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  1. D

    A Misconception about Marriage

    That has to be one of the most insightful posts on marriage from a man's perspective I've ever read, anywhere. Excellent Rollo, excellent. I myself, married for > 15 yrs, can fully support the observations Rollo makes.
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    Sosuave Qoutes

    "If you keep doing what you've been doing, you'll keep getting what you've been getting..." -was in one of Rollo's posts, not sure of the origin though. "I have no designs; I make Seizing the Opportunity by the Forelock my Designs. " -Fowler's Samurai Creed “Keep inwardly calm and clear...
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    Now I am really pissed off!

    Yeah, that type of behaviour will piss you off, and that's what she wants : control. Like Zero said, just roll with it. Indifference is a powerful attitude with chicks like this. Shows her behaviour is not affecting/controlling you.
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    any good websites that teach Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu

    I agree, there's no real way to learn any martial art from anything other than being in class, day after day, with a good instructor. Having said that, here's some video links of some interesting Jujitsu techniques: Aikijujutsu-doc Ogawa Ryu Ogawa Ryu Torite Seiteigata Aikijujutsu Ogawa Ryu
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    Receding Hairline

    I feel for you pal. >>Could this be normal do to my age and maybe not the start of male pattern baldness? I started loosing it earlier, so consider yourself lucky. If it's receding in front, sides or skull cap, you're prob looking at the onset of MPB. Is not the end of the world though...
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    I usually avoid threads like this, as they turn into a "my martial art is better than your martial art" pissing contest. So please, if your opinion differs, fine, I accept the difference, it's not necessary to jump all over each other (as tends to happens when the subject of picking a...
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    Getting rid of the weird in me

    >> i am very silly foolish annoying weird. I dont know how to stop being weird. Being 'weird' is not necessarily a bad thing, as long as it's not childish, immature, "look at me" type weird. 'Annoying' is not an endearing trait to women. Attention-getting type weirdness is, as mentioned...
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    mother in law issues

    If her opinion is that important to you, then my suggestions follow: Be a mature man around her, meaning be a gentleman in all respects. Dress appropriately, even a bit over what's necessary. Certainly dont curse at all, and dial back on the slang. Speak like your at a job interview -...
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    Those Who Lost Their Virginity Before Sosuave...

    Age 15 for me, and that was many, many moons ago. I'd guess I'm around Rollo's time period, as there was no Internet, in fact, there were no PCs either. Christ, that makes me feel old next to you young bulls. Anyway, had gotten head many times before that from chicks, but never hit it...
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    THE G/F STEALERS Club //// Learn the ways to steal G/Fs (1.0)////

    Stealers Club toot86, I am in - It's what I live for... /DT