraid to talk to a guy, do this: Walk up to him, put his hand on your breast, and say "Nice to meet ya" that usually opens him RIGHT UP! if all else fails, eat a...
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    Out-Don Juan'ed

    Yeah, we've wrestled b4, and I've made him cry for mommy, so I might just resort to that, just hoped it wouldn't make it look like him "getting some" mattered soo much to me that I would attack him. As far as the weight, yeah, I reall AM getting it off, like I said, no problem for my future...
  8. D

    Being proud that you're still a virgin

    Um, I'm not a virgin, but i wished I stayed that way. I was hurried and attached it to a very unsavory moment. Virginty-loss is not all it's cracked up to be. It's a little wetter, a little warmer, and a little softer, and boobies help, but the end result is the same; sweat,spurt, sleep. No...
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    Workout clothing tips for the gym?

    yeah, when i go to the gym, the question I ask myself is " what can I wear that won't make the other guys throw up when I'm working out?" (I weigh over 300 pounds) The usual responses are: 1. Circus tent 2. Dodge Buick 3. South Dakota Hell, if it makes u feel any better, I'll come work...
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    How do you get over a girl you were REALLY in love with?

    ok, i've read alot of these forums, I remember something about how a relationship is only as valuable as the time and effort you put into it, they realted it to a slot machine or something, anyway, most guys I've met are not in love with the girl that they broke up with, they are in love with...
  11. D

    Out-Don Juan'ed

    I have no problem never talking to him again and I DO look for better friends ( i have ALOT) but I was just trying to find a way to avoid this little moment of embarrasment/ demeanment. I mean, the girl isn't even involved except for being the thing to flaunt. Heck, I don't even think about her...
  12. D

    Out-Don Juan'ed

    um, i'll never see him again in 5 days, He's out of college, and moving, and I'm still in college and NOT moving, so there's a VERY small possibility that i will see him again. I just want to know how to react in the moment. That little (although beaten senselessly beaten to a pulp) AFC guy in...
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    Her FIRST Blow-Up

    I would suggest you just not talk to her until she comes to her senses. She sounds like a ***** who needs a reality check. She needs to know she can't act like that towards someone and expect them to respect her enough to call her all the time to work things out. So unless she's an INCREDIBLE...
  14. D

    Out-Don Juan'ed

    hw got to her first, in ALL categorys, I know he won, he deserves it, blah blah, that's not the problem. It's actually more of a non-woman problem. How do I deal with him flanting his accomplishment? Is there any way to avoid or prevent him from acting that way or making it seem like it's not a...
  15. D

    Out-Don Juan'ed

    oh. btw, I know this guy sounds like a jerk or not a good friend, but he intorduced me to this site and whithout him, i would be MUCH worse off than I am now, I so kinda OWE him a little bit. He can be a **** at times, but he's a good guy when he tries.
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    Out-Don Juan'ed

    oh yeah, and if he read this, he would probably just tell all his friends about it and embarrass me even further.
  17. D

    Out-Don Juan'ed

    Ok, a few clarifying things: 1. I don't think he posts, just gets the emails. 2. He's EXTREMELY ****y, he talks down to me if I try to object to anything he says (yes, he's Alpha, but he's moving away in 5 days, so I can't change it) 3. I try to model after him, but for some reason, I...
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    Out-Don Juan'ed

    Just in case that was confusing, I just need to know how to let my friend know I don't feel like talking or hearing about her. I have done this a while back on something un-related and got the usual "What can i say, it's just too easy" or "Too bad, I guess she picked the right man after all"...
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    Out-Don Juan'ed

    Ok, here's my problem. I have a friend who is a True Don Juan. A year ago, he intorduced me to this site and I've read every article on this site. It has helped me to understand women and I has helped me feel more confident. Well, A week ago, I met this GORGEOUS woman. I told my friend I was...