Most Men are not Beta that supplicate

Speculator E

Master Don Juan
May 6, 2007
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But this is only because of how low men, as a whole, have sunk. It's sad. If masculinity was a stock, it'd be at an all time low. The number of brain washed betas out there who supplicate without question is staggering... and ever increasing. Men in general are in dark times.
I got this from another thread and it got me thinking.

There's a lot of talk here about how most men are beta that supplicates to women. But when I look around, I see most men are already taken with girlfriends. I see most men are capable enough to get a girl. So that's makes most men alpha.

So what are some examples of men behaving betas and supplicating?
May 25, 2015
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you have no clue what alpha means. Just having a woman is not necessarily alpha. quite the contrary. alpha means "leader", and it's about 10% of men, at most, 20%. the rest are just betas. There is SOME crossing of the lines, as a guy goes thru changes in his life, to. So you've got a 50-50 chance at being alpha at some point in your life, as well as being beta. in a dog or wolf pack, there's only ONE alpha, but such packs are often just 4-5 males, too. That is where the concept of "being the alpha male" originated.


Don Juan
Jun 5, 2011
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There's a young guy I know who used to work for me that does very well picking up women. He would strike most people as alpha, that is until they see how women treat him once he starts a relationship with them. I went to his apartment one day and witnessed this girl (in front of other girls and myself) berate him, tell him to shut up and smacked him in the back of the head. I damn near bit my own tongue off trying not to say anything. To which his reply was- I'm sorry. I'll go get your cigarettes now.

Point is just because someone has a gf or wife doesn't make them anywhere near alpha.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 21, 2014
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I'd say that in one way or another, most men in relationships are settling and/or much less happy than they are letting on. They're just not unhappy enough or strong enough to do anything about it.

From the outside, you only get to see what they present to you. Denial runs high and deep.

Poon King

Nov 30, 2014
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There is nothing "alpha" about having a girlfriend or wife.

Being able to get into a relationship with a woman and have sex with a woman is not what makes a man alpha. What makes a man alpha is the degree he can live on his own terms and STILL get what he wants from the world and women.

Most men you see with girlfriends and wives are co-dependent faggot slaves who would cry if that woman left them. :crackup:


Aug 18, 2015
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Poon King said:
There is nothing "alpha" about having a girlfriend or wife.

Being able to get into a relationship with a woman and have sex with a woman is not what makes a man alpha. What makes a man alpha is the degree he can live on his own terms and STILL get what he wants from the world and women.

Most men you see with girlfriends and wives are co-dependent faggot slaves who would cry if that woman left them. :crackup:

Who says a man can't live on his own terms if he gets into a relationship with a woman? It's his own terms to get into the relationship in the first place. Who says he will "cry" if she does leave? Who says he then can't get another woman after that relationship?Who says he won't leave her or they leave each other if things don't work out?

What do you have against relationships with women? Do they hold that much power over you that you fear you won't have any power if you enter into a relationship with a woman? Do you see any relationship with a woman as a "power" struggle? If so then you are a weak person choosing the wrong women to begin with and or you've never been in a relationship period to be qualified to speak on them no less in generalizations.

Try to learn something for once.


Aug 18, 2015
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yannick43 said:
Shut up you faggot loser, you keep getting banned and you come here again and spread your crap good we frustrated you great even, now get over it faggot and stop coming back here to post :cheer: :cheer: , when are you going to learn you will get banned soon again and you will create another account, are you that deficit for attention you fat fvck. I really wish they do an ip ban on you so you could never ever come back. Now crawl back under that filthily rock you just came back and ask your mommy for ice cream you heard it suckaaaaa:crackup: :nervous: :nervous:
Why did my response to another poster get you so enraged?

You aren't willing to answer the questions I posed to the other poster yet instead only want to hear what you want to hear.

You have your own agenda on here son. You aren't fooling anyone.


Master Don Juan
Mar 27, 2015
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London, UK
OP- Learn the meaning of Alpha.

Speculator E

Master Don Juan
May 6, 2007
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Lozboss said:
OP- Learn the meaning of Alpha.
Which is? This goes back to my original post where I said there's no examples of what's alpha or beta being provided.


Master Don Juan
Mar 17, 2005
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Speculator E said:
So what are some examples of men behaving like betas and supplicating?
alpha/beta interactions are entirely about Relationship Dominance. Who decides what's for dinner? Who decides what movie we're going to see? Who decides when sex happens? Who makes the financial decisions?

Beta males permit their females to HAVE opinions, VOICE their opinions, and ACT on their opinions.

Alpha males control all the decision-making processes, and the submissive woman merely exists as a support structure. The woman has no say in anything at all, and she will ENJOY it that way.

Beta males consider submissive females (females without personal opinions and motives) to be BORING. Alpha males consider submissive females to be exactly what a woman should be. Beta males like dominant women that push the beta around. In an ideal alpha-subgirl relationship, the relationship power level is 100% male 0% female. In an ideal beta-domgirl relationship, the power level is 0% male 100% female.

