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  1. B

    What $20 buys in 2015

    So you're trying to impress random strangers on a message board with how much you spent on a stripper you dated that you tried to impress by tricking? Whats next you buy her weeks groceries and pay her months rent so she never forgets how special you are?
  2. B

    WTF is up with my friend???

    Exactly my point. These same people will do it pretending to be "helping" you while using you as a lab rat to experiment with for their own amusement. Thank them for their "concerns" and do what you want to do going after who you want.
  3. B

    Most Men are not Beta that supplicate

    Did you cry when your relationship ended? You were powerless in your relationship with a woman? Have you ever even had a relationship with a woman? We get it. Poon King is against heterosexual relationships. He doesn't want one. Congratulations. Poon King shouldn't be dependent on what other...
  4. B

    Most Men are not Beta that supplicate

    And any loser can whine and complain online about what is and isn't "alpha" about being in a relationship with a woman. That same loser can gripe all he wants talking about how great it is to be on his own while constantly trying to bash any man who gets into a relationship with a woman. If...
  5. B

    WTF is up with my friend???

    Sounds like your friend is trying to use you as his guinea pig. He may like the chicks he wants YOU to go after and is using you to try and see how they react because he's too scared to approach and go after them himself especially since you said he likes the same types he's trying to get you to...
  6. B

    When the check arrives and you're on a first date

    Meh. Depends. I still go where I want. It's not up to the chick or anyone else how I choose to spend my money. If I feel like going someplace nice I haven't been to I'm taking her if I want. Doesn't mean I do it for everyone. Just where I feel like going. Means nothing to me or trying to...
  7. B

    When the check arrives and you're on a first date

    I wouldn't ask them out in the first place if I didn't think they were worth it. Doesn't mean when you ask someone out you HAVE to spend a sh1t ton of money. But at times I personally feel like going someplace and bringing some chick I already know along. If they don't offer to pay anything or...
  8. B

    Most Men are not Beta that supplicate

    Why did my response to another poster get you so enraged? You aren't willing to answer the questions I posed to the other poster yet instead only want to hear what you want to hear. You have your own agenda on here son. You aren't fooling anyone.
  9. B

    When the check arrives and you're on a first date

    You pay for it IF you are the one who invited her out. If not? Then you don't pay. Some people like doing different things and actually trying new places not living their lives in coffee shops or bars or trying to bring every girl they meet back to their place and then get mad at the same...
  10. B

    Most Men are not Beta that supplicate

    Who says a man can't live on his own terms if he gets into a relationship with a woman? It's his own terms to get into the relationship in the first place. Who says he will "cry" if she does leave? Who says he then can't get another woman after that relationship?Who says he won't leave her or...
  11. B

    Positive self talk and affirmations won't get you that far

    The reps your receive off your garbage posts is proof positive of the state of so suave. Trolls running the asylum.
  12. B

    Heartiste: "Don’t ask questions about her." Your opinion?

    That "advice" is garbage. Imagining yourself as such a "high value man" that you almost never ask others questions or have to make them anxious on when to call is idiotic and coming from a person who has no clue but is a living "legend" in their own mind and complete BS artist. Imagine...
  13. B

    Don't EVER buy a woman a drink (when youre single)

    Women use men to buy them drinks. Its been going on for a long time. If you are buying drinks for women to try and pick them up and get laid you are desperate and pathetic deserving to lose all your beta bucks.