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  1. O

    no sh1t, when you get in shape it all changes drammatically

    I don't think most people realise the dedication it takes to be "muscular". You might see a muscular guy and assume he's shallow, yet he's in that gym constantly pushing to be better he was than the last time he was there. How often do you guys who don't work out wake up and try and beat a...
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    I,m Feeling Suspicious About The New Girlfriend??

    I wouldnt be surprised if you picked a fight as 'payback' because you spent the build-up to the date stressing over the fact she doesn't give you the constant attention you crave. Maybe this girl wasn't on Whatsapp for a few hours because she's a grown-up with a life? Maybe when she arrived...
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    Ever have a girl call you perfect? Look at this fb chat.

    It means make sure she swallows & you dispose of your rubbers properly as she may later use your *** to impregnate herself and begin breeding her idea of a master race.
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    Ok so I got a models number last night....

    Although the ex thing is a huge red flag in terms of quality, it can be a great way to hook a girl if you're happy being the rebound. "Hey X it's dk from XBar. Are you free to grab a drink Thursday night, say 6pm? Unless your ex fancies cooking for us?" If she refuses the chance to have a...
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    Take Care of Yourself.

    Follow some age appropriate style blogs. As a start: -don't wear black leather shoes with jeans. -avoid bootcut jeans altogether
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    My gf wants me to call her every night

    You have completely missed the point. The key is not worrying if she's pissed off. If she has any kind of sane, genuine interest she's not going to be put off by her boyfriend having his own life. If she calls ignore it. When she texts you about it just say "what's up? I'm a bit busy at the...
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    My gf wants me to call her every night

    A high quality guy is too busy to speak on the phone every night. Doing so will demonstrate you are not high quality and eventually turn her off. Reasons you don't call every night: -Absence makes the heart grow fonder -Protect sense of mystery -It leaves interesting conversations to be had...
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    ****urgent**** need answer within 10 minutes!

    Well done OP! In these situations I tend to either say: "It's cute that you think you make the rules." (If she's fiery & talk is already sexual) "Easy there champ, I haven't decided if you're going to get in my pants yet." (If she's shy)
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    This is embarrassing but F^ck it. Thats what we are here for.

    Questions when sexting are dicey, they almost always can be subbed for "Can I please have sex with you?" A question suggests doubt and a DJ doesn't doubt he'll be having sex with his woman. You've managed to wrap your "epiphany" in telling us how great you are, that she wasn't that hot...
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    This is embarrassing but F^ck it. Thats what we are here for.

    I love the original play by her. She calls you a "player", not only making you bend over backwards to disprove it (giving her flowers, dinner, massages etc) but you refuse to see your own mistakes because in your head you're now a "player" and she's just a defenseless girl! The way she...
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    This is embarrassing but F^ck it. Thats what we are here for.

    You only over-analyse something when it is not intuitive. If you cannot describe something simply, chances are it is not intuitive. If this isn't intuitive, then it's because you are locked in a game and you are not (completely, at least) winning and because you don't KNOW (as opposed to think)...
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    This is embarrassing but F^ck it. Thats what we are here for.

    So she says she wants to hang out with you but then your lovely flowers turn up and she disappears off with her friends? Flake. She then resurfaces and plays games. Seems like things are exactly the same. You are probably making her work harder to keep things as they are though, so that...
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    This is embarrassing but F^ck it. Thats what we are here for.

    I'm genuinely rooting for you bro but be prepared that she may not see it as the grand gesture you intend. I suspect you'll be doing a lot of rationalizing in the hope of option 1 when really it's just option 3 with a flutter of her eyelashes. Like I say though I really hope it works out. Keep...
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    21 year old male model / tv star tops himself for "feeling alone"

    If only there were clinical trials, medical professionals, patient testimonies and the like, available at the touch of a button from a big digital library, that you could use to educate yourself. We can dream hey! Or can we? I've never actually seen somebody's dreams so maybe they're a made up...
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    This is embarrassing but F^ck it. Thats what we are here for.

    Because girls always treat guys better when they make themselves completely available... She's attracted to you BECAUSE you're a "player" dude. Girls like guys that get girls. You've decided she is girlfriend material. Any girl who considers a guy boyfriend material usually telegraphs it...
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    Authentic strength

    "OMG I was feeling sooooo tired and emotional but he was SUCH a good listener and we ended up having a really great connection. I'm so glad I can be myself around him." (What your story sounds like) A woman does not want to listen to your whining, you just happened to find a girl who...
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    When text frequency dies down

    Women have several "needs". Typically the boyfriend (if suitable) will fill these- sex, validation, dating, emotional support etc (I won't try and give a perfect list). When a girl is single she cannot get all of these from one place (the boyfriend), so she will mix and match. The effeminate...
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    Rate the first SI swimsuit plus size model

    Sports Illustrated isn't big here in the UK, so what I'm wondering is why is she in this when she doesn't look like she plays sport? Here's an idea- a sports publication that idolises fit, sporty people in the best condition they can be in.
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    Help me BANG this 19 year old and I will be forever grateful!

    "You sound worried that you missed your chance." If her response is either too coy or playing too hard to get I would bin her- just cut contact. This gives her an easy chance to move things along and lessens the chances of you wasting your time.
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    Trouble on the horizon....

    Great advice from the guys above. Just one point on this specifically: You do it by text. BUT- and it's an important detail- you are not finishing it, you are informing her that it's finished. I would go along the lines of: Hi *name*, I hope you're good. I've been thinking things...