Obviously, its not all 100-0; there is a continuum. Couples may be 70-30, 50/50, 30-70, etc. Full alphas are pushing for 100-0 all the time, and that is the mentality of


Master Don Juan
Dec 9, 2013
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prison/ said:
Just having a woman is not necessarily alpha. quite the contrary. alpha means "leader", and it's about 10% of men, at most, 20%. the rest are just betas
Wishful thinking with your percentages. More like 5-10%.


Master Don Juan
Mar 27, 2015
Reaction score
London, UK
Speculator E said:
Which is? This goes back to my original post where I said there's no examples of what's alpha or beta being provided.
Why don't you read 'the Rational Male' by Rollo Tomassi.

This is a massive subject to cover.

Your original post is stupid as you don't have a grasp of what the difference between being Alpha and Beta is.


Master Don Juan
Sep 2, 2013
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So according to PlayHer Man, if you're succeeding with keeping a woman around, that makes you beta. got it.

I agree that 70 - 80% of men my age are in a relationship. At work most of the men I know are married - very few guys who seem beta. And I know that the men who are married aren't getting stomped over by their wives. What they definitely aren't doing is trolling an internet board about how awful women are.

Yes there are many betas out there but that's just a sample size based on clubs and POF. There are many guys who don't rely on online dating and have skills with women.

If you're happy with your gf or wife it doesn't really matter if you're alpha or beta.

Poon King

Nov 30, 2014
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skinnyguy said:
So according to PlayHer Man, if you're succeeding with keeping a woman around, that makes you beta. got it.

I agree that 70 - 80% of men my age are in a relationship. At work most of the men I know are married - very few guys who seem beta. And I know that the men who are married aren't getting stomped over by their wives. What they definitely aren't doing is trolling an internet board about how awful women are.

Yes there are many betas out there but that's just a sample size based on clubs and POF. There are many guys who don't rely on online dating and have skills with women.

If you're happy with your gf or wife it doesn't really matter if you're alpha or beta.
YES.. there are many betas out there. YOU included. You are extremely beta and desperate. I know this based on your posting history.

With that said.. keeping a woman in a relationships does not make you beta. But it does not make you alpha either. Any loser can get a girlfriend. So if having a wife or girlfriend is something you would consider a "big deal" or some kind of accomplishment.. then you have no idea what it means to be a man.. much less an "alpha". :crackup: :crackup:


Aug 18, 2015
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Poon King said:
YES.. there are many betas out there. YOU included. You are extremely beta and desperate. I know this based on your posting history.

With that said.. keeping a woman in a relationships does not make you beta. But it does not make you alpha either. Any loser can get a girlfriend. So if having a wife or girlfriend is something you would consider a "big deal" or some kind of accomplishment.. then you have no idea what it means to be a man.. much less an "alpha". :crackup: :crackup:
And any loser can whine and complain online about what is and isn't "alpha" about being in a relationship with a woman. That same loser can gripe all he wants talking about how great it is to be on his own while constantly trying to bash any man who gets into a relationship with a woman.

If relationships weren't such a "big deal" to you you wouldn't be on this site railing against them for years under your various screen names because you choose not to be in one, can't be in one, fear one as a loss of all your "power" to a woman no less, and or have never been in one not qualifying yourself to whine and attempt to put down things others have achieved that you can't.

Why are you so against heterosexual relationships?

skinnyguy said:
So according to PlayHer Man, if you're succeeding with keeping a woman around, that makes you beta. got it.

I agree that 70 - 80% of men my age are in a relationship. At work most of the men I know are married - very few guys who seem beta. And I know that the men who are married aren't getting stomped over by their wives. What they definitely aren't doing is trolling an internet board about how awful women are.

Yes there are many betas out there but that's just a sample size based on clubs and POF. There are many guys who don't rely on online dating and have skills with women.

If you're happy with your gf or wife it doesn't really matter if you're alpha or beta.


Aug 19, 2015
Reaction score
Poon King said:
YES.. there are many betas out there. YOU included. You are extremely beta and desperate. I know this based on your posting history.

With that said.. keeping a woman in a relationships does not make you beta. But it does not make you alpha either. Any loser can get a girlfriend. So if having a wife or girlfriend is something you would consider a "big deal" or some kind of accomplishment.. then you have no idea what it means to be a man.. much less an "alpha". :crackup: :crackup:
You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Poon King again.

Poon King gets it.

The sad fact is there are many who don't 'get it'.

When you do 'get it' it will be a fvcking revelation.


Aug 18, 2015
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Reykhel said:
You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Poon King again.

Poon King gets it.

The sad fact is there are many who don't 'get it'.

When you do 'get it' it will be a fvcking revelation.
Did you cry when your relationship ended? You were powerless in your relationship with a woman? Have you ever even had a relationship with a woman?

We get it. Poon King is against heterosexual relationships. He doesn't want one. Congratulations. Poon King shouldn't be dependent on what other men choose to do with their lives. Poon has an unhealthy obsession about men who choose to live their lives with women in LTR's. If they want to be in a relationship with a woman they should. If Poon wants to be a single man and "free" for the rest of his life complaining about what everyone else who doesn't do exactly what he wants them to do that's his issue.

There are many men who live their life according to their own terms in a relationship with a woman. Men lead. Women follow. Poon complains, fears hetero relationships and women. Poon is angry at his own fears needing yes men to hold his hand in agreement. Like it or not. :yes:

Perfect example: Poon King AKA Burroughs neg reps from his two accounts and trolls himself projecting "trolling" on others because someone disagrees with him. Embarrassing.

Most Men are not Beta... 08-23-2015 04:25 PM Poon King Another troll account

Most Men are not Beta... 08-23-2015 02:25 PM Burroughs


Aug 19, 2015
Reaction score
BeenLaiden said:
Did you cry when your relationship ended? You were powerless in your relationship with a woman? Have you ever even had a relationship with a woman?

We get it. Poon King is against heterosexual relationships. He doesn't want one. Congratulations. Poon King shouldn't be dependent on what other men choose to do with their lives. Poon has an unhealthy obsession about men who choose to live their lives with women in LTR's. If they want to be in a relationship with a woman they should. If Poon wants to be a single man and "free" for the rest of his life complaining about what everyone else who doesn't do exactly what he wants them to do that's his issue.

There are many men who live their life according to their own terms in a relationship with a woman. Men lead. Women follow. Poon complains, fears hetero relationships and women. Poon is angry at his own fears needing yes men to hold his hand in agreement. Like it or not. :yes:

Perfect example: Poon King AKA Burroughs neg reps from his two accounts and trolls himself projecting "trolling" on others because someone disagrees with him. Embarrassing.

Most Men are not Beta... 08-23-2015 04:25 PM Poon King Another troll account

Most Men are not Beta... 08-23-2015 02:25 PM Burroughs
On this occasion I will placate you my delusional friend...

I've had 3 long term relationships. All good in fact.....I finished the last one due to our goals been completely different. Cool girl though. In fact I've nothing but love for her.....but that's just my philosophy. I don't get hung up on shvit..

However, my opinion about 'relationships' has changed. This is not due to being 'buthurt' or a hatred towards women. I just view relationships different and not something that i need...

thursday I twisted my back after working out and I'm on heavy pain killers: I couldn't really participate in my social circle (which is way more important to me than a fvcking 'relationship') but last night I wanted sex....I was in pain but i knew what I wanted and I knew where to get it and I knew how to get it....

so I fvc king went out, despite my back pain making me limp.....and I opened three sets.....three was all I needed before getting what I wanted...

I know what I want and I know who i am. and I know those that get it....

hint: you don't get it


Senior Don Juan
Feb 5, 2014
Reaction score
Speculator E said:
So what are some examples of men behaving betas and supplicating?
1.) Guy has a kid (his first) and moves in with a woman 10 years his senior and gets yelled at like a little child and takes it in total silence and submission.

2.) Guy marries his first and only girlfriend, has 3 kids and similar to number 1, gets berated like a child and responds with silent compliance.

3.) Guy gets serious with girl (attractive), says he's a "one woman man" and gets cheated on when this girl goes on vacation. She tells him about it (how thoughtful), he gets upset and tries to get revenge by getting head from an ugly chick at a club so he can tell her about it. She shames him (she's "disappointed" in him) and eventually leaves.

4.) Married couple who both work. Guy gets tired of performing ALL household chores, tells wife she needs to do her fair share. Argument ensues and guy determines it's better to concede and do everything himself than hold her accountable.

I've got many more that I've personally witnessed.


Master Don Juan
Dec 20, 2012
Reaction score
To counter Govens "beta points". Heres alpha:

1.) Unless your girl feels genuinely nervous when you travel alone or have been around other women, then you are doing it wrong. This is a sign she cares.

2.) If you are happy in your relationship, but have 2 or 3 other girls chasing you on the side, and actually feel indifferent if the girl eventually decides to leave you. Thats an alpha frame. Carefree, only accepting happy relationships, loves his women and is loved by the women around him.

3.) A man on his mission in life, following his purpose and letting girls come and go as they may. Never diverting or traveling away from your mission for a woman. She is on your team and wants to see you grow.

4.) A women is a very emotional creature, she will make mistakes and not know why. You are the mountain, her rock and never take her mood swings or emotional outbursts to heart. You simply are.

I think the optimal word here is love. A women feels and expresses love around an alpha and generally takes enjoyment caring for him and being part of his world. While the alpha, only selecting women who bring him happiness while on his journey. That sometimes means being single btw in the pursuit of happiness. The woman isnt the big deal or mission in your life. Merely an observer at the creation of a masterpiece